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    loses frases de exemplo


    1. Kevin jerks the wheel and loses traction a bit before his car slides off the road

    2. He loses consciousness

    3. He loses consciousness as he hears the man barking military commands behind him

    4. doubt, the point where the prey loses its fear of those mesmerising eyes and runs for

    5. One never loses if he deals with people in loving

    6. This was the instant of doubt, the point where the prey loses its fear of those mesmerising eyes and runs for dear sanctuary, but in that instant when Lucy felt that she might regain control of her legs and speed back towards the light of town, the wolf slid the hood from his head

    7. She loses herself,

    8. But when a businessman loses his

    9. Honesty fights with sense, and sense loses, ‘Much the same as you, actually

    10. When you stop trying to push away and resist negativity it loses the very

    11. For what is a man advantaged, if he gains the whole world, and loses himself, or be cast

    12. The material almost works but he loses his audience through the diesel drone

    13. She loses us easily

    14. He loses sight of them as they collect cups, teaspoons and cartons of milk, which forces him to turn round to see where they are heading

    15. An outward semblance of humanity is restored and the old biddy on the till loses interest now that Billy has rejoined the ranks of the normal

    16. Ken gradually loses patience as Ted begins to lose the thread of stories but continues to take his drink on the strength of the stranger's money

    17. She appears in the kitchen doorway, carrying two mugs of tea and Jock visibly sags as the adrenalin coursing through his veins loses the fight with the sheer bloody fatigue that he feels in his bones

    18. “Told her to stop acting like a fool before she loses all her friends

    19. then it loses its power to f

    20. “If the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?” (Matt

    21. Gospel loses integrity with unbelievers, but there are preachers

    22. man is offhanded and loses in every case

    23. the expenses peculiar to a bank consist chiefly in two articles: first, in the expense of keeping at all times in its coffers, for answering the occasional demands of the holders of its notes, a large sum of money, of which it loses the interest; and, secondly, in the expense of replenishing those coffers as fast as they are emptied by answering such occasional demands

    24. Among all the absurd speculations that have been propagated concerning the balance of trade, it has never been pretended that either the country loses by its commerce with the town, or the town by that with the country which maintains it

    25. She loses her balance

    26. When two places trade with one another, this doctrine supposes that, if the balance be even, neither of them either loses or gains; but if it leans in any degree to one side, that one of them loses, and the other gains, in proportion to its declension from the exact equilibrium

    27. If, by not raising the price high enough, he discourages the consumption so little, that the supply of the season is likely to fall short of the consumption of the season, he not only loses a part of the profit which he might otherwise have made, but he exposes the people to suffer before the end of the season, instead of the hardships of a dearth, the dreadful horrors of a famine

    28. If he judges wrong in this, and if the price does not rise, he not only loses the whole profit of the stock which he employs in this manner, but a part of the stock itself, by the expense and loss which necessarily attend the storing and keeping of corn

    29. In his verses titled, “The Need to Win,” (see Chapter 12) he describes how an archer who needs to win loses power, but one who shoots for nothing (is not-doing) conserves his power

    30. The government, therefore, when it defrays the expense of coinage, not only incurs some small expense, but loses some small revenue which it might get by a proper duty; and neither the bank, nor any other private persons, are in the smallest degree benefited by this useless piece of public generosity

    31. The person who finally pays this tax, therefore, gains by the application more than he loses by the payment of it

    32. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible for a human creature to become

    33. The government neither gains nor loses by the additional tax, which is applied altogether to remedy the inequalities arising from the old assessment

    34. By this miserable policy, he does not, perhaps, always consult his own interest in the most effectual manner ; and he probably loses more by the diminution of his produce, than he saves by that of his tax

    35. What the revenue at present loses by drawbacks upon the re-exportation of foreign goods, which are afterwards re-landed and consumed at home, would, under this system, be saved altogether

    36. Thus, if a female cat loses its tail and then has kittens, they will be born without tails

    37. In the dialogue with darkness, an individual loses

    38. Remove from heat, and beat with a wooden spoon until the mixture is thick and loses its gloss

    39. Beat the fudge with a wooden spoon until it thickens and loses its gloss

    40. Increase to high speed once the syrup is in, and whip until the candy is stiff and loses its gloss

    41. (Public) Oratory and (Public) Action(s) cannot be separated lest a (Public) Servant loses credibility before the (Public) Eye

    42. All your "surge" does is to present more targets and the much increased chance that the common soldier loses his self-control and commit offences against the very population you wish to protect as we see in the newspapers is happening

    43. We have a joke in South Africa where a boy is asked by his teacher what would happen if he loses both ears? Great was his surprise when the kid answered he will be blind because his hat will fall over his eyes since his ears are not there to keep it up

    44. It bears mentioning that although boasting an impressive regular season won-loss record, Osborne‘s bowl record against ranked opponents was 9 (wins) and 13 (loses) including 7 loses in a row prior to winning his first national championship

    45. Spain still loses its territories to the US

    46. As soon as he loses his bearings, the compass isn’t much good anymore

    47. anger, they start to get used to it and it loses its effect and

    48. Really; it’s just a question of how much altitude it gains or loses as it climbs and dives

    49. Long story short, the dumb kid gets distracted, loses his balance and falls into this smelly, polluted, brown sludge

    50. in all the conduct of life, ever loses faith in the essential

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