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    lurid frases de exemplo


    1. The law made no distinction for the number of clones, but Ava would be huge in lurid gossip back in the League they left

    2. Every newspaper and every television programme ran special editions and lurid news flashes

    3. most lurid of our newspapers a story of tragedy and heartbreak

    4. special editions and lurid news flashes

    5. A Transit painted in the lurid colours of the God Squad

    6. The flames of those kilns lit the chamber with a lurid glow which spilled out into the khume beyond

    7. Her life, the whole past, writ large in lurid colours; the voices of everyone intimate or even pressing when she brought them to mind

    8. Upper Street, two lurid green peaks above the

    9. The light flashed in lurid bursts as the man spoke

    10. 'SPIDERMAN AND THE TRIP OF DEATH', it declared, in lurid green letters

    11. From time to time the wild scene was lit by lurid flashes from the horizon

    12. The stage act that everyone paid money to see was banned in Queensland, being classed as lurid

    13. in a lurid moment was reputed to have said, “All cats are the same in the dark

    14. Jason, of course, was unaware of the lurid lapses Bruce experienced during intimacies with Juliet

    15. They tested me by interviewing me over lunch during which they talked in a surprisingly matter of fact manner about the lurid and gross details of the client-kids’ injuries

    16. I peek out of my door to listen, and yes I hear them; the exaggerated tones and lurid laughs strangers do when they first meet

    17. Lurid stopped, listened, then howled, when the reply came back she knew who it was and when the breeze shifted she smelled him as well

    18. ” Just as the words left his mouth something big jumped him from behind, Amori let out a scream, Ryan rolled around for awhile with whatever it was then stood, scratching the creature behind the ears he said, “This is my closest friend Lurid,” The wolf bowed to them, “Sorry if I scared you,” She smiled at least Amori thought it was a smile, “I would probably be easier for you if I was in my human form

    19. ” Lurid looked at him questioningly

    20. ” Lurid looked at Amori, “It was said that one will be tested, tried beyond measure, but would prove themselves worthy of bearing the mark

    21. Making it to the temple before the sun set they walked in, Lurid dawned a robe since she was a Priestess

    22. Standing at the altar Lurid turned to look at Dryan, “What is it that you need?”

    23. Lurid nodded then turned back to the book, opening it she flipped through a few pages till she came to where she wanted then began the chant,

    24. “She is the first,” The Heavenly turned to face Lurid eyes shining brighter than the sun, “She believes she is alone but she has more help than she knows…”

    25. When Amori opened her eyes she was standing beside Cody looking up just as Lurid was turning around…

    26. Lurid opened her eyes, turning around to face the others

    27. Perhaps because he was at heart a puritan and therefore obsessed with sex, Sean had read a great deal about decadent societies and regaled me with lurid tales of debauchery

    28. Then suddenly I felt—anew—a feeling very old and rank: the heaviness of ignorance that levels from its gross domain what lurid, selfish, loveless thoughts it conjures up to keep souls down

    29. Zeno recounted everything in unnecessarily lurid detail in a spectacularly unsuccessful attempt to shock his parents

    30. It is a foul and lurid place I dimly saw by crescent moon, entangled in a web of trees appearing more like wizened claws

    31. memories of Aunty Mary, lurid and precious but I wasn’t able to keep her as the

    32. The lurid unearthly glow still hovered in the shadowy chamber, lighting ghostlily the dead face of Thugra Khotan, which seemed to grin mirthlessly and cavernously at them

    33. Terrific convulsions shook the earth; the nights were lurid with spouting volcanoes that fringed the dark horizons with red pillars

    34. The glow was more lurid, the head more vividly limned

    35. Over the arch burned a lurid red cresset, and beside the door squatted a warrior with spear and shield

    36. In the flickering light of the cresset his features were shadowy, but a pair of lambent eyes shone surprizingly in the lurid glow

    37. His profanity, as Balthus floundered after him, was lurid and impassioned

    38. The scales along his back and flanks turned from rusty brown to a dull lurid red

    39. Conan crouched in the black mouth of the tunnel, staring at the walls reflecting the lurid glow of the torches

    40. Conan's gaze, following the curve of the arch that swept away from the ledge on which they stood, caught a glint of light that was not the lurid phosphorus of the cavern

    41. 'It is the map of a world I do not know,' said Xaltotun softly, but Orastes did not miss the lurid fire of hate that flickered in his dark eyes

    42. The sun was setting; against a lurid red sky the two black figures fled

    43. A lurid nimbus played about his awful head

    44. He had performed his last scene, in the lurid melodrama of his life; and the curtain had fallen over his performance on the human stage

    45. I started into the LOTTO conspiracy and got through all the lurid details as well as all the recent happenings

    46. Even if it was only for depictions of outrageous characters in lurid colours

    47. The door was locked and bolted from the inside, barring any unwelcome visitors to the lurid crime scene, but the window in the parlour had been left unlatched, as if to invite the perpetrator of the crimes to once again make the daring journey into the lovely suite that had fallen victim to evil and treachery

    48. I’d settle for that,” Mysterieau said, oblivious to the effect of his lurid, over-lengthy, lavender costume

    49. As well as the bruise on his face he had another, bigger and more lurid, on

    50. bowing, winks and lurid jokes was the unstated

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