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    military action frases de exemplo

    military action

    1. She had no intention of any military action against him or anyone

    2. where it would be called for more military action later on

    3. To demand, as have had recent liberal commentators, including the President of the United States, that both the Palestinians and Israelis get over their arrogance, is not only to ignore history, but also to fail to distinguish between just and unjust military actions

    4. ‘But military action as a show of our strength in the face of US hostility is justified, morally – and constitutionally

    5. with shootings following military action

    6. commander the risks and benefits of military actions (and inactions) for seven hard years, he knew a pan-Indian revolt could cost the new nation a prohibitive $15 million / year

    7. They must be urged to avoid all hasty military action, and to strive to their utmost to maintain the peace, at least until our enemy is caught, or they could be manipulated to their destruction

    8. “We want to advise all citizens that there will be military actions being carried out in many cities, and that everyone should remain in their homes

    9. Utayatu had studied the Veiled and the Taelrok’s military actions for countless years

    10. Armed with this information, the EADUN Directive, the global strategy for survival, was in theory being directed for the common good; however, each major power had firewalled their own defence system in order to retain the ability to direct independent military action

    11. Then, when your children were mostly grown, to go back to military action stunned women all over the Federation

    12. “Honored Guests, Academy Faculty, Cadets, Ladies and Gentlemen, the cadets you see before you have participated in a military action that many of us here at the Academy believe should have failed

    13. To take the present Iranian-Israeli conflict, for example, talks of possible military action went on for months before Israeli planes struck Iranian nuclear facilities

    14. ‘This was broken by police-military action at substantial cost and considerable loss of life

    15. Please tell your respective governments to return to diplomacy rather than continue using military action

    16. Also, we should call a spade a spade and be ready to tell the Chinese to stop harboring the Vietminh, on pain of direct military actions against them

    17. Thirdly, the United States Joint Task Force in Indochina will continue to restrict its military actions to fighting off the Chinese and Soviet forces representing a threat to Indochina

    18. Laos in 1940, along with Japan’s alliance with Germany and Italy and the overtly offensive nature of its military actions caused the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Netherlands to place a trade embargo on Japan and freeze its assets

    19. The line of ZTA arguments in this matter was that if Government of Zulimistan was really right in its policies and past military actions then people should be apprised of all facts and actions should be justified so that people are justified and appeared to believe that whatever government did was done in national interests and for people comforts and government policies and proceedings were not to show hegemony at all

    20. 5… That all military actions of Zulimistan in foreign lands causing infliction of cruelties and killings of thousands persons, and acts of terrorism in the name of fight against terrorism in foreign countries including Karaq, Kafaghanistan and Kaveitnam should be part of judicial trials and fully justified in the higher courts

    21. Fernand followed her inside and went upstairs to equip himself for possible military action

    22. What they mean is that if the Syrian government uses chemical weapons, they will have crossed the red line, diplomacy will have come to an end, and military action will follow

    23. In the week when the UK Government failed to secure the agreement of Parliament to take military action against the use of chemical weapons in Syria, I read about an interesting phenomenon which might help explain this failure, and which should worry President Obama who remarkably has gone for the same high-risk strategy, in his case asking Congress before taking military action

    24. Still, the threat of preemptive military action that could

    25. sheep opened the door for our military action in Vietnam

    26. In the hours leading up to the American assault, Thatcher attempted to phone the president to warn him against military action but was told he was unavailable

    27. In practice, however, the French didn’t want to take action without Britain, and the British didn’t want to take military action

    28. It is understandable that a theory of their ‘genius’ was invented for them long ago because they have power! The success of a military action depends not on them, but on the man in the ranks who shouts, ‘We are lost!’ or who shouts, ‘Hurrah!’ And only in the ranks can one serve with assurance of being useful

    29. Some feats of arms were serious; the taking of the Trocadero, among others, was a fine military action; but after all, we repeat, the trumpets of this war give back a cracked sound, the whole effect was suspicious; history approves of France for making a difficulty about accepting this false triumph

    30. "Military action cannot begin sooner than a month after the declaration of war

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