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    mortar frases de exemplo





    1. Flowers: Pick flowers, allow to dry on solar tray then grind into powder with mortar, place into panty hose and allow to soak for 24 hrs

    2. The shadows cast by brick and mortar

    3. The mortar is picked clean of moss,

    4. canals of mortar, marks the spot where he is buried

    5. the sound of crumbling mortar falls

    6. He tried to look at the black instead of the dust motes and he saw a rhythm in it, something like the billow of clouds or maybe rough building stone with the points of light being the mortar between them

    7. There are a few small cities, and at least a thousand villages, with more brick, stone and mortar than you see in the lands of Zhlindu, but as much of the vine growing on it

    8. Great cracks ran thru the mortar and they were eroded and stalactited enough that they might be that old

    9. Instead, the creator of this wall placed jagged edges against smooth ones, large boulders atop small stones, and fit them together, filling his gaps and seams, with massive amounts of mortar

    10. Mortar flaked and crumbled from his touch

    11. they’re full, grab a staff and help mix the mortar

    12. All of the doors and windows were sealed, covered over with boards or filled in with stone and mortar

    13. crumbling masonry and gaps in places where the mortar

    14. Bonding new concrete to old one and new mortar to old one Drainpipes, floors of chemical plants, mortars for acid resistant Anticorrosive

    15. Providing of required workability of mortar mixtures without segregation can be reached by adding of plastizing admixtures and fillers

    16. A musket is a more expensive machine than a javelin or a bow and arrows; a cannon or a mortar, than a balista or a catapulta

    17. The cannon and the mortar are not only much dearer, but much heavier machines than the balista or catapulta; and require a greater expense, not only to prepare them for the field, but to carry them to it

    18. “I heard that there were casualties amongst the York & Lanc’s in the reserve trench it was hit by a ‘Flying Pig’ (a trench mortar) nasty bloody things they are

    19. ” Fred rushed off to tell the mortar crew and I watched through the eye holes of the plate as the ‘Pumpkins’ (trench mortars) dropped onto the limber throwing earth and mud up into the air and no doubt parts of the Hun sniper as well

    20. If you spot one call down a couple of trench mortar rounds onto him don’t bother about having a duel with him do it my way and you might just survive

    21. “The thing is lad if you miss your shot he then has a clear go at you and believe you me he will not miss now with the mortar rounds there is very little chance of missing and even if they do your position is not compromised

    22. A few days later Bert and I were picked for a working party to go up and mend a communications trench that had been blown in by an ‘Oil Can’ (large trench mortar shell)

    23. We ducked down as a large explosion and a plume of black smoke rose up into the air and a ‘Jack Johnson’ (trench mortar shell) landed on the part of the trench that they had just reached

    24. “There is no way any decent sniper would hide there its too obvious and would just be asking to be stonked by a mortar

    25. Things were beginning to hot up now on the ‘Shooting Gallery’ (front line) as the Germans stepped up there artillery fire and we also had a lot of ‘Flying Pigs’, ‘Rum Jar’s’ (trench mortar rounds) and ‘Obus’ (howitzer rounds) coming over

    26. Shortly afterwards an armed guard arrived and escorted the prisoners to another stone building where the stones had been rounded by the weather and the mortar had receded into the cracks

    27. At chest level on the left side, she found a crease in the mortar that depressed when touched

    28. His boots ground into her muscles like a pestle working the bottom of a mortar

    29. Once a fire work display was held at the local rugby stadium and we received many calls, more than 100, that mortar bombs are exploding in that vicinity

    30. “God’s teeth, Kay,” he reprimanded as he ground a poultice in a mortar on a nearby table

    31. In Mozambique we find a new tendency where building plans are submitted showing a very nice brick and mortar development

    32. As such it is approved (and must be signed by a local architect by law) but when inspection comes (and it always does) they find building much cheaper than brick and mortar

    33. Bear figured that the mortar holding the bars into the stone wall would have been a weak cement mix, because it had been built by convicts

    34. ’ They had brick for stone and they had asphalt for mortar

    35. This is shredded green papaya pounded in a mortar with chillies, peanuts, lemon juice, fish sauce and other ingredients which vary regionally

    36. Unless you like explosive food it’s best to ask for no chilli as the mortar will already have enough ingrained in it from previous mixtures

    37. ’ They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar

    38. picture window it revealed the state of Denoras outside as the brick and mortar

    39. Though you should squash the fool in the mortar among wheat with a pestle, yet his foolishness will not depart from him

    40. shall come on princes as on mortar, and as the potter treads clay

    41. and one built up a wall, and note, others daubed it with untempered mortar: 11 Say to those who daub it with untempered mortar that

    42. 14 So will I break down the wall that you have daubed with untempered mortar, and bring it

    43. mortar, and will say to you, The wall is no more, neither those who daubed it; 16 That is, the prophets of Israel who prophesy

    44. daubed them with untempered mortar, seeing vanity, and divining lies to them, saying, so says the Lord God, when the Lord has not

    45. The place was strangely cold, strangely because the coldness that a structure of stone radiates is quite peculiar to a person living in an urban Indian city, used to brick and mortar

    46. A spice machine may be used instead of the mortar, but in that case the tumeric should b

    47. 27 And when they were building they built themselves a great city and a very high and strong tower; and on account of its height the mortar and bricks did not reach the builders in their ascent to it, until those who went up had completed a full year, and after that, they reached to the builders and gave them the mortar and the bricks; so was it done daily

    48. 58 And Abraham approached to build the altar in that place, and Abraham was weeping, and Isaac took stones and mortar until they had finished building the altar

    49. 36 And the Egyptians embittered the lives of the children of Israel with hard work, in mortar and bricks, and also in all manner of work in the field

    50. 18 And the task-masters prevailed over Israel, that the Israelites should place their children in the building, so that a man placed his son in the wall and put mortar over him, while his eyes wept over him, and his tears ran down on his child

    1. " The front door was framed in mortared stone and hard to enlarge

    2. When he got up, Carl had mortared the second and was lowering it hand over hand

    3. of the blocks were mortared into place but one seemed to

    4. The vault was constructed in the same way as the rest of the church, of stones mortared together, except that ceiling stones were very thin and light

    5. “Finally, I would remove the water from inside by bucket, exposing the river bed, and build a mortared stone

    6. The foundations were made of the same stone as the rest of the church, laid in mortared courses, but less carefully trimmed, as they would not be visible

    7. He remembers the cramped restaurants with leaded windows and linenfold paneling where his parents took them to dinner; and the corsairs’ villas with scalloped friezes and Doric columns and gold coins mortared inside the walls; the storefronts of gunsmiths and shipmasters and money changers and hostelers; the graffiti Henri used to scratch into the stones of ramparts, I cannot wait to leave, fuck this place

    8. And the relatives, including Aunt Rose, and the boarders, their teeth deliciously mortared together at this moment, faced a terrible dilemma

    9. Popcorn mortared their teeth, and green jelly showed in their sucking, blowing nostrils

    10. There had been other Octobers and when he thought of the long winter he had been filled with horror year after year to think of the endless months mortared into the house by an insane fall of snow, trapped with a woman and child, neither of whom loved him, for months on end

    11. He shoved the last brick into place and mortared it tight

    1. I just covered it with a stretch of cloth and left it next to the plaster sacks and mortaring equipment against the wall

    2. The enemy started mortaring our position from the sea and the surrounding marshland

    3. The mortaring was not precise, but they knew our approximate location

    1. Technical application areas of mortars and concrete modified by latex (according to I

    2. Mortars for adhesion of finishing, heat-insulating and other Binding compositions

    3. Bonding new concrete to old one and new mortar to old one Drainpipes, floors of chemical plants, mortars for acid resistant Anticorrosive

    4. Polymer concrete and mortars have improved finishing properties and raised adhesion to different bases

    5. Polymer cement mortars are used also for adhesion of different facing materials, plasters and facade decorations


    7. Mortars are composite heterogeneous materials which differ from concrete only by absence of coarse aggregate and poured as a rule on the basis with thin layer

    8. Basic properties of mortars are workability and water-retaining capacity

    9. At water drawoff by porous base in the mortars with different C/W, strength of mortars (R ) can be calculated as follows:

    10. Composites of mortars are selected by tables or calculation and specified by experimental way in the context of specific materials

    11. Strength increase of masonry mortars at cold-weather construction can be provided by adding of a series of chemical admixture

    12. In the end it was that bad one of the trench mortars lobbed a couple of shells in their direction after this there was blessed silence although the Germans retaliated for quite a while after

    13. ” Fred rushed off to tell the mortar crew and I watched through the eye holes of the plate as the ‘Pumpkins’ (trench mortars) dropped onto the limber throwing earth and mud up into the air and no doubt parts of the Hun sniper as well

    14. With the thumps of another volley of outgoing mortars, I smiled at the likeness of stomping the devil back down to Hell

    15. Owing to the unaccountable delay in road-making during the dry days and the subsequent employment of improper measures in repairing washouts and ruts with brushwood and sand, to withstand the periodic downpours, even the light mortars could not be brought to the front before July 9th, and not one of the siege guns was landed

    16. Without siege-guns or mortars, Shafter was unable to follow up his ultimatum, and his strategy gained nothing apart from rendering thousands of women and children homeless

    17. The mortars threw bombs, rather ineffectually, against the hillside leading to the city, and the field guns did little damage

    18. Each one said he was an ex-conscript and knows the sound of mortars and explosives from his time in the Army

    19. There were shooting ranges for rifles & pistols as well as mortars and air-strikes

    20. They even designed their mortars (and other ammo) to be a few millimetres larger than the NATO ones so that they could use NATO ammunitions but NATO could not use theirs for it was too big

    21. SAP COIN did have mortars, and no, it was never fired from inside a Casspir, as I read the other day on the Internet

    22. the Rhodesians had specially built Unimogs for that and the Army a Ratel IFV converted to fire mortars but never Casspirs

    23. The mortars fired high-explosive, WP and illuminating rounds to great effect and many were trained in their use

    24. I've still got a couple of mortars left from last New Year's Eve that should be pretty spectacular”

    25. Not knowing where, or how high, the helicopter was, Bear picked up one of Kato's mortars that was to be part of the midnight fireworks

    26. The team had sounded out external security measures, determined the internal layout and positions of defenses, ammo storage, airplane positioning, and officer bunkers in order to determine where to place the aiming stakes and position the rockets and mortars

    27. He heard the mortars of the Bien Hoa attack and saw Harold Rawson run out with the satchel charge

    28. They’re useless against assault rifles and mortars

    29. This gift included light weapons, land mines, automatic rifles, handguns, mortars, plus anti-tank and hand grenades

    30. He is in command of a support company of heavy machine guns, mortars and two static anti tank guns


    32. They were now in a standoff, with the Anglo-Canadians unable to retake the airfield and the Germans unable to use it as long as the Canadians’ mortars were within range of it

    33. “The Germans have started firing randomly with mortars on the Ghetto

    34. Three mortars are firing from this park near the Vistula River

    35. “How could you locate these mortars so quickly? Do you have some of your machines observing them?”

    36. We tracked down these mortars by tracing the trajectories of their bombs back to their point of origin

    37. “TROJAN Team, this is TEEN TEAM: the mortars are now out of action for good

    38. We will be permitted to keep our anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns and our mortars but no other heavy weapons

    39. These include submarines, warships larger than destroyers, bomber aircraft, artillery weapons other than mortars and anti-tank guns, ground-to-ground missiles, tanks and self-propelled artillery guns

    40. We have been pounding the enemy with our mortars and howitzers but, with the thick jungle foliage and the cover of the night, the situation is confused as hell right now and the Japanese have started infiltrating our lines by small groups, both to the East and West of Edson’s Ridge

    41. ����������� �The first twenty soldiers on each side of me will advance with me and take out those mortars

    42. � To make it worse, his own mortars had stopped firing for some unknown reason

    43. to us by a group of jihadi’s with mortars, RPG’s, machine guns, and the will to die ‘ just because’

    44. with high-powered military arms - including mortars, twin-mounted anti-aircraft weapons on

    45. He then grabbed a second field telephone and called his battalion mortars

    46. That first assault wave, despite spirited small arms fire and support from the battalion’s mortars, was now less than a hundred meters from the wire perimeter of the American positions

    47. That delay made our helicopter an easier target for the enemy, who then managed to disable it with mortars and machine guns

    48. The enemy then forced her hand when about a hundred soldiers carrying a few light mortars started climbing laboriously the north slope of her hill, slipping in the mud created by the heavy rain

    49. The enemy commander did his best to cover their retreat by using his mortars and self-propelled howitzers, but did not have his T-34 tanks open fire

    50. As a consequence, only the 1st Infantry Battalion (Airborne) and part of the 2nd Infantry Battalion, plus the heavy 120mm mortars of the Airborne Artillery Battalion, would participate in the operation

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    howitzer mortar trench mortar glue cement epoxy grout