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    1. Hate cannot obstruct love

    2. The exclusive privileges of corporations obstruct it from one

    3. roughly as she tried to obstruct him, and slapped the child

    4. Were the Americans, either by combination, or by any other sort of violence, to stop the importation of European manufactures, and, by thus giving a monopoly to such of their own countrymen as could manufacture the like goods, divert any considerable part of their capital into this employment, they would retard, instead of accelerating, the further increase in the value of their annual produce, and would obstruct, instead of promoting, the progress of their country towards real wealth and greatness

    5. Avarice and injustice are always short-sighted, and they did not foresee how much this regulation must obstruct improvement, and thereby hurt, in the long-run, the real interest of the landlord

    6. gentlemen, on the contrary, are generally disposed rather to promote, than to obstruct, the cultivation and improvement of their neighbours farms and estates

    7. He says, if things in the outside world obstruct you, you should learn to ignore them

    8. But the declension of the naval power of this latter nation, in consequence of the defeat or miscarriage of what they called their invincible armada, which happened towards the end of the sixteenth century, put it out of their power to obstruct any longer the settlements of the other European nations

    9. As it would very much facilitate the operations of that army against a foreign invader; so it would obstruct them as much, if unfortunately they should ever be directed against the constitution of the state

    10. With their assistance, it was enabled, though not without great difficulty, and much bloodshed, either to suppress altogether, or to obstruct very much, the progress of the reformation in their dominions

    11. Secondly, it may obstruct the industry of the people, and discourage them from applying to certain branches of business which might give maintenance and employment to great multitudes

    12. It does not obstruct the industry of the people; it subjects the landlord to no other inconveniency besides the unavoidable one of paying the tax

    13. When such duties are imposed, not according to the bulk or weight, but according to the supposed value of the goods, they become properly a sort of inland customs or excise, which obstruct very much the most important of all branches of commerce, the interior commerce of the country

    14. Voice synthesized as if to convey menace, he said, ‘You know why I'm here; do not try to obstruct me

    15. The ball floated level with his right shoulder, within eyesight but constantly moving so as not to obstruct his vision

    16. this can obstruct the plain meaning of the passage being read or studied

    17. are, whether your mind trusts or not; would doubt obstruct the

    18. Instead of helping, they obstruct

    19. The conservative-minded would obstruct progress

    20. They probably will not try to obstruct what you do either, and I think that house and barn mice may even accept bribes and could be useful that way

    21. We will neither obstruct you nor will we help you

    22. Dalip and Aman tried to obstruct the other officers from shooting at the car

    23. They parked the car at the large entrance, covered the car with petrol and set the car on fire to obstruct the Police entry and ran to the ship

    24. her or to obstruct her concentration

    25. "Critical turning-points in history are reached when a form of life and its institutions cramp and obstruct the most vigorous productive forces alive in a society - economic, social, artistic, intellectual - and it is worn out in resisting them

    26. Maynwaring, just as you tried to obstruct her brother, the councilman

    27. sand orbit and obstruct its vision

    28. kind of religion could obstruct the minds of men and

    29. So you find that through the Bible it tells us very clearly, demons try to obstruct things on the way, but you and I have been given authority to deal with it, so demons are not a problem

    30. you the walls of the arteries and that could potentially obstruct the delivery of blood to the heart

    31. This causes the shield to rotate and obstruct the beams reflected by 13 so they cannot fall on the cylinder 8

    32. says that birth or caste, place or time do not obstruct the path of Samskaras

    33. The gravest offenders in this respect are lust, wrath, avarice, and inordinate attachment which obstruct one’s realization of the Self

    34. They obstruct the seeker of truth by launching a

    35. that obstruct the smooth flow of righteous impulses such as wisdom,

    36. They obstruct the

    37. All he could do was watch the zombie vampires crowd around and obstruct his view of the room

    38. that it does not obstruct objects – if there is space in a room we

    39. He knew his little girl well enough to be sure she would relinquish church and white satin without a murmur at his request, but she might want to tell her aunt of the marriage's imminence, and then the aunt would, to a dead certainty, obstruct, and either induce her to wait till the year was out, or, if Lucy refused to do this, make her miserable with doubts as to whether she had been right to follow her lover's wishes

    40. It was high in the sky without a single cloud to obstruct the rays and the Dead Place was once more shimmering

    41. The lawn was gently manicured and a weeping willow graced the front yard; healthy green ivy clung to the walls of the house but were kept trimmed back so as not to interfere with the natural wood stained shutters or obstruct the spotlessly clean windows

    42. some of the filters, deliberate or structural, that skew or obstruct the messages that certain

    43. He did not want to obstruct her flow of thoughts by

    44. hiring employees who will obstruct his success

    45. to high levels of estrogen leading to heavy bleeding and obstruct the cervical

    46. they will be is remove, as they may obstruct the fertility processes

    47. It is designed to ignore all bodies around it and under it, and travel in only one direction: regardless of the obstacles that may obstruct its path

    48. Sand dance with the rushing and whirling waters of river but it does not obstruct or stop the flow of river

    49. She hauled them, threw them on the back seat and told me to sit on her side where the steering wheel would not obstruct us

    50. What Princep actually said what that he was doing away with those who obstruct evil … plus, he was also doing away with those who do evil

    1. She physically obstructed him

    2. back the hair from her neck, either because the locks obstructed his vision, or

    3. To Emily's right, the forest exploded as a massive buck burst from the woods, his rack of horns smashing aside anything that obstructed his path

    4. obstructed by corporation laws

    5. Its beneficial influence, however, has been much obstructed by entails ; the heirs of entail being generally restrained from letting leases for any long term of years, frequently for more than one year

    6. It has already been observed in what manner the prohibition of the exportation of corn, together with some encouragement given to the importation of foreign corn, obstructed the cultivation of ancient Italy, naturally the most fertile country in Europe, and at that time the seat of the greatest empire in the world

    7. It then became necessary to say something about the beneficial effects of foreign trade, and the manner in which those effects were obstructed by the laws as they then stood

    8. It is the interest of every society, that things of this kind should never either he forced or obstructed

    9. It obstructed not only that division in the employment of stock which is so advantageous to every society, but it obstructed likewise the improvement and cultivation of the land

    10. This law, therefore, necessarily obstructed the improvement of the land, and, instead of tending to render corn cheaper, must have tended to render it scarcer, and therefore dearer, than it would otherwise have been

    11. The improvement, might, perhaps, have been greater if the price had been better; but the lowness of price, though it may have obstructed, yet certainly it has not altogether prevented that improvement

    12. He was carried off through the door just as if this was some routine procedure: unencumbered or obstructed by anyone at the base

    13. With the help of mirrors (See image below) you can divert laser on different angles in room in such a way that finally the light must reach to this sensor, If any of the laser path is obstructed by anybody, The alarm will sound

    14. Lying on my bed across from her, against the other window, a short length of wall obstructed my view of the sleeping lady

    15. First, to say that the reason for these acts is obstructed or hidden is not true

    16. obstructed by the ‘I-am-the-body’, idea

    17. and now, but your vision is obstructed by your false ideas about

    18. Here in the paper, I want to elaborate some of the key issues that have obstructed

    19. gadgets were shoved in the corners obstructed from view via

    20. “I regret to say that we of the FBI are powerless to act in cases of oral-genital intimacy, unless it has in some way obstructed interstate commerce

    21. As he could not see what the driver was doing because the van obstructed his view he moved forward again to a position where he should have been able to see the driver but to his surprise there did not seem to be anyone in the front seat

    22. snore), inflammation and obstructed nasal airways

    23. The truck obstructed and protected our entrance

    24. Without further ado, I took the helpless creature and climbing the stairs I shed it in the orange patio; but after that I had my regrets, considering the storm which had unleashed on the outskirts and portentous rays and sparks that gave light to the night face; but at the end I was happy thinking that the frog would not be obstructed for these small inconveniences; taking into account that had saved his life and still retained all of his limbs

    25. We were happy, until that dark night, a thousand years ago, when, out enjoying a walk, holding hands, we were obstructed by a Stargazer—a scout and guard—sent to find us, possibly leaving the planet right after us, in pursuit

    26. As a further precaution, most of the entrances to the Nile had been obstructed with hulks and debris to hamper any vessels attempting to use the waterways

    27. ” The positions the four small ships took completely obstructed the path the ships attempting to head off the comet would need to take

    28. First, to say that the reason is obstructed or hidden is not true

    29. obstructed; eggs cannot reach the uterus therefore preventing

    30. There were several other official-looking men seated in the room as they spoke to this older man who seemed in a position of power, and though they all looked vaguely familiar, the scene was clouded by a grey mist that obstructed the distinct facial features of the people and prevented her from clearly identifying them

    31. � All of these objectives were either completely destroyed or heavily damaged, with the ports of Hamburg and Bremen in particular being obstructed by numerous sunken ships

    32. ” He pointed in the right direction where Derek was still obstructed by the group of people, making it evident that he could not see his visitor

    33. The view looking out is as obstructed as looking in, but he chooses not to tear them down since they mask his activities inside as well

    34. thick patch of cane and willow obstructed her actual view, but she could tell that

    35. pleted anger subsides, but when desire is obstructed anger reappears

    36. Those who are undergoing a stressful situation such as facing traffic congestion, emergencies, pregnant mothers who are experiencing labor pains and about to deliver, meeting deadlines, ensuring a smooth operations , suffer demotion or being fired by boss and others need to pursue relaxation training in order to have a clear mind and not be obstructed by hasty and regretful decisions

    37. Surely love obstructed mainly everything in the mind, but

    38. intersected as if it had never obstructed it

    39. Since our Master Adam had no thought, he forget God's Command and ate so that his spirit got to inside and his approaching towards Al'lah became obstructed

    40. His extended hand enters her obstructed view

    41. When something is obstructed or goes wrong, then subtle desires manifest and cause anger

    42. Similarly, the soul has infinite powers and qualities, but they are obstructed by this karma

    43. Tussie tried to make amends for having obstructed her plans by exerting himself to the utmost to entertain the children as far as decorum allowed

    44. A few years back, cars were able to pass through but now wooden hand carts with diverse merchandise appropriated street and pavement and together with the dense humanity and strewn rubbish obstructed even the circulation of pedestrians

    45. this awareness, all other practices are obstructed

    46. eternal forests of small clustering trees, obstructed the circulation of air, and embarrassed the path, without gratifying the eye of taste

    47. The whole of Lucy's behaviour in the affair, and the prosperity which crowned it, therefore, may be held forth as a most encouraging instance of what an earnest, an unceasing attention to self-interest, however its progress may be apparently obstructed, will do in securing every advantage of fortune, with no other sacrifice than that of time and conscience

    48. could have obstructed some views

    49. The Torres Strait is about thirty–four leagues wide, but it's obstructed by an incalculable number of islands, islets, breakers, and rocks that make it nearly impossible to navigate

    50. After crossing through a moderately dense thicket, we again found some plains obstructed by bushes

    1. and if that’s not enough, for obstructing the lawful

    2. knees covering her breasts, and her legs and feet obstructing the view of what Max

    3. obstructing the free circulation of labour and stock, both from employment to employment,

    4. Thirdly, the policy of Europe, by obstructing the free circulation of labour and stock, both

    5. There is a barrier obstructing your progress

    6. ‘You are obstructing me from what I have to do, so

    7. The white troops were respectfully standing in a line behind the officers to witness the proceedings, but the native carriers, with less deference, clustered round the Staff, obstructing the view of the soldiers behind

    8. "Look pal," he replied in a low growl, "any more out of you and I'll do the both of you for obstructing the police, speeding, dangerous driving, wasting police time and anything else that I can think of

    9. obstructing progress on the main Cumly to Barton Road

    10. Cheney also devoted an enormous amount of time to pushing for a pardon for Scooter Libby, a staff member convicted of perjury and obstructing the investigation of a leak exposing the identity of a CIA agent

    11. The harem pants were obstructing my view

    12. The big man with the black beard, obstructing the busy exit, while the mob streaming from the door struggled for a way around him and his bag, was a sight to see

    13. He then walked onto the beach in the hope of seeing a jetty where the Caroline might be tied, but the land came to a point and there were rock outcroppings obstructing sight

    14. As I strolled in the darkness, I looked up at the full moon obstructing the stars view of the planet tonight

    15. Jane Dee Hull flatly blamed ―greenies‖ for obstructing work to clean up national forests which led to burning half a million acres of Arizona forests

    16. There are times when we feel the spirit getting in the way, obstructing our fleshly progress in the world, and we are tempted to cast aside the spiritual

    17. Clearly, he was enroute to tear out the throat of the obstructing colonel to get at his tormentor with the flash camera whose own face started to get a bit white

    18. The next call was at the Taxation Department where a junior clerk tried to give Michael a hard time until it was pointed out that he was obstructing a murder investigation and could himself be charged if necessary

    19. It was hard to get a good view of the figure at first because of all the plantlife obstructing his view, but as he moved closer he became certain of who it was

    20. This can cause the fluid in the eyes to be acidic to where eye matter is eaten away by the acid and then small swirls and fragments seem to float into the fluid obstructing vision

    21. If business arrangements cannot be made they call in the “jackals” to kill the obstructing leader

    22. His strong mouth, covered with a shadow cast by a palm leaf obstructing the sconce above the sofa, was poised steadily in preparation for the rest of his explanation

    23. “Or would they believe the Russians are the enemy again? I mean, the public is already skeptical with the Russians obstructing sanctions on Iran

    24. "GUDDAMMIT TO HELL!! You mean you were married to him, and the other day when I said we'd be putting out an APB, you didn't speak up? Didn't it occur to you that you might have some useful information? Like where his family is? I've never seen such a bunch for obstructing justice!"

    25. away at the sand obstructing its vision

    26. In a voice that is surprisingly clinical Loki says, “You’re going to feel my hand on your thigh; it’s the best place for me to touch you without obstructing your ability to drive

    27. How can this spirit draw nearer to the Almighty Al'lah while its yearning has become very influential with and fully controlled over it till it (its yearning) stood as an obstructing block and a veiling screen between this spirit and its Creator?

    28. llegue: I have emended llegué (which I believe Esproncedadid not intend on account of the "obstructing syllable" which thataccentuation would give to the verse) to llegue

    29. accepting any adverse conditions obstructing our practice of

    30. of obstructing justice, abusing presidential power, and refusing to obey subpoenas by the

    31. When they looked on the monitor, the door to the chapel was closed, obstructing the cameras view

    32. Our displeasure with the Drongs in this case is not for having been responsible for bringing the items to the maze, but for obstructing us in our duty to care for them

    33. sperm in men and obstructing the normal ovulation in women

    34. dysfunction in men and obstructing natural process of ovulation

    35. It is just our idea about our body that is obstructing us to conceive the fact that dress is an imposition and not a part of our body

    36. The only thing that is veiling and obstructing our encounter with this knowledge is thinking

    37. The Archduke and his family were not guilt free of evil… however what is NOT mentioned is the fact that the evil which they were guilty of was ONE BILLIONTH the amount ot evil THEY WERE ACTUALLY OBSTRUCTING

    38. In killing Archduke Ferdinand and his loving wife and their love-baby growing happily inside his mothers healthy womb: that sick, diseased boy did away with the most powerful force for GOOD in Europe that was OBSTRUCTING EVIL

    39. One of the most notable examples is arthritis, which damages the joints and causes severe pain while obstructing movement

    40. On the contrary, you'll have to answer, gentlemen, for violently obstructing the course of justice

    41. But what is there to prevent those doors to be fitted so as to move upwards, or horizontally, or slantwise? In which case they would go through the obstructing layer of coal as easily as a knife goes through butter

    42. charge for obstructing the thoroughfare with his brooms and ladders

    43. I’D BEEN INSIDE the pool house for only a couple of minutes, and in another two or three, I was going to be obstructing justice

    44. “You’re obstructing the footpath

    45. You are obstructing the footpath and causing a public nuisance

    46. Strictly speaking, he was the one who was obstructing the path of my foot, but he could obviously see from the look in my eye that I was simply not prepared to walk away

    47. pilgrimages, and the river was obstructing their path, and the ferryman's job was to get them quickly across that obstacle

    48. Let any obstructing cause, no matter what, be removed in any way, even by death, and we fly back to first principles of hope and enjoyment

    49. They would have moved anything obstructing their line of retreat

    50. Terkoz had a dozen knife wounds on head and breast, and Tarzan was torn and bleeding—his scalp in one place half torn from his head so that a great piece hung down over one eye, obstructing his vision

    1. The difficulty of obtaining settlements obstructs even that of

    2. Whatever either promotes or obstructs the one, necessarily promotes or obstructs the other

    3. But as it obstructs the natural increase of capital, it tends rather to diminish than to increase the sum total of the revenue which the inhabitants of the country derive from the profits of stock ; a small profit upon a great capital generally affording a greater revenue than a great profit upon a small one

    4. —Crass Casualty obstructs the sun and rain,

    5. high but there were also no obstructs, how would they not heard such a loud voice?

    6. Actually that which obstructs the path of self-realization and diverts to disorders

    7. ’’ The illusory maya obstructs in many

    8. obstructs the attainment of liberation or enlightenment

    9. Since cold is the prevalent climate in winter, it often obstructs defensive

    10. Damp-pathogen is defined as a yin pathogen, it obstructs the flow of qi and

    11. abundant yang qi that obstructs the normal process of egg production and

    12. and obstructs the liver in protein and fat metabolism, leading to nervous

    13. It is our social education and training that has gripped our free judgment and obstructs the true understanding of life situations

    14. It will not be well if you approach this negatively, for fear obstructs the

    15. His body obstructs the alley

    16. " Sir, what in such a case would be true honor? Why, to consider well which adversary is the weakest, and cut our way to our rights through the path which he obstructs

    17. It obstructs a trade from one port to another of the same enemy—France for example

    18. It obstructs the direct trade of neutrals from their own country to any part of the coast from the Elbe to Brest—a coast not less than a thousand miles

    19. The operation commences, by opening the cock nearest the boiler, the steam drives the air out of the pipe through the water into the reservoir; shut the cock, and the water rises from the reservoir to fill it; shut the second cock, and open the first, the water discharges from the chamber into the boiler; repeated by a movement from the engine, when in motion, the supply continues with more certainty than by a pump, because it is difficult to pump hot water, on account of the elasticity of the steam arising from it, which obstructs the operation of the valves

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    Sinônimos para "obstruct"

    block close up impede jam obstruct obturate occlude blockade embarrass hinder stymie stymy stop prohibit restrain check