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    Use "on the job" em uma frase

    on the job frases de exemplo

    on the job

    1. After that man hit him while he was on the job, I remember wanting to find that man and murder him

    2. Half my mind concentrating on the job in hand, I reach for the phone and pick it up

    3. I won't put up with this on the job

    4. Blowing me a kiss, he dashes off to open the door while I try to concentrate on the job in hand

    5. He tries to focus on the job in hand

    6. The brass gleamed like it had on her first day on the job all

    7. mind and tried to concentrate on the job at hand

    8. If you are interrupted often on the job, Smith says,

    9. exhibits suitable behaviour on the job

    10. and kept Charlie on the job

    11. “I do have a proposition for you though, and as you are already on the job, so to speak, it should only come as a small inconvenience to you

    12. I watched him for awhile and after he left I asked the union steward on the job whose name was Parrot, ―How much does that guy welding make an hour?‖ He said,

    13. They gladly took on the job and had a splendid low intensity war as a result in the beginning

    14. Had a better president been on the job besides GW Bush, likely 1,700 dead or more, almost all of those killed by Katrina, would still have been alive after the storm

    15. Focus on the job at hand

    16. so Uncle Carl spent long hours on the job

    17. fellas on the job before entering the office

    18. He’d died on the job, shoveling coal!

    19. gave about any cop that I knew on the job - even if it wasn"t true

    20. He was still on the job when I left the hospital at two in the morning

    21. “He used to be on the job a few years ago in Toronto, Canada

    22. His mind, while having to be open to the nuances of nature, also had to be concentrated on the job at hand

    23. He had to focus on the job at hand

    24. 6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job

    25. only time I deal with folders is on the job! You had your chance, and you really

    26. Teach skills on the job and make things better, continuously

    27. was their first day on the job but Derek was used to monotony, he

    28. This image depicts the Osprey on the job along with other aircraft

    29. design team on the job, utilizing an in-house

    30. She focused on the job

    31. But he did leave, and a couple of hours later I had a seizure on the job and woke up in the hospital

    32. financially and career-wise, while the wrongdoers are back on the job

    33. "Nothing will happen to them, still they are on the job, the four RCMP

    34. "Nothing will happen to them, still they are on the job, the four policemen

    35. Kwesi Millington -- are "on the job but not in front-line policing," said

    36. are comfortable and relaxed on the job, they will

    37. to remind them that they are on the job, rather than

    38. employees who are on the job at times other than

    39. apply common sense when being on the job after

    40. situations which may occur on the job can include

    41. the hours spent on the job need to be free from

    42. Not only will meditation help you to quiet your thoughts, it will also allow you to focus on the job that you have to accomplish

    43. then you’ll be forced to focus on the job at hand

    44. absorbed fully on the job at hand, and it is this juncture that is the most helpful to us no matter what we’re doing

    45. uses these tools and applications at certain times of the day so that you focus the rest of the time on the job that you’re actually being paid to do

    46. hours—that’s roughly nine hours that Lieutenant James had been on the job, which is more than twice the time that the diesel operators work

    47. millennial demands of flexibility on the job

    48. from the pain to focus on the job that needs to be done

    49. children, and we learned on the job how to cope

    50. Her first week on the job she did all of the work

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