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    possessing frases de exemplo


    1. Rethymno itself was fine, although a little too bookish for his taste, possessing insufficient an air of debauchery despite Crete’s bloody history

    2. Mastecus and those who sought atonement were clearly outnumbered, but they had the advantage of possessing free-will

    3. As he assumed, the servants had a lot of their hopes invested in possessing the giant

    4. Fourthly and lastly, some part even of the rent of land belongs to the same rank ; a considerable part to those who are somewhat below the middling rank, and a small part even to the lowest rank ; common labourers sometimes possessing in property an acre or two of land

    5. angels and those possessing knowledge

    6. Cool when the woman with luxuriant platinum blonde hair, possessing the beauty of a siren from an archive Hollywood movie, sat beside him, smiled and introduced herself

    7. In its quixotic attempt to eliminate handguns, New York City has conceived a hare brained plan whereby any citizen possessing a firearm may redeem it, no questions asked, in exchange for gift certificates

    8. “Creatures possessing all the evil of man without any of the restraints society places on us?” Books suggested

    9. Neither are polite manners nor social refinement nor moral righteousness (Egads!) readily perceptible to individuals possessing limited insight into the essential Nature of Things

    10. Old habits are hard to break, especially for a majority party possessing a minority mindset

    11. It raises the question, however, what does ―better off‖ really mean? Who is to argue that someone with more of something is comparatively speaking, better off than someone possessing less of that same something?

    12. That a firearm may be used (illegally) by a criminally minded individual in a manner contrary to its intended purpose(s) counts against the potential action of that individual possessing the firearm rather than that individual possessing a firearm or the firearm itself or any other ―potential‖ weapon for that matter

    13. A Perfect Being cannot ―cause‖ its own creation inasmuch as (the) subsequent effects of Creation imply an (existing) potential for movement or change and/or possessing a set of predicates or determinants otherwise lacking in a Perfect Being that is ―entirely without limit or incapable of any infallibility, whatsoever

    14. It may be reasonably argued that the Private Sector traditionally attracted (more) talented individuals (less) averse to risk taking in exchange for the prospect of potential advancement while other individuals possessing less capacity (perhaps) or who, lacking the requisite skills demanded by most companies, generally opted for quasi-guaranteed job security provided by the Public Sector

    15. ―I will vote for the best candidate,‖ the best qualified to lead our nation, possessing the highest credentials, of unblemished character ad nauseam, are worthy sentiments that in practice, however, oftentimes succumb to the temptations of party loyalties

    16. I find it interesting how many modern biographers oftentimes portray Charles Dickens as a (minor) social revolutionary or a man possessing what is commonly referred to by ―progressives,‖ a ―social consciousness

    17. In other words, to consider them material, however quasi/spiritual ―beings‖ possessing Free Will

    18. How ironic, it seems, that as American families continue to grow smaller, that many are moving into larger homes in upscale, ―sanitized‖ suburban ―neighborhoods‖ possessing less character and more property than most know what to do with for the sake of ―Quality of Life

    19. I believe that you are incorrectly assuming that possessing a soul provides an automatic passport to heaven

    20. Using this method she could impose her physical and mental reality temporarily upon the animal, possessing its body

    21. Those of the Agogeia students who were energetic, athletic students, and showed exceptional stamina and strength; those who exemplified martial prowess both with blade and bare hands, those who were blessed with possessing a sharp and decisive mind, those having proven their faith to be unfailing with a stone-hard dedication to the Pantheon, those were in the end chosen as fit for service in the Army

    22. He believed that possessing the Golden Fleece would enhance their leader’s right to rule over all nations

    23. military personnel possessing American currency

    24. the wealth instead of possessing it as

    25. wealth instead of possessing it as definitive

    26. It was pressing on him, possessing him

    27. in Christ, possessing the mind of Christ, inward

    28. Possessing the truth causes you to respond

    29. Salvation is nothing short of possessing the Father

    30. the eyes of man you don’t stand out, possessing no

    31. It is nice to consider the concept of possessing truth, and employing it, and cultivating it

    32. And, "If possessing a higher degree of intelligence does not entitle one human to use another for his or her own ends, how can it entitle humans to exploit non-humans?" wrote Peter Singer in the twentieth century

    33. Objects within the attentional field may also be interpreted as possessing a degree of directedness toward other objects in that field, independent of the self-object

    34. God is not only radically non-anthropomorphic, but radically non-creaturomorphic, not only in respect of the properties he possesses, but in his manner of possessing them

    35. possessing all of these characteristics

    36. Sarah then told me that 74 huge ships, each with a Mother aboard, had left the Station and were taking him to a convenient location, where they had situated a star possessing the required amount of radiation

    37. I correctly surmised they were being caused by a possessing spirit who had committed suicide upon the death of her mate

    38. As many therefore" says he "as are empty fear the devil as possessing power

    39. Killing the father and possessing the mother are two drives

    40. What good is it to kill the father to obtain the pleasure of possessing the

    41. example, the child asks the father for the gift of possessing the mother, a gift

    42. In fact possessing a single attribute of God is more valuable than all the money in the world! Why then do so many run after earthly possessions, desiring God to bless them with earthly things, and yet barely pursue the priceless and eternal attributes of His infinite love? These are so much more valuable than any earthly things, and are what enable us to know God, and be like Him! That’s why Jesus said:

    43. It is as though by possessing them completely the

    44. It is not easy to free oneself of the conviction that by possessing someone

    45. own solitude, by possessing the life of her child

    46. In the opposite case, I will fill my loneliness by possessing the life of my

    47. ‘You have only to name your price Titus and it shall be paid to you,’ replied Saznack a victorious smile on his face, elated at the thought of possessing Queen Soredamor’s old blade and becoming her favourite

    48. The dominant left brain, possessing serial perception, oscillates between two contradictory concepts or images

    49. destination he renounces possessing the beauty of Circes and the divine

    50. It was totally banned throughout all jurisdictions in Australia and anyone caught possessing one was subject to heavy fines and possible imprisonment

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