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    republics frases de exemplo


    1. They consisted, indeed, of a very different order of people from the first inhabitants of the ancient republics of Greece and Italy

    2. But it must seem extraordinary, that the sovereigns of all the different countries of Europe should have exchanged in this manner for a rent certain, never more to be augmented, that branch of their revenue, which was, perhaps, of all others, the most likely to be improved by the natural course of things, without either expense or attention of their own ; and that they should, besides, have in this manner voluntarily erected a sort of independent republics in the heart of their own dominions

    3. In countries such as Italy or Switzerland, in which, on account either of their distance from the principal seat of government, of the natural strength of the country itself, or of some other reason, the sovereign came to lose the whole of his authority; the cities generally became independent republics, and conquered all the nobility in their neighbourhood; obliging them to pull down their castles in the country, and to live, like other peaceable inhabitants, in the city

    4. If you except Venice, for of that city the history is somewhat different, it is the history of all the considerable Italian republics, of which so great a number arose and perished between the end of the twelfth and the beginning of the sixteenth century

    5. They were the commissaries, if one may say so, of those armies ; and the most destructive frenzy that ever befel the European nations, was a source of opulence to those republics

    6. Rome, like most of the other ancient republics, was originally founded upon an agrarian law, which divided the public territory, in a certain proportion, among the different citizens who

    7. They’re the super police force of the various Republics in Atlantica

    8. The policy of the ancient republics of Greece, and that of Rome, though it honoured agriculture more than manufactures or foreign trade, yet seems rather to have discouraged the latter

    9. In all the different republics of ancient Greece, to learn his military exercises, was a necessary part of education imposed by the state upon every free citizen

    10. In the republics of ancient Greece and Rome, during the whole period of their existence, and under the feudal govermnents, for a considerable time after their first establishment, the trade of a soldier was not a separate, distinct trade, which constituted the sole or principal occupation of a particular class of citizens; every subject of the state, whatever might be the ordinary trade or occupation by which he gained his livelihood, considered himself, upon all ordinary occasions, as fit likewise to exercise the trade of a soldier, and, upon many extraordinary occasions, as bound to exercise it

    11. In the republics of ancient Greece and Rome, each citizen, as long as he remained at home, seems to have practised his exercises, either separately and

    12. It vanquished and subdued, after a long and violent struggle, indeed, the gallant and well exercised militias of the principal republics of ancient Greece; and afterwards, with very little struggle, the effeminate and ill exercised militia of the great Persian empire

    13. The fall of the Greek republics, and of the Persian empire was the effect of the irresistible superiority which a standing arm has over every other sort of militia

    14. All the varieties in the fortune of those two famous republics may very well be accounted for from the same cause

    15. The event of that day determined the fate of the two rival republics

    16. sovereign renders unnecessary that troublesome jealousy, which, in some modern republics, seems to watch over the minutest actions, and to be at all times ready to disturb the peace of every citizen

    17. In the republics of ancient Greece, every free citizen was instructed, under the direction of the public magistrate, in gymnastic exercises and in music

    18. In the early ages, both of the Greek and Roman republics, the other parts of education seem to have consisted in learning to read, write, and account, according to the arithmetic of the times

    19. It is, perhaps, worth while to remark, that though the laws of the twelve tables were many of them copied from those of some ancient Greek republics, yet law never seems to have grown up to be a science in any republic of ancient Greece

    20. In the republics of ancient Greece, particularly in Athens, the ordinary courts of justice consisted of numerous, and therefore disorderly, bodies of people, who frequently decided almost at random, or as clamour, faction, and party-spirit, happened to determine

    21. It was in this manner, by facilitating the acquisition of their military and gymnastic exercises, by encouraging it, and even by imposing upon the whole body of the people the necessity of learning those exercises, that the Greek and Roman republics maintained the martial spirit of their respective citizens

    22. Those republics encouraged the acquisition of those exercises, by bestowing little premiums and badges of distinction upon those who excelled in them

    23. In those small republics, therefore, the magistrate very soon found it necessary, for the sake of preserving the public peace, to assume to himself the right of presenting to all vacant benefices

    24. Small republics have sometimes derived a considerable revenue from the profit of mercantile projects

    25. But in the ancient republics of Greece and Italy, every citizen was a soldier, and both served, and prepared himself for service, at his own expense

    26. The Italian republics, the United Provinces of the Netherlands, are all in debt

    27. The other Swiss republics have not

    28. The Italian republics seem to have begun it

    29. Spain seems to have learned the practice from the Italian republics, and (its taxes being probably less judicious than theirs) it has, in proportion to its natural strength, been-still more enfeebled

    30. In Rome, as in all other ancient republics, the poor people were constantly in debt to the rich and the great, who, in order to secure their votes at the annual elections, used to lend them money at exorbitant interest, which, being never paid, soon accumulated into a sum too great either for the debtor to pay, or for any body else to pay for him

    31. itself out of business and split up into its constituent republics

    32. Everyone who could not speak Afrikaans was worked out and the rank structure changed to that of the old Boer Republics until they came to their senses years later

    33. Wilson notoriously stated, “I''m going to teach the South American republics to elect good men,” followed by several decades of US control where no elections were allowed

    34. Jason first read The Prince, Machiavelli’s prescription for invading and conquering other states, republics or monarchies, be it through the use of arms, colonization or “princely occupation

    35. When the Soviet Union was established it was careful to label itself a Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

    36. “peoples’ republics” of the USSR and puppet states, this was done on a wide scale

    37. Among the singular events: the deployment of the CGC Chase to the Persian Gulf to support the United Nations oil embargo against Iraq; Operation New Frontier which initiated the use of special pursuit boats and armed helicopters; training teams sent to the former Soviet Republics of Azerbaijan and Georgia to develop and train national coast guards; the development of coordinated pollution control and response plans with Russia and Mexico; a National Strike Force response to an oil spill in the Galapagos Islands; the combining of BM/QM and ET/FT ratings, and the creation of OS and IT rates; the global circumnavigation of the CGC Sherman; the largest Coast Guard port security operation since World War Two in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States; and the drafting of a terrorist resolution which was passed by the International Maritime Organization (Coast Guard, “Adm

    38. Independent India did not follow Gāndhiji’s vision of village republics but adopted the western model, not merely in the political system but also in the economic system

    39. How about some lasagna? Goodman also wrote the songs, Banana Republics, The Lincoln Park Pirates, Daley’s Gone, Vegematic, Unemployed, The Twentieth Century is Almost Over and The Election Year Rag

    40. This isn’t necessarily true in banana republics, even those close to the North or South Poles

    41. This time, however, Rome looted the Macedonian treasury and split the country into four republics

    42. While the western republics were responsible to and at least superficially considerate of their constituents, Stalin was perceived to be much less sensitive about sending millions to their deaths and inviting another calamity for the citizens of the Soviet Union

    43. He had hoped for an orderly transformation to democracy while maintaining the Communist Party as an influential member of the new democracy, and the continued union of the Soviet Socialist Republics

    44. selfish tyranny, republics have been argued to have historically afforded greater liberties to the governed

    45. They were selling t-shirts printed with your own individual sovereign name, blank copies of contractual agreements for establishing trade agreements, protection agreements, and shared resource agreements between free republics

    46. We need to come together and communicate a model of cooperation among all free individual republics so the rest of the world will see how this is going to work from here on out

    47. Boblovia will be addressing the collection of free republics that we have here with us tonight

    48. The de facto leader of the 222 Revolution, Emperor of Boblovia, Founding Father of the Confederation of Independent Individual Republics, among many other labels given him

    49. “I look out there and I see thousands of individual free and sovereign republics, each one of you exercising your personal initiative in being here

    50. homelands, republics and in other countries of Africa and the world

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