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    saving grace frases de exemplo

    saving grace

    1. The only saving grace was that the headlines painted a picture of a plucky citizen coming to the aid of a poor victim of racial abuse

    2. The one saving grace amid the intense but unseen brutality was Lucy

    3. saving grace was that the headlines painted a picture of a plucky

    4. The one saving grace amid the intense but unseen brutality was

    5. Perfect awareness—having passed the swell of time, I remain in history—looked at as an ass for assuming To communicate what I might—repressing some saving Grace from myself, not knowing if I deserve it—“I would Have it as it is, rather than not have it at all?”—Should A saving grace be given to thieves, tress-passers, Law-breakers—a solution is pain reduction, and life sustenance, Not pride games and social repression—the endorphins Replete of all respect find endurance through pompous Wanderings of the ego in control—the ego who would Take the blame and ends up being the only one to know Its great reward—to hide this scar, to pretend it did not 68

    6. His one saving grace at school was that he learnt how to play chess and became pretty good at it

    7. The only saving grace of it was, no gravity to pull the blood up or down, into or out of your head

    8. Shield: Saving grace; God’s truth; protection; faith

    9. The locket was my saving grace and not only did it help to mend the broken part

    10. “Although you have something the rest of us didn’t,” she said, “You have his heart, and that will be your saving grace

    11. “I think setting my sights on you was actually my saving grace

    12. The saving grace for many, Ashi included, was the fact that

    13. promotion (that never comes) with the saving grace being your freedom to curse them in

    14. Out of sixteen lambs I’ve defended the last five months, sixteen have been found guilty! My only saving grace is that I know the members of the court pretty well

    15. And our only saving grace

    16. They are trampling the saving grace that was granted to them

    17. The only saving grace to all this is that grammatically English is, compared to the rest, a piece of cake

    18. The saving grace for Michael was his friendship with the sports master at the local school, an ex army man of strong principles who took the young lad under his personal care as much as possible

    19. ‘Twas feeling-wise, my hardest test, but knowing this, my saving grace

    20. A saving grace was that if he thought for too long, Sophia’s face would occasionally pop into his mind, creating a smile and erasing all other thoughts

    21. Jesus sought to divert their minds from miracle seeking to the finding of a real and personal experience in the satisfaction and assurance of the indwelling of God's spirit of love and saving grace

    22. That’s the only saving grace of my sordid life

    23. 10 Said Jesus that night as they went to their rest: "Freely have you received; therefore freely should you give of the truth of heaven, and in the giving will this truth multiply and show forth the increasing light of saving grace, even as you minister it

    24. She wasn’t expecting this, but it was damn useful and a saving grace! Lezura had spotted the only building of such a size in the area

    25. Her Jagger bled sparks from the shoulders, the side of the cockpit and the right thigh, but by the saving grace of some unseen force it still held together

    26. It does have saving graces though

    27. ; then eventually came the saving grace of

    28. would be his saving grace—and theirs

    29. In fact, one of the saving graces of the Zmijewski algorithm is that it seems to be “forgiving” enough to allow interest benefits in the first

    30. Was confused by the messages she was taught Singing in the cellar became her saving grace Making up songs seemed to ease the pain The fountain of youth empowered her to fly away With a circle of friends

    31. When the animals in the forest embraced her heart and soul She felt young again even though she was getting old The beautiful scenery became her sanctuary and favorite place For nature’s unconditional love and acceptance became her saving grace

    32. This was her saving grace

    33. encounter with Jill was a saving grace for Jennifer

    34. The only saving grace was that by the time he had made up

    35. The only saving grace was that there was no sign of

    36. ‘Perhaps,’ said Roopa, staring at Sathyam’s body, ‘that’s the saving grace of my life with him

    37. Maybe the saving grace was the insertions for wife-swapping that seemed genuine for they were all about give and take; but then, wasn’t he rendered a hors de combat for he lacked the means for a quid pro quo? What about Vimala, he thought as he recalled that evening when he was led into a lounge of a mansion where he found a score of whores in awkward postures, and as he turned his back on the gaudy dames in disgust, one lissome lass in a Turkish towel walked in

    38. The only saving grace to see is the soul loosing its shadowing power caused by the body’s evil actions

    39. I have severally heard students complain that there is hardly any saving grace once a lecturer is determined on dealing with any ‘recalcitrant’ student

    40. Where the saving grace of ruth, and some compassion

    41. It would work! This could be her saving grace! She looked around for other such boulders and found four more loose enough and light enough for her to drag to the edge of her cave

    42. It is a saving grace that this deeper reality is always present

    43. The saving grace is that while the judges are appointed for life they have to die sometime, and that is a greater blessing than some might imagine

    44. But the saving grace was that the overall command remained with Drapaku

    45. once in a while wasn't against the precepts, and that in fact represented his saving grace as it

    46. Being able to laugh at itself was one of its few saving graces

    47. demands, and the only saving grace was that it happened in a shoe shop

    48. The canines were so long that the cats couldn’t open their mouths wide enough to properly bear down on anything and the teeth themselves were very prone to breaking off, which was the saving grace for many of the creatures

    49. My plan could be my people’s saving grace in their gravest hour of need, but did that justify its methods?

    50. Without hesitation she responded with, “Helping to lead my father to the saving grace of believing in Jesus Christ before he died

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