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    secondary school frases de exemplo

    secondary school

    1. I don't know if I told you, but she was having problems adjusting to life in a secondary school

    2. I learned that he was married to Karen, a teacher at the secondary school, and that they had a son, Jake

    3. We continue, even, now, to hear too much, way too much, about the emphasis on critical thinking as opposed to the rote memorization for secondary school students

    4. Nowadays, Pilar operates several primary schools, established in various neighborhoods (barangays) of the city and one secondary school

    5. And there was that very awful time in secondary school when one of Manda’s boyfriends had fallen head over heels for Sierra

    6. When they were in secondary school, more than once Sierra had stormed into the principal’s office and risked her own punishment to defend Manda after she had fought with another student

    7. It was during his teenage years and at Secondary School that he discovered his love of

    8. A federal staffing survey shows that of science teachers in our secondary schools, 40 percent never majored in science

    9. name, an old class mate from secondary school

    10. teacher at a secondary school up there

    11. our work with both secondary school students and university students that the majority would

    12. ‘The Secondary Schools’ Wrestling Championships are being held on the Gold Coast this year

    13. The Secondary Schools Wrestling Competition was held in the ballroom of a large hotel, one street back from the beach-front and one block from the Ethnic Bazaar, where they had just delivered the cartons of urns and sculptures for Jeff

    14. This was the final year that Matthew and his friends would have at secondary school and at the end of it they would be subject to their most important exams called G

    15. Joe and Bridget had asked him what he wanted to do after his final year in secondary school

    16. Joseph’s Secondary School, where she was also educated

    17. She knows there is a drug trade growing in and around her junior secondary school, and that it was a trap to be evaded

    18. Faces pass through her mind and one keeps returning; Sharon, her best friend from secondary school and university

    19. She graduated in 1965 from Lester Pearson Senior Secondary School, now known as NWSS

    20. Amanda was a 10th grader at CABE Secondary School

    21. stopped near The Addison Secondary School

    22. Upon completion of primary education, European youth, with the exception of the few who left for Europe, went to secondary school at Kongwa; Kongwa European School to give it its full title

    23. We sold the house and purchased a home in a good location for the boys, within walking distance to primary and secondary schools

    24. and secondary schools are influential centers of social interaction and character growth in developing children and young adults

    25. He was a secondary school student

    26. When I was a student at Natabua Secondary School in 1954, one of

    27. I’m teaching youngsters at Secondary school, and you’re lecturing senior pupils at Technical College, but they all seem to have the same hunger for knowledge

    28. She had thought it best, just to be on the safe side when Jim moved out, to go back to her old job as a dinner lady at Highgate Secondary School

    29. taken at Secondary School, a young person still needs to add these skills to their arsenal

    30. So, the curriculum of the secondary schools, set aside the primary stuff, is Islamic all the way, of course with Muhammad’s life and times as interregnums; the madrasa academic drill comprises of Islam, the Quran, the Hadith, the Sunna with mathematics for a change

    31. You know everything about me, even what my uniform for secondary school was like

    32. · “I was told that all of them have passed through secondary school and many have been to the university

    33. About one third are themselves secondary school teachers or university lecturers

    34. I was told afterwards that all of them have passed through secondary school and many have been to the university

    35. Al-Badri, the deceased – who was the manager of the Halawan secondary school – had disappeared, and nobody could find a trace of him

    36. Also, I need to remind you, mum, that despite the attitudes of my own very girl friends and fellow students, both in the primary, secondary school, our environment, and now in the University, I have held tenaciously to my resolve to have nothing to do with men for now

    37. He was also a fisherman himself during his primary and secondary school days

    38. I went to a primary school there and later to a secondary school in Kowloon City

    39. and living in one of the dumpy units near the secondary school where all the social

    40. "I would like you to submit to testing by means of the school's final exams to determine if you have acquired the equivalent of a secondary school education

    41. Even back in secondary school, the one that got the most Valentine

    42. After the camp ended I returned home and continued with my secondary school studies

    43. She had just finished the Italian secondary school with excellent grades and could have entered university but she did not want to

    44. I would have liked to be a brilliant scientist just as I would have liked to be rich and famous and admired but did I have what it takes? In any case I had to take a secondary school Advanced Level certificate with good grades to enter university to start with

    45. A not especially pretty brunette who was, at the time of Rhea"s marriage, in her final year of secondary school

    46. I lived with my family until I finished my secondary schooling

    47. are married off as soon as they finish secondary school

    48. smoothened out and primary and secondary school were more or less normal

    49. She had finished secondary school a year back and was also looking for a job

    50. The time I gave a rose to Julia, who I was in love with at secondary school

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