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    1. with the sentiments expressed here,

    2. feeling those very same sentiments

    3. and sympathise with their sentiments well enough

    4. It totally excludes hate and other negative sentiments and intentions

    5. not! Both speculate people’s sentiments

    6. If one is of the impression that he is alone in his universe and that all other creations are only accessories to allow him to carry on his life, why would he care about honesty, legitimacy, faithfulness and other such noble sentiments?

    7. Words which carry the sentiments of success, kindness and love, when spoken do indeed channel positive energy to the surroundings

    8. I glanced over at the sleeping child and, moved by the current of some vague sentiments, I decided to make her

    9. Reputation in his profession is still of some importance to him, and he still has some dependency upon the affection, gratitude, and favourable report of those who have attended upon his instructions; and these favourable sentiments he is likely to gain in no way so well as by deserving them, that is, by the abilities and diligence with which he discharges every part of his duty

    10. only agree with Peter’s sentiments

    11. No only to be discussed as a manifestation of the female breast, but also as recognition that the purveyor of such sentiments is, more than likely, a consummate asshole

    12. (Did he really cut down that cherry tree?) Now, compare his remarks and sentiments to those of the present occupant of the White House

    13. As such sentiments relate to the latter, the perception that financial support hasn‘t been freely offered but ‖coerced‖, rather, enhances some of the passions indicated above

    14. sentiments through demagogy and ―catch-all‖ politicking designed to get out the vote by ―connecting‖ with the ―people‖; the factory worker or farmer, for example

    15. I felt my throat choke up with the horrible sentiments of disappointment

    16. Such propositions are (oftentimes) based on class antagonisms reinforced by common sentiments

    17. Secondly, such intentions, in whatever manner their sentiments may be genuinely sincere, oftentimes fail to keep pace with popular expectations thereby heaping anger and resentment upon otherwise well-meaning individuals who may have fallen short of their intended purpose; that is to say, deliver their promises

    18. ―I will vote for the best candidate,‖ the best qualified to lead our nation, possessing the highest credentials, of unblemished character ad nauseam, are worthy sentiments that in practice, however, oftentimes succumb to the temptations of party loyalties

    19. Therefore, a commitment to (true) friendship, setting aside such differences for the moment, requires that our differences produce (a) plausible effect, that does not (necessarily) imply acceptance, however, without compromising either individual‘s prevailing sentiments

    20. Besides, his record on Abortion speaks for itself! I suppose my real concern, however, centers on prevailing liberal/secularist sentiments portraying Christians as unsuitable candidates for the Supreme Court, or any other higher court for that matter, lest their religious viewpoints should otherwise color an (objective) interpretation of the law

    21. But it is quite a different matter to suggest that the language or sentiments of the seventeenth century communicate adequately with the twenty first century

    22. In fact, you can also share your sentiments to your staff

    23. The soul or heart as the seat of feelings or sentiments, or as prompting to action

    24. Even then, I couldn‘t help the feeling sorry for him over the sentiments he was expressing for his family

    25. Up to America’s entry against Japan, then Germany, strong isolationist sentiments prevailed

    26. I rather felt sorry for Chabi (very misplaced sentiments as it turned out), but said nothing along those lines

    27. lofty sentiments thousand zhangs, life health hero shortness of breath, before the body

    28. These, influenced by sentiments of common humanity, and reflecting on the uncertain issue of

    29. Harry bit his tongue, “Thanks Jack, tell them I appreciate their sentiments but I feel great at the moment and I hope to bring in potential clients for the pipeline

    30. Jack roused the audience into a huge clapping spectacle whilst Suzy stood there wiping a tear from her eye at the well wishers sentiments

    31. Many other students wrote similar sentiments of thanks and good wishes

    32. confirm his sentiments to be absolutely true!

    33. "We appreciate the way you think," she replies, "and we tend to concur with your sentiments

    34. You can also search for negative sentiments associated with industry keywords or names of your competitors

    35. (The sentiments of Justice O’Connor has been echoed by Justice

    36. There was an uneasy peace in the empire, as nationalist sentiments struggled against the centralizing tendency in Vienna, capital of the empire

    37. His four companions expressed similar sentiments as they reviewed their lives in light of what they’d learned about themselves

    38. Still, I thank you for your kind sentiments

    39. These influenced by sentiments of common humanity and reflecting on the uncertain issue of life shed tears at this their miserable expulsion

    40. For these reasons, we have always had a society and a civilization of sorts, though none of us have what you would consider sentiments of patriotism or community spirit

    41. Still, thoughts alone are in the mind of the thinker and do not bother or hurt the objects of those sentiments

    42. It would be an error to confuse emotions with sentiments

    43. Sentiments, instead, belong only to the affective dimension of the psychological sphere, and

    44. He once said that ‘a man who dies rich dies disgraced’ and he put his money where his sentiments lay

    45. I can sympathise with the sentiments of those who groan, “I’m sick of all this shit

    46. This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution

    47. ‘Ah, Cador, your hours spent playing interactive computer war games have infected your vocabulary, but your sentiments are admirable and exactly the breath of fresh air I needed,’ Stephen said with a smile

    48. Anti-government/science sentiments have been running high since that little accident, even though it only demolished a fifth of the city

    49. the Forex because it shows the level of consumers demand and their sentiments, which is initial data

    50. ‘If you’re speaking the truth, then your sentiments do you credit and we have at least something in common,’ Seb said softly

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