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    simon peter

    1. Maybe this is why we have the story of Simon Peter being the one to exclaim, “Thou art the Christ! The Son of the Living God!” What is it that Jesus asked for that response? He asked who people say that He is

    2. Apostle Simon Peter (Andrew's brother) – Jesus the Rock of the church makes Peter part of the building of the Church

    3. Apostle Peter (Apostle Simon Peter) "Among many other saints the blessed apostle Peter was condemned to death and crucified as some do write at Rome; albeit some others and not without cause do doubt of it

    4. 40 One of the two who heard John and followed Him was Andrew Simon Peter's brother

    5. 24 Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him and said to him "Tell us who it is of whom He speaks

    6. Behold Simon Peter one of those who were with Jesus who stood by having a sword stretched out his hand drew his sword and struck the high priest's servant and cut off his right ear

    7. But Simon Peter had followed Jesus from a distance as did another disciple to the court of the high priest

    8. 25 Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself

    9. 6 Then Simon Peter came following him and entered into the tomb

    10. 3 Simon Peter said to them "I'm going fishing

    11. 7 That disciple therefore whom Jesus loved said to Peter "It's the Lord!" So when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord he wrapped his coat around him for he was naked and threw himself into the sea

    12. 15 So when they had eaten their breakfast Jesus said to Simon Peter "Simon son of Jonah do you love Me more than these?" He said to Him "Yes Lord; You know that I have affection for You

    13. The choosing and holding of Simon Peter as an apostle

    14. " On one occasion, while preaching in Rome, Simon Peter, on listening to a description of the Damascus scribe, surmised that this individual might have been Jesus but quickly dismissed the idea, knowing full well (so he thought) that the Master had never been in Rome

    15. When they crucified Simon Peter, it was this man who defied the Roman persecutors and boldly continued to preach the new gospel

    16. 3 This period of waiting and teaching was especially hard on Simon Peter

    17. And early on this first day of the week, just as he was about to announce this to his twelve apostles, Simon Peter, James Zebedee, and Judas Iscariot came to have private converse with him

    18. When he became an apostle, Andrew was unmarried but made his home with his married brother, Simon Peter

    19. 7 After Pentecost Peter was famous, but it never irritated the older Andrew to spend the rest of his life being introduced as "Simon Peter's brother

    20. 6 Simon Peter was distressingly vacillating; he would suddenly swing from one extreme to the other

    21. And thus was Simon Peter crucified in Rome

    22. 1 Simon Zelotes, the eleventh apostle, was chosen by Simon Peter

    23. 4 Then said Simon Peter: "Master, if you have a new commandment, we would hear it

    24. This was a four hours' teaching conference, embracing scores of questions and answers, and may most profitably be put in this record by reorganizing the summary of this momentous afternoon as it was given by Simon Peter to his brother, Andrew, the following morning:

    25. 15 The cooking and the housework at the large Zebedee home, where Jesus and the twelve made their headquarters, was for the most part done by Simon Peter's wife and her mother

    26. 1 Andrew, in consultation with Simon Peter and with the approval of Jesus, had instructed David at Bethsaida to dispatch messengers to the various preaching groups with instructions to terminate the tour and return to Bethsaida some time on Thursday, December 30

    27. Said he: "Master, while I recognize many good things about Simon Peter's interpretation of the parable, I do not fully agree with him

    28. 5 As Jesus came out in the rain, he looked first at Peter, and then peering into the darkness at the struggling oarsmen, he turned his glance back upon Simon Peter, who, in his agitation, had not yet returned to his oar, and said: "Why are all of you so filled with fear? Where is your faith? Peace, be quiet

    29. All this was purely coincidental as far as we can judge; but the apostles, particularly Simon Peter, never ceased to regard the episode as a nature miracle

    30. None of the twelve was so crushed and downcast as Simon Peter

    31. Even Simon Peter was depressed, if not downcast

    32. " But even the apostles failed fully to grasp the meaning of his words, for Simon Peter also asked him: "Lest some of your hearers be unnecessarily offended, would you explain to us the meaning of these words?" And then said Jesus to Peter: "Are you also hard of understanding? Know you not that every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted shall be rooted up? Turn now your attention to those who would know the truth

    33. " And when Jesus had finished speaking, Simon Peter said: "Yes, Lord, we are sad and perplexed, but we will never forsake you

    34. Finally they established themselves on the back porch and had word passed in to Jesus, from person to person, so that it finally was whispered to him by Simon Peter, who interrupted his talking for the purpose, and who said: "Behold, your mother and your brothers are outside, and they are very anxious to speak with you

    35. No sooner had they seated themselves to break bread than Simon Peter asked Jesus: "Master, since the Father in heaven knows all things, and since his spirit is our support in the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth, why is it that we flee from the threats of our enemies? Why do we refuse to confront the foes of truth?" But before Jesus had begun to answer Peter's question, Thomas broke in, asking: "Master, I should really like to know just what is wrong with the religion of our enemies at Jerusalem

    36. The twelve never took their eyes off the Master, and then Simon Peter, springing to his feet, exclaimed: "You are the Deliverer, the Son of the living God

    37. During most of the night and since they had arisen that morning, Simon Peter and Simon Zelotes had been earnestly laboring with their brethren to bring them all to the point of the wholehearted acceptance of the Master, not merely as the Messiah, but also as the divine Son of the living God

    38. While Andrew continued as the director-general of the apostolic corps, his brother, Simon Peter, was becoming, increasingly and by common consent, the spokesman for the twelve

    39. " And while he was yet speaking, Simon Peter, rushing impetuously toward him, laid his hand upon the Master's shoulder and said: "Master, be it far from us to contend with you, but I declare that these things shall never happen to you

    40. 1 Entering Capernaum at twilight, they went by unfrequented thoroughfares directly to the home of Simon Peter for their evening meal

    41. 4 Simon Peter was the apostle in charge of the workers at Hippos, and when he heard Jesus thus speak, he asked: "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Until seven times?" And Jesus answered Peter: "Not only seven times but even to seventy times and seven

    42. Perpetua, Simon Peter's wife, became a member of this new division of the women's corps and was intrusted with the leadership of the enlarged women's work under Abner

    43. As Jesus prepared to go on to Philadelphia, Simon Peter and his brother, Andrew, returned to the Pella encampment to teach the crowds there assembled

    44. It was during this night at Livias that Simon Zelotes and Simon Peter, having conspired to have delivered into their hands at this place more than one hundred swords, received and distributed these arms to all who would accept them and wear them concealed beneath their cloaks

    45. Simon Peter was still wearing his sword on the night of the Master's betrayal in the garden

    46. 3 Simon Peter was at first almost swept off his feet by this popular manifestation of enthusiasm; but he was considerably sobered by the time they returned to Bethany that night

    47. The reaction from the spectacular procession into the city was disastrous to Simon Peter; by night he was sobered and inexpressibly saddened

    48. Next to Simon Peter and Simon Zelotes, he experienced the highest nervous tension and was in a state of exhaustion by night

    49. Simon Peter was so enraged at this assumption of choice positions by Judas and John that, as the other angry apostles looked on, he marched clear around the table and took his place on the lowest couch, the end of the seating order and just opposite to that chosen by John Zebedee

    50. They were seated about the U-shaped table on these reclining divans in the following order: on the right of the Master, John; on the left, Judas, Simon Zelotes, Matthew, James Zebedee, Andrew, the Alpheus twins, Philip, Nathaniel, Thomas, and Simon Peter

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