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    Use "slaughterer" em uma frase

    slaughterer frases de exemplo


    1. … slaughterer of the numerous men that have tried to kill me over the years, YES and too many to count, but they all died in battle, as did your comrade

    2. shape, or form; or if the slaughterer pronounced a name other

    3. way, shape, or form; or if the slaughterer pronounced a

    4. God does not allow any slaughter without pronouncing the Name of Al’lah, and the slaughterer will be punished for that sooner or later

    5. Whether the slaughterer speaks Chinese, Indian or any foreign language the animal to be slaughtered will understand the secret and the reality which is beyond his pronouncing the statement “In the Name of God, Al'lah is Greater” by any tongue, then its spirit will fly as a ray up to its Maker full of happiness and everlasting delight when looking at the Creator and the Origin of Beauty and Majesty, confident that God will be pleased with it because it has sacrificed its body performing its function for this Man who is honored by Al’lah

    6. But, if the slaughterer was of those whose hearts are worldly absorbed and who have been utterly disconnected with their Provider depriving themselves of tasting the delight of being near to Al’lah in their lives, that is to say, he had been dead-hearted, how then, could he perceive such supreme sounds and taste these beautiful high states?

    7. That spiritual profit achieved by the slaughterer through pronouncing Al’lah’s Name loudly over the animal and letting it hear, is not restricted to himself, yet that deed causes to bring happiness to the whole society for keeping it sound and healthy, because, when the animal to be slaughtered hears Al’lah’s Name its spirit gets excited

    8. To prevent the slaughterer’s spirit from the impression of severity and the rise of abysses of murder and criminality, and lest he gets used to shed blood and becomes imprinted by such impressions through which he likes the view of blood and enjoys bloodshed, therefore, pronouncing Al’lah’s Name over the animal when slaughtering is considered as a mercy because, when the slaughterer knows that it is mere beneficence and comfort for the animal, his spirit acquires mercifulness

    9. Have they not seen that it is a Godly obligation and an individual duty upon every Muslim “consumer or slaughterer”?

    10. In fact, the responsibility is not only that of the slaughterer, but it is also that of the owner of the slaughtered animal… why does not he search for the slaughterer who pronounces Al’lah’s Name over the animals and ensure the fulfillment of this pronunciation?? Yet the responsibility falls upon each individual of the society… why man does not inquire about the meat he buys and be sure that it is of that over which Al’lah’s Name was pronounced??

    11. I bellowed like a steer under the knife of the slaughterer, and begged the Parcæ to cut the thread of my life as quickly as possible

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    Sinônimos para "slaughterer"

    butcher slaughterer