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    sorceress frases de exemplo


    1. I know she's a High Sorceress at the Kassikan

    2. doostEr pondered the idea that this Ava, who deleted herself from search engines, could be aiding her old lover in stealing the cargo from its rightful owner who was deeper in the chaparral? It could be that Ava was arranging to have the cargo hijacked as it went by? He was suspicious of that Sorceress because of the deletions from his searches

    3. For a moment or two, she twirled in a spasm of incredible intensity; then the sorceress fell silent, wrapped herself in her black mantle and vanished in an ethereal green cloud

    4. Being a sorceress from the Kassikan, she was not as repulsed by such things, “and lately it seems that all those at YingolNeerie might have been destroyed or powered down

    5. She was an important sorceress now, the founder of the Study of Virtuality and a committeewoman on Photovoltaics

    6. The Greek hero Ulysses, was told by the sorceress Circe*, to put wax in the ears of his crew so that they could not hear the song of the Sirens

    7. near in here, you sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore

    8. If you answer all of ours, then we may answer some of yours, but for now, all you need to know is that we have a bit of a situation with an imprisoned sorceress that we serve

    9. -Do you think that I could find a counter-spell in the Book of the Sorceress Zarnia? –I asked anxiously to the Genie while continuing with my unsuccessful attempts of taking out the ring

    10. There we stayed and expected the rain to abate, meanwhile, we questioned the Genie about what he knew about the sorceress Zarnia

    11. I recall only a mild in a drowsiness that lasted a second and a half, and when we opened the eyes, by an act of magic, we were on the porch of the residence of the sorceress Zarnia

    12. - But what amount of follies you said, Camila! Do you think it is very nice what you just said? Witchcraft has centuries of existence and its potions, spells and witches have subsisted without your intervention; but if you are so worried about the flavors, scents and ingredients, then, become a cooker instead of a sorceress! -This was the only answer I got when she got out of the basement giving a slammed door

    13. The sorceress was looking for something in the cabinet, which shone with the flame of a candle; she moved bottles and opened boxes

    14. In my application, riddled with lies, I dumped the nectar of my hope to become someday a prestigious sorceress

    15. It reminded me very much sorceress Zarnia’s mansion

    16. Where the Red Queen Sorceress lived and no one’s ever gone there and returned alive to tell about it

    17. The trouble was, another mage (or sorceress) could feel those spells and know another wizard was approaching

    18. sorceress who had cast a magic spell over these kids making

    19. “That book…belongs to one of the strongest sorceress in history…” he explained

    20. Until the death of my great grandfather, my grandfather also searches for her but nothing was found; when my father was born he knew that the sorceress was dead already, only her body but not her soul

    21. “The key to that book is the magic of a powerful sorceress, that way, the book can be open”

    22. “Uhm…I have something to say to Kyoshiro…” I say “…Akito…do you know something about the sorceress, I heard that she died a long time ago; but her soul was reincarnated to a child of her two apprentices, do you have any idea where she might be”

    23. “The sorceress? Why do you want to know about her…and how did you know about the sorceress

    24. “I don’t know anything about her…but one thing I know about her is her powers been sealed since she was reincarnated to a body of their child…her memories as a sorceress was vanish in her mind”

    25. “Yuuko…do you want to know who the sorceress is” he asked

    26. He said that I was the sorceress, her soul that lives centuries ago reincarnated to my body

    27. I remember what Akito told me that I was the sorceress

    28. Is this really me or should I say that this is really the true sorceress body, I thought

    29. The sorceress came to meet me

    30. I am not a sorceress I have zero powers in me

    31. How can that sorceress be my ancestor? No offense to her but it is like she came from a different country

    32. “I said, the sorceress didn’t tell me anything…”

    33. In the first issue we delve into the past; A young boy is struck with the chilling sting of betrayal in the very first piece of fiction I ever wrote, then a spider-filled Shining in Crimson outtake, thirdly the first chapter of an upcoming dark YA fantasy novel in which a young girl learns that the dragon pendant she's worn all her life has a magical secret that could set her free from the cold grip of a sorceress who keeps her captive (specially edited for this issue), and finally an early unpublished short story that takes a dark look at the subject of time travel

    34. In 6470, King Onnox followed rumors of a sorceress living in the old city of Grethondor in the Leoj state

    35. These were mages from the covenant of Riza-bow, believed to be the descendants of the sorceress Da'coo Riza-bow thousands of years ago

    36. Rumor had it that the hero who slew Ghulaw was the bandit Snaid of Shross and the Sorceress Lorgeil of Tehnri

    37. The sorceress Lorgeil gave the soul of Ghulaw to the Oikumies, and disappeared

    38. Lorgeil of Tehnri and Daljoth: The sorceress Lorgeil, who along with the bandit Snaid had defeated the sorcerer Ghulaw of Imia in 4200, had traveled to the island of Maltatabi, where, after secretly learning the art of necromancy, created a domain for herself in the Sillion Cave

    39. Daljoth and his minions waged a one sided war with Lorgeil and her ghouls, the outcome of which was Lorgeil’s defeat, and was thrown into the servitude of Daljoth as his concubine and sorceress

    40. But her body was found by a few of the Maltatabi natives, who recognized her as the famous sorceress of their island

    41. from the womb of a sorceress

    42. She is the frozen princess we found in the cave and she is a sorceress ” Samual

    43. He nodded, "You don't have to be a sorceress to know that

    44. Where had her sudden lashing out at him come from? The day before, when he had first met her, she seemed so confident that she could play her sorceress games with him but after their close brush with death against the Giants, her facade had become more and more cracked

    45. But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore

    46. The intense enmeshment that is established between Anticlea and her son must have caused Ulysses enormous sexual problems that he manages to resolve only after having spent a long time with Circe the sorceress and the goddess Calypso

    47. Homer is right when he attributes to Ulysses the ability to go into the realm of the dead only after he has spent time with the sorceress Circe

    48. What does the sorceress Circe symbolize? The depth of feminine wisdom?

    49. With the help of the “moly” herb that Hermes gives to Ulysses, the sorceress Circe’s potions no longer have any power over him

    50. The third encounter comes about in the palace of the sorceress Circe, when a part of Ulysses’ companions are turned into swine and where Ulysses himself stays on a whole year to enjoy the favors of the beautiful Circe

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