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    temptation frases de exemplo


    1. If there was something in there labeled 'treasure map,' I might have had to face that temptation

    2. That is also why it is important to keep a regular bedtime and wake-time, even on the weekends when there is the temptation to sleep in

    3. If the senior citizens can resist the temptation to give out advice, they would find many willing ears

    4. If he was ever going to deal with stolen things, that bead would be enormous temptation

    5. inevitable time comes for you, maybe you will resist temptation too

    6. ’ I replied, resisting the temptation to answer ‘nothing’ and reminding myself sternly that I need this job

    7. approached woman rather than man in the temptation? If woman, by her nature, is more

    8. We have been brought past death, where the fear of death is the ultimate temptation (see Hebrews 2:15)

    9. I resist the temptation to ask what he was doing when he was here before

    10. Resist the temptation to

    11. Even her pyjamas smelled of silver spoons and the soldier simply couldn't resist temptation

    12. Don’t leave anything in the cabin which you value in any way – not that the crew are necessarily thieves, but it is best not to put temptation in their way

    13. Resisting the temptation to say ‘Find Berndt and give him a damn good yelling at for going off without a word

    14. Resist the temptation to let your thoughts race ahead and worry about what may happen, what it might ―mean‖ for you

    15. ’ Alastair commented, instinctively ducking to avoid the beam placed just at head height half way up the stairs, ‘It’s lovely the way you’ve resisted the temptation to modernise it out of all recognition

    16. ’ I said quietly, resisting the temptation to shout back at her

    17. the soldier simply couldn't resist temptation

    18. ' I replied, resisting the temptation to say 'you', whilst tucking my arm comfortably through his

    19. some would use these skills to fill a void in their heart where Conscience should be and exercise that power to influence others, but you must not succumb to such a temptation, our service is in humility and faithfulness, without selfish gain, nor personal merit

    20. on it and found the temptation too much

    21. Jean was right – the temptation

    22. a temptation for him to ignore

    23. He could feel his control slipping under the temptation to get loose in the crystal and command it’s full power

    24. pray so they would not fall into temptation

    25. It is the temptation to trust in my own understanding rather knowledge of

    26. temptation to turn around and head back to Austria

    27. we forgive others, and do not lead us into temptation, but

    28. Even this tax upon silver, too, gives more temptation to smuggling than the tax of one twentieth upon tin; and smuggling must be much easier in the precious than in the bulky commodity

    29. The temptation to storm the Elders’ home with the army of races was nearly irresistible

    30. love if she didn’t give in to temptation

    31. The practice of raising money in this manner had been long known in England ; and, during the course of the late war, when the high profits of trade afforded a great temptation to over-trading, is said to have been carried on to a very great extent

    32. I would be confronted by temptation to use my powers for personal gain; it was in my blood

    33. great temptation to give in to exhaustion

    34. Bittel in his book, “Right on Time” (McGrawHill, 1991) calls procrastination an insidious temptation that plagues all of us

    35. A flicker of a smile played around Mr Snickerty's lips, but he resisted the temptation of an open display of mirth

    36. These little settlements, too, were under the government of an exclusive company, which had the sole right, both of purchasing the surplus produce of the colonies, and of supplying them with such goods of other countries as they wanted, and which, therefore, both in its purchases and sales, had not only the power of oppressing them, but the greatest temptation to do so

    37. The great difference between the price in the home and that in the foreign market, presents such a temptation to smuggling, that all the rigour of the law cannot prevent it

    38. This enormous duty presented such a temptation to smuggling, that great quantities of this commodity were clandestinely exported, probably to all the manufacturing countries of Europe, but particularly to Holland, not only from Great Britain, but from Afrira

    39. It was set to remain sunny, and he felt a child-like temptation to just simply turn around, return home and then go out on his bike into the hills

    40. The judges, indeed, might in this case, be under the temptation of multiplying unnecessarily the proceedings upon every cause, in order to increase, as much as possible, the produce of such a stamp-duty

    41. A like temptation might, perhaps, occasion a like corruption in the form of law proceedings

    42. An injudicious tax offers a great temptation to smuggling

    43. But the penalties of smuggling must arise in proportion to the temptation

    44. The law, contrary to all the ordinary principles of justice, first creates the temptation, and then punishes those who yield to it; and it commonly enhances the punishment, too, in proportion to the very circumstance which ought certainly to alleviate it, the temptation to commit the crime

    45. When the diminution of revenue is the effect of the encouragement given to smuggling, it may, perhaps, be remedied in two ways; either by diminishing the temptation to smuggle, or by increasing the difficulty of smuggling

    46. The temptation to smuggle can be diminished only by the lowering of the tax ; and the difficulty of smuggling can be increased only by establishing that system of administration which is most proper for preventing it

    47. In the distillery of malt spirits, both the opportunity and the temptation to smuggle are much greater than either in a brewery or in a malt-house ; the opportunity, on account of the smaller bulk and greater value of the commodity, and the temptation, on account of the superior height of the duties, which amounted to 3s

    48. By increasing the duties upon malt, and reducing those upon the distillery, both the opportunities and the temptation to smuggle would be diminished, which might occasion a still further augmentation of revenue

    49. temptation and held his ground

    50. The temptation to smuggle, consequently, is to many people irresistible; while, at the same time, the rigour of the law, and the vigilance of the farmer's officers, render the yielding to the temptation almost certainly ruinous

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