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    trading frases de exemplo


    1. For those who are still interested in trading of shares, it is necessary to understand certain fundamental terms related to companies whose shares are available for buying or selling

    2. "Join a merchant's association," doostEr said, "There's always influence trading going on in them

    3. that he might know how much every man had gained by trading

    4. “He was part of a company trading in skins: bearskins,

    5. “The caravan’s starting-point was a trading station at Vanavara, a

    6. Apparently, on the last visit, the trading party was

    7. to the Vanavara trading post – a five-day trip with full wagons in

    8. I ordered two, trading the waiting for the inconvenience of

    9. on, each force putting a flag on the days it conquered, trading the blows of cold

    10. It meant trading in jeans for

    11. As we return in the west to looking at local currencies to support smal shops, it’s good to know that the people here have been trading ‘bead money’ al along, with great success

    12. wine, and textiles travelled to and from the major trading

    13. those of trading and manufacturing stock, than they are said to have none in the last century,

    14. of trading in a town-corporate, than for a poor artificer to obtain that of working in it

    15. We see frequently societies of merchants in London, and other trading towns, purchase waste lands in our sugar colonies, which they expect to improve and cultivate with profit, by means of factors and agents, notwithstanding the great distance and the uncertain returns, from the defective administration of justice in those countries

    16. "I have no interest in trading cliches with you

    17. ‘And if you wish to continue trading in this town,

    18. But these two spoke as if they were partners in a trading venture

    19. If you have no dream and no plan about building a new house, you will remain trapped in the old one because, at the level of the mind, trading or buying is not an acceptable option

    20. discount their bills always with the same banker, he must immediately discover what they are about, and see clearly that they are trading, not with any capital of their own, but with the capital which he advances to them

    21. London, Lisbon, and Copenhagen, are, perhaps, the only three cities in Europe, which are both the constant residence of a court, and can at the same time be considered as trading cities, or as cities which trade not only for their own consumption, but for that of other cities and countries

    22. It is distinct, not only from the landed, but from the trading and manufacturing interests, as in these last the owners themselves employ their own capitals

    23. After all the anxiety, however, which they have excited about this, after all the vain attempts of almost all trading nations to turn that balance in their own favour, and against their neighbours, it does not appear that any one nation in Europe has been, in any respect, impoverished by this cause

    24. Anyway, the cadet ship was only just entering the traffic lanes around the Tursii trading partner's facilities in that system's asteroid fields when all hell broke loose

    25. Every European nation has endeavoured, more or less, to monopolize to itself the commerce of its colonies, and, upon that account, has prohibited the ships of foreign nations from trading to them, and has prohibited them from importing European goods from any foreign nation

    26. Trading is essentially based on demand and supply and it is what results in imports and exports of each country

    27. England, it must be observed, was a great trading country, her mercantile capital was very great, and likely to become still greater and greater every day, not only before the act of navigation had established the monopoly of the corn trade, but before that trade was very considerable

    28. Have the exorbitant profits of the merchants of Cadiz and Lisbon augmented the capital of Spain and Portugal ? Have they alleviated the poverty, have they promoted the industry, of those two beggarly countries? Such has been the tone of mercantile expense in those two trading cities, that those exorbitant profits, far from augmenting the general capital of the country, seem scarce to have been sufficient to keep up the capitals upon which they were made

    29. In such circumstances, to prohibit the servants of the company from trading upon their own account, can have scarce any other effect than to enable its superior servants, under pretence of executing their master's order, to oppress such of the inferior ones as have had the misfortune to fall under their displeasure

    30. If they are suffered to act as they could wish, they will establish this monopoly openly and directly, by fairly prohibiting all other people from trading in the articles in which they choose to deal; and this, perhaps, is the best and least oppressive way of establishing it

    31. My trading in China now being at an end, I loaded that day’s take of Chinese-made merchandise onto The Lucky Mermaid and then went back ashore to the counting house where I exchanged a gold piece for some local Chinese currency

    32. “West Indies Trading Co

    33. Apparently Captain Martindale had given me high marks in a recommendation to The West Indies Trading Company and they wanted me to be the first mate on a trading vessel that was sailing for Brazil

    34. A trading and manufacturing country, therefore, naturally purchases, with a small part of its manufactured produce, a great part of the rude produce of other countries; while, on the contrary, a country without trade and manufactures is generally obliged to purchase, at the expense of a great part of its rude produce, a very small part of the manufactured produce of other countries

    35. Small bodies of soldiers, quartered in trading and manufacturing towns, and seldom removed from those quarters, became themselves trades men, artificers, and manufacturers

    36. Do you think they really would use the Aquifer for gaining trading concessions?”

    37. When those companies do not trade upon a joint stock, but are obliged to admit any person, properly qualified, upon paying a certain fine, and agreeing to submit to the regulations of the company, each member trading upon his own stock, and at his own risk, they are called regulated companies

    38. Long after the time of Sir Josiah Child, however, in 1750, a regulated company was established, the present company of merchants trading to Africa ; which was expressly charged at first with the maintenance of all the British forts and garrisons that lie between Cape Blanc and the Cape of Good Hope, and afterwards with that of those only which lie between Cape Rouge and the Cape of Good Hope

    39. The company is prohibited from trading in their corporate capacity, or upon a joint stock ; from borrowing money upon common seal, or from laying any restraints upon the trade, which may be carried on freely from all places, and by all persons being British subjects, and paying the fine

    40. 20, the fort of Senegal, with all its dependencies, had been invested in the company of merchants trading to Africa, yet, in the year following (by the 5th of George III

    41. The trading stock of the South Sea company at one time amounted to upwards of thirty-three millions eight hundred thousand pounds

    42. The South Sea company, as long as they continued to be a trading company, had an exclusive privilege confirmed by act of parliament; as have likewise the present united company of merchants trading to the East Indies

    43. Their affairs continued to go gradually to decline, till at last, being in every respect a bankrupt company, they were dissolved by act of parliament, and their forts and garrisons vested in the present regulated company of merchants trading to Africa

    44. This advantage of having a cargo ready prepared, could not, for several years, be acquired by private adventurers ; and without it there seems to be no possibility of trading to Hudson's Bay

    45. In 1722, this company petitioned the parliament to be allowed to divide their immense capital of more than thirty-three millions eight hundred thousand pounds, the whole of which had been lent to government, into two equal parts; the one half, or upwards of £16,900,000, to be put upon the same footing with other government annuities, and not to be subject to the debts contracted, or losses incurred, by the directors of the company, in the prosecution of their mercantile projects ; the other half to remain as before, a trading stock, and to be subject to those debts and losses

    46. In 1733, they again petitioned the parliament, that three-fourths of their trading stock might be turned into annuity stock, and only one-fourth remain as trading stock, or exposed to the hazards arising from the bad management of their directors

    47. Both their annuity and trading stocks had, by this time, been reduced more than two millions each, by several different payments from government ; so that this fourth amounted only to £3,662,784:8:6

    48. An end was put to their trade with the Spanish West Indies; the remainder of their trading stock was turned into an annuity stock ; and the company ceased, in every respect, to be a trading company

    49. A few private traders, whose subscriptions amounted only to seven thousand two hundred pounds, insisted upon the privilege of trading separately upon their own stocks, and at their own risks

    50. In 1702, the two companies were, in some measure, united by an indenture tripartite, to which the queen was the third party ; and in 1708, they were by act of parliament, perfectly consolidated into one company, by their present name of the United Company of Merchants trading to the East Indies

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    Sinônimos para "trading"

    trading commerce communion dealing marketing dealings exchange interchange