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    unfamiliar with

    1. She’d stayed seated until it stopped, uncertain and unfamiliar with the motion … yes, the bus had stopped and she’d risen, turned to pick up her bag … walked quickly down the gangway to the door … there’d been footsteps behind her … heavy ones – the men

    2. That was important now that he was so unfamiliar with the world

    3. “Yes,” he answered, that allowed him to be unfamiliar with the area

    4. It took him an hour to get there because he was so unfamiliar with the layout of the Yornakite Pinnacles neighborhood he had to pass thru and because he didn't find the studio until the fourth try

    5. unfamiliar with this topic, it simply means giving a rational defense of the faith

    6. unfamiliar with the laws of the universe, is that the

    7. Torbin could see a bond between them that seemed exclusive; himself the freakish outsider – a role he was not entirely unfamiliar with

    8. They're unfamiliar with their surroundings, but again they simply don't care

    9. As they strolled along, the kid pulled out a pipe and began expertly filling it with an unusual mixture, but Brendan was unfamiliar with Child Bureau laws around here

    10. While he was unfamiliar with Russian insignia, the gold on the man’s shoulder boards told Colling that the man must be an officer, and probably one of relatively high rank

    11. To drive from the city of Johannesburg to Pretoria (really just a town in those days) was via circuitous roads, confusing for someone unfamiliar with the way

    12. He was unfamiliar with this in the anthropology literature

    13. Sharada was also unfamiliar with electrical

    14. I was not totally unfamiliar with it—having gone into NYC from Harrisburg on a trip back from Albuquerque with my older son, Will, after Christmas of his 3L at BULS, when he drove to the West Coast and picked my up in Albuquerque at John’s house

    15. Although he was unfamiliar with the outdoors, he applied for the job but soon realized that the work was not what he had expected, and that his new employers were involved in illegal activities

    16. Could this beautiful woman standing next to him really be a victim of circumstances? A soldier thrown into a ring of chaos as her commander, Raidan, betrays her and she's tossed onto a strange ship working for some strange part of the military she's unfamiliar with? A lifestyle she isn't used to

    17. “Where are you?” you ask, unfamiliar with the specific type of void that engulfs you

    18. Eddie’s concentration on his shift log was broken when Colin spoke, “Eddie, can you have a look at this for a minute?” Something was happening that he was unfamiliar with and didn’t understand

    19. Naïve as a child in many ways, unfamiliar with the sophistry of civilization, he was naturally intelligent, jealous of his rights, and dangerous as a hungry tiger

    20. My heart was pounding against my chest as Jake started strumming a tune I was totally unfamiliar with

    21. She was not unfamiliar with the question simply because her research was controversial

    22. I am unfamiliar with bullshit, Peter Pan, and crap, but I can assure you, there is nothing wrong with your hearing

    23. I am unfamiliar with Son of a gun, but you are no fool Grandpa, Monroe said

    24. sheltered upbringing, and you are unfamiliar with the day

    25. where they were, they were unfamiliar with the terrain,

    26. what many Christians unfamiliar with the Bible face, unbeknownst to them, as they sit in their

    27. I was unfamiliar with these and wasted several minutes trying to operate it, but in the end, a young woman made the connection for me and I found myself talking, with surprising ease, to the prospective nurse

    28. game plan, and was unfamiliar with the terrain

    29. Unfamiliar with the history of the hotel, she instinctively knew that a great tragedy had befallen one of the guests while here or that the structures were situated atop a site that had a sad, twisted background

    30. Shirl was on the laptop talking business with Jerry, a couple of her accounts he was unfamiliar with she told Murray, so Murray went into the bedroom and after donning a pair of cotton gloves opened the parcel he’d bought from Sally laying it all out on the bed, there were two bags of cocaine, eleven thousand dollars of the stolen Post Office money, two thousand dollars refund from Sally, and last but certainly not least the present that Sally had mentioned, the piece de resistance, wrapped in a plastic bag was a 38 millimetre automatic hand-gun, a note stuck to the plastic bag stated that this was the actual weapon used to shoot and wound the two postal workers, Murray was ecstatic, the gun would move the question of guilt out of the realm of possibility, to the realm of certainty with no chance of convincing anyone otherwise, the two thousand refund Murray returned to his wallet, then from the bottom of the wardrobe he retrieved the battered briefcase he’d bought at the op shop, he took from the briefcase one of the hypodermic needles that Ted had left his fingerprints on, putting this to one side, and leaving the other three needles, he began loading the bag, first he shook the gun out of the plastic bag, then added five thousand dollars of the tainted money from the robbery, lastly he placed a bag of cocaine in the briefcase and closed it, from the bedside table he now took his own briefcase, which still contained his various identities in the false bottom, into this he put the remaining six thousand dollars of the Post Office money, the syringe with Ted’s fingerprints, the bag of heroin, both of the air pistols and the packet of darts, from his inside jacket pocket he took the little bottle of the knock-out mixture that he’d switched from Mr Hawk’s coat during the robbery, holding it up to the light he saw there was less than a quarter left, more than enough though for the task ahead, he’d just finished these preparations when Shirl called from the other room

    31. sites, he was unfamiliar with that one, and considering that he was a

    32. This is because offshore asset protection (while desirable) is a topic that your attorney may be very unfamiliar with and therefore uneasy guiding you through it

    33. As fast as she dared in the little car, unfamiliar with its rattle and squeak and

    34. If unfamiliar with the procedure, go to the information

    35. Truth was, of course, that I was the last boy in our grade to hit puberty so not only was I unfamiliar with the act but I was completely unclear as to why anyone would want to engage in it the first place and what would transpire after the requisite number of “blows” transpired

    36. You can see how if you were unfamiliar with this premise and I just went barreling along it might have caused some confusion

    37. He sat up and began peering around, unfamiliar with the surroundings but conscious enough to remember how he had arrived at his current location

    38. was a situation that Shoop was unfamiliar with and it didn’t sit wel with him but

    39. While all illiterate men at first, they were far from stupid and had proved surprisingly good with their hands and with basic, manual tools, even though they had at first been completely unfamiliar with the notion of exact measurements

    40. He wasn’t sure if Everette would accept him into his clan as he was unfamiliar with the customs of these people

    41. asked - as could happen to anyone who was totally unfamiliar with

    42. He had been assaulted with smells and images that he was unfamiliar with, but he was confident in the translation that his mind offered

    43. set up that she was unfamiliar with

    44. Being most unfamiliar with the noodle dishes, the Koorivars tried them first, chewing and swallowing cautiously at first

    45. towards the porch she inhabited, the beautiful dreamer that existed in a plane I was unfamiliar with welcomed me with an inviting

    46. For those who are unfamiliar with home decorating in a

    47. “To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities—I wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures

    48. I served in California before but most of my recent service time has been spent overseas, so I’m unfamiliar with the housing market in the continental United States

    49. To show that he was not unfamiliar with the etiquette of the

    50. Annie was unfamiliar with the

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