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    Use "unimaginative" em uma frase

    unimaginative frases de exemplo


    1. Roadblocks could be dangerous in the 1980s for it happened that Russian made hand- grenades were thrown at us by unimaginative terrorists

    2. Such progress left the landscape around America with a cluster of ultra-clinical, blocky, unimaginative and empty buildings, a happy marker of a bygone era

    3. the kids to start drawing pizza shapes on those unimaginative

    4. Virtually all practical human skills have disappeared from western civilization over the last half century, from shoe making to chair seat weaving – to be replaced by the awful competence of the unimaginative machine

    5. painted an unimaginative and

    6. truth for the unimaginative, don't you think?'

    7. While their aircrews were brave enough, the other bomber units of the 5th Air Force too often conducted missions piecemeal, unsupported and according to outdated, unimaginative tactics, striking from too high an altitude to achieve any precision

    8. I have been slow and unimaginative about Mrs

    9. Even this one, this well-bred, well-taught bright being, was so unimaginative that she actually saw no reason why a man's grown-up daughter

    10. The most unimaginative, narrow minded and least creative people end up as police officers and soldiers

    11. The way many affluent people dress is shabby, mediocre, dull, unimaginative, and sloppy

    12. And loving people are the best teachers in the world… not boring degreed, unimaginative university graduates

    13. Few have the choice of how they exit life, but I think Matt got his wish in that he got to go out in the flames of glory, so to speak, just as the fabled characters of history’s past had that he had studied and lectured about to classrooms of students either too bored to listen or too unimaginative to comprehend that the answers for the present can often be found in the deeds and mistakes of the past

    14. The unimaginative, hard-working men, great and small, who served this flag afloat and ashore, nursed dumbly a mysterious sense of its greatness

    15. This was partly because he was not exceptionally bright while being at the same time exceptionally unimaginative, but it was also because odd carvings and perilous tunnels were all in a day's work

    16. A few tapestries covered the walls, depicting biblical scenes and keeping out the draughts, but overall the decor was dull and unimaginative – rather like the late Anthony

    17. " The blood mounted to the temples of Debray, who held a million in his pocket-book, and unimaginative as he was he could not help reflecting that the same house had contained two women, one of whom, justly dishonored, had left it poor with 1,500,000

    18. services with dogged but unimaginative efficiency – a trait he illustrated by giving a tedious sermon on why God was more important than Money, an odd note on which to open one of England’s great commercial fairs

    19. One of the gunners makes unimaginative comments about the smoke, a dead horse he can see at the base of the walls, the intensity of certain quadrants of fire

    20. A letter from the efficient, unimaginative Archdeacon Lloyd had explained that Henri was busy appointing clergy to replace those who had died of the plague

    21. " You can imagine that it was not long before I had shaken the dust of Castleton from my feet and returned to the farm, cursing all unimaginative pedants who cannot conceive that there may be things in creation which have never yet chanced to come across their mole's vision

    22. It was a 210-foot, unimaginative beige block, quite possibly the inspiration for B

    23. As soon as the story aired, I got an email from Ben saying the writing seemed flat and unimaginative

    24. However, the market needs the small investor as a counterweight to the unimaginative short-termism of the major institutional holders

    25. Our basic thesis is this: If the investor is to rely chiefly on the advice of others in handling his funds, then either he must limit himself and his advisers strictly to standard, conservative, and even unimaginative forms of investment, or he must have an unusually intimate and favorable knowledge of the person who is going to direct his funds into other channels

    26. Sounded like an unimaginative children’s story

    27. Underneath, Garvey was a surprisingly brilliant man, but his unimaginative parents had crushed him in the Terribly Strange Bed of their environment

    28. It almost seemed for the moment to her narrow, unimaginative mind that there must be some real power hidden behind this candid daring

    29. I know that, to the common apprehension, this phenomenon of whiteness is not confessed to be the prime agent in exaggerating the terror of objects otherwise terrible; nor to the unimaginative mind is there aught of terror in those appearances whose awfulness to another mind almost solely consists in this one phenomenon, especially when exhibited under any form at all approaching to muteness or universality

    30. ” The sentimental period—which had come into his unimaginative life with the imperiousness of that passion which at least once during a man’s life changes his existence for a time, short or long—had for Warrener left behind it a memory which the cares of the world, the moth and rust of vulgar routine, trains and ferries, quick lunches and elevators, common surroundings and abasing ideals, overlaid but never destroyed

    31. To be sure, there was the character of the country girl, Mary, which he had taken from his own little waiting-maid: but that was a very subordinate element, and although, on the whole, he rather regretted having introduced anything so incongruous and unimaginative, he decided to let it go

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    Sinônimos para "unimaginative"

    stereotyped stereotypic stereotypical unimaginative sterile uninspired uninventive barren unremarkable mediocre common everyday bland tasteless