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    Utiliser "air duct" dans une phrase

    air duct exemples de phrases

    air duct

    1. The ceiling had two large air ducts implanted in it

    2. Tubular air ducts come from each of the cows’ and bulls’ stalls, giving a steady supply of fresh air and taking out the stale air to be analyzed alternately from cow to cow every five minutes

    3. However, to test the flatulence, a tube was developed from a typical household clothes dryer air duct and attached over the animal’s rear during the sampling

    4. A loud boom echoes to the top of the dome and suddenly the giant air ducts release a gas

    5. I thought I might be able to work a way in via the air duct into the tower

    6. The conceptual rigid insulation dome with push out baffles in position 2 might utilize spring tension to keep the baffles sealed with the air ducts to minimize loss of heat when heating the house

    7. Angellina reached the air ducts, rolled underneath a large piece of equipment, gave Nick a quick ‘thumbs-up’, then started frantically dialing his cellular telephone

    8. He shouted some sort of profanity and then he moved towards the air duct where he announced –

    9. “But what could that be if it’s not in the air ducts? That’s how you deploy an aerosolized bioweapon

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