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    Utiliser "arkansas" dans une phrase

    arkansas exemples de phrases


    1. Toad Suck, Perry County, Arkansas

    2. Each time I went back to Arkansas, the elders would question me about my marital state

    3. of Arkansas, using Arkansas State Police for procurement purposes, even to the extent of bringing women into the Executive Mansion

    4. “Quit this job and move to Arkansas to be a veterinarian

    5. What is it about an affable scoundrel that makes us wink at improprieties or worse, legal transgressions? I‘m referring, of course, to our own President William Jefferson Clinton who, along with the First Lady, have offered us Whitewater, Madison Savings and Loan, Rose Law Firm, Cattle Options, Travelgate, Filegate, Loral Communications, Buddhist Temple Fundraisers, (the) Lincoln Bedroom, (the) mysterious ―suicide‖ of Vincent Foster, Sex Scandals and Arkansas Mafia for our consideration

    6. All of Tennessee and the northern thirds of Alabama and Arkansas also stay Union

    7. Wyoming appealed to her as did Maine and Arkansas

    8. rejoicing, we headed north into Arkansas, now certain that Wichita,

    9. He had represented Barry Seale, the drug smuggler on the back end of the Iran-Contra flights that came into Mena Airport in Arkansas when Clinton was governor

    10. Shortly thereafter an Arkansas white boy, not a member of any diversity clan, is brutally raped for hours by two homosexual men and left to die

    11. planned the wedding in the Arkansas mountains

    12. lifying popular sovereignty was the decision of Arkansas State Circuit Judge Chris Piazza invalidating a term-limitation amendment to the state constitution enacted by referendum

    13. Here, one man thwarted the will of 60 percent of Arkansas voters

    14. 10 Hillary was so impressed by this experience that she institutionalized it in a program in Arkansas called the ‘Governor’s School

    15. You were in Arkansas when you committed that

    16. from all over Oklahoma and Arkansas that the casket was completely buried before they

    17. I took over the wheel and drove us into Arkansas

    18. Years ago in Arkansas there was a man who made a common

    19. Seems this Arkansas guy wanted some beer pretty badly

    20. Arkansas drive-ins aren’t very convenient thanks to this law

    21. University of Arkansas, US, points out in his book

    22. The armed forces will deploy in the states of South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas and restore order there, with the assistance of the FBI

    23. , the Governors from Arkansas and Oregon appointed Democrats to replace their fallen comrades, giving the Democrats a 47 to 46 lead

    24. In Arkansas, you have a fifty-fifty chance of either tuning in a country station or a preacher station

    25. One such gathering is taking place today on a private farm near the town of Ozone, Arkansas

    26. (Speaking aside: “Are we ready to go there?”) We now go to Helen Hicks with this report from Ozone, Arkansas

    27. The license plates were from Arkansas and they read 222, as well

    28. He reappeared, only weeks ago, at a large 222 Jamboree staged in Arkansas, one of many such gatherings of the Confederation held last month worldwide

    29. Not long after, Nox News, and the other networks were breaking in on their broadcast to announce that Bob of Boblovian had been taken into Federal custody along with many other leaders of the Boblovian 222 Revolution in Ozone, Arkansas

    30. All the government would reveal was that several people were being held in Arkansas for questioning

    31. It runs over nine hundred miles all the way to the Arkansas River

    32. “Who are the four they’re holding in Arkansas? What charges do they have against them?”

    33. “The official story was he was killed in a shootout, along with his wife, in Johnson County, Arkansas, but the true story is the Feds came to the house that he was hiding in and murdered Collier and his wife and the couple that were harboring them

    34. First, they executed Kenny and Rita Sampson, members of the Arkansas Rifle Company, a militia group in the Ozarks

    35. You know, the woman that turned up with him in Arkansas

    36. Questioning the Age of the Earth, (Green Forest, Arkansas: Master

    37. Therese was walking between her parents as they crossed the Royal Gorge Bridge, over a thousand feet above the raging Arkansas River, when she heard someone behind them call her name

    38. Arkansas? How can you fall for this?”

    39. And had he elected to move away from the United Kingdom altogether he might have been tempted by Stinking Bay in Arkansas in the United States or even the wonderfully and hugely appropriately named Dunnydoo in far away Australia

    40. The course, mottled-gray Soft Arkansas stone removes metal quickly and is used for

    41. The white Hard Arkansas stone puts the

    42. those drain'd by the Tennessee, or through those of the Arkansas,

    43. Arkansas to sing theirs,

    44. Of what Indiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, and the rest, are to be,

    45. him she was from Arkansas

    46. Employment agencies in Seattle received inquiries about the availability of jobs—any kind of job, no matter how low paying—from as far away as Missouri and Arkansas

    47. The computer told them 501 was one of three area codes given to cell phones in Arkansas

    48. Chang said, “Was there an Arkansas number you blocked about nine weeks ago? Maybe our guy switched from his land line to his cell, simple as that

    49. But none of them was from Arkansas

    50. Westwood scrolled again, backward through the next seven days, and then forward again, checking against the list of area codes, and he said, “I blocked two guys the previous week, for a fourteen-day total of six, but still no one from Arkansas

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    ar ark. arkansas land of opportunity arkansas river