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    Utiliser "blotches" dans une phrase

    blotches exemples de phrases


    1. Their faces were both thin, their skin hanging in folds and covered with blotches

    2. Milo could see the marks on her face – more like red blistery blotches

    3. looked quite ridiculous with blotches of mud all over

    4. ” I translated the term “blotted,” as such blotches on a horse might remind one of something that has been struck with hailstones

    5. blotches of dirt along the riverbed, colourful insects scurrying

    6. were blotches of white skin that could be seen under its thinning

    7. Her make-up blotches her pale complexion

    8. Jerry’s skin, white to the point of transparency, was speckled with freckles and blotches

    9. Annie's face was looking much better, the lotion had taken the bright red blotches away and had stopped the incessant itching

    10. Sweat formed dark blotches about his clothes and damped his hair

    11. In the after-noon, after twenty-four hours of desperation, they knew that she was dead because the flow had stopped without remedies and her profile became sharp and the blotches on her face evaporated in a halo of alabaster and she smiled again

    12. Moreover it protects it from having blotches or unpleasant look that occurs in case that the blood remained in the slaughtered animal' body

    13. I follow it farther into the forest, and when I round the bend the trees become thinner, their orange leaves marked by brown blotches

    14. His clothing was travel-stained and aged, covered in red-brown blotches

    15. “Nasty red blotches, and all that itching would make her scowl a lot more

    16. Then you start to notice differences — different heights, lines on their bodies, blotches on their heads

    17. Her pale skin displayed a few mauve blotches around her neck and lower face

    18. The woman sitting in her study with blotches on her neck was going through a spiritual crisis and what she needed most right now was a listening heart, someone who would not judge her harshly

    19. Her cough had progressively grown worse and her lungs burned as she hacked away, sometimes even coughing up blotches of blood

    20. horrible blisters, nasty red blotches and little puncture marks, the tops of his thighs were red raw

    21. As she studied her hand, she noticed that the blood had started seeping through the layers of white bandages, leaving blotches of blood here and there

    22. There he stood, along with Deek, Stacey and Deek’s brother-in-law, arms over shoulders, dressed in full paintball gear, each covered in blotches of paint

    23. Its skin was patterned with darker-colored, donut-shaped blotches

    24. Now it was an iridescent blue with cream-colored blotches

    25. Red blotches that she suffered when highly agitated or angry appeared on her neck and her breathing quickened

    26. Red blotches on her cheeks and chin marked her otherwise sallow skin and she seemed to have far more teeth than could fit in her small mouth

    27. Faint blotches still line his arms where the water ate away at the upper layers of his skin

    28. snow prematurely: this can cause blotches of ice to form on the

    29. The blotches of colour did nothing to camouflage her on this steel ship, maybe she could wear grey and blend in with her surroundings that way

    30. I stared at the luminous ripples breaking over my hands, shimmering sheets spattered with blotches of bluish gray

    31. O'Connor, a grey-haired young man, whose face was disfigured by many blotches and pimples, had just brought the tobacco for a cigarette into a shapely cylinder but when spoken to he undid his handiwork meditatively

    32. His face lengthens, grows pale and bearded, with sunken eyes, the blotches of phthisis and hectic cheekbones of John F

    33. Mark had a rash of purple blotches on his face and arms

    34. For a long time I lay and watched these red, quivering blotches of light

    35. The hard ground was stained with dark blotches

    36. She flushed, her beautiful eyes grew dim, red blotches came on her face, and it took on the unattractive martyrlike expression it so often wore, as she submitted herself to Mademoiselle Bourienne and Lise

    37. Her big face, dotted with red blotches, presented the appearance of a skimmer

    38. Battered felt hats, tarpaulin caps, hideous woollen nightcaps, and, side by side with a short blouse, a black coat broken at the elbow; many wore women's headgear, others had baskets on their heads; hairy breasts were visible, and through the rent in their garments tattooed designs could be descried; temples of Love, flaming hearts, Cupids; eruptions and unhealthy red blotches could also be seen

    39. The largest are the various Diamondbacks, with distinctive diamond-shaped blotches

    40. ” It was a widespread, comfortable-looking building, two-storied, slate-roofed, with great yellow blotches of lichen upon the grey walls

    41. There were no carpets and no signs of any furniture above the ground floor, while the plaster was peeling off the walls, and the damp was breaking through in green, unhealthy blotches

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