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    1. The words that he wanted to conjure up caught at the back

    2. The words that he wanted to conjure up caught at the back of his throat and his first sound was little more than a muffled cough

    3. The flashing minds and eyes that conjure celluloid images

    4. His magic level was such that it was still easier to just plink icecubes from a bucket than conjure them into the glass

    5. “He…he should’ve said something”, stammered her husband, as around him one judge after another jeered and called him every sort of stupid ass that their imaginations could conjure up

    6. 5 Conjure an army for me so that I may fulfill your wishes

    7. of stupid ass that their imaginations could conjure up

    8. Harry was elated on account of those two particular locales they had essayed during their journey merely for their very formidable access and the determination which one must conjure to tour them

    9. every dream he dared to conjure, in the background was Agent Johnson always

    10. about five, and I had about four hours, to conjure up a doctor, a

    11. I couldn’t conjure a family

    12. “Sheranara!” she called in a voice only an Enthilesté can conjure

    13. He lowered his head, exhaling as he tried to conjure up his parting words to Alex

    14. The Elders had tried to capture the Witch before, but she would always conjure up spells and use magic to avoid capture

    15. Ursempyre was still looking at the Patriarch dumbfounded, not as much because of the Patriarch’s ability to instantly and at will seemingly conjure whatever items he pleased, but more so because of what he was saying, or trying to imply

    16. The towers were another unfathomable wonder that imagination would have failed to conjure

    17. that he would conjure his own world in a drunken stupor? An entirely fictional

    18. Those seven men wielded great power, the like of which had never been seen before, and they could conjure up foul beasts from the underworld to do battle for them

    19. inability to conjure the faintest wisp of hope for the situation

    20. The closest anyone on Earth could describe it, if they even tried, was as an astral plane, a place to conjure anything you wished or

    21. The sea may be many things but it couldn’t conjure up a

    22. In his final moments on earth, he desperately tried to conjure

    23. references to holes, dips, depressions, chasms and the like and he tried to conjure up a plan of action that no one would know about

    24. hand around to conjure up things really wasn’t going to cut the

    25. He was quite fearful of another reoccurrence of the awful vitriolic voices, especially in company; he didn’t know how many more times he would be able to conjure up excuses on the spur of the moment to conceal his condition

    26. 9 And Angeas said to Balaam, Conjure for us, I pray you, with the witchcraft, that we may know who will prevail in this battle to which we are now proceeding

    27. “Well, you of all people should know the lies the media can conjure up

    28. description as I could conjure

    29. think, and believe165 conjure up my clearest memories of how you

    30. 9 And Angeas said to Balaam Conjure for us I pray you with the witchcraft that we may know who will prevail in this battle to which we are now proceeding

    31. From the ruined mountain, he can conjure up a thousand if he so wishes

    32. Once out it seems to conjure up support from others who share in the same insecurity that it bubbled up from in the first place

    33. Moshe tried to picture the scene but could only conjure up vague images of grand drama in a place he had never seen and could scarcely image

    34. Moshe tried to picture the scene but could only conjure up vague images of grand drama in a

    35. day to the daily old days of masturbation because that can conjure

    36. And as you breathe in conjure up images of

    37. You conjure up what your opinion is on 102

    38. conjure anything I wished

    39. You conjure up what your opinion is on the subject

    40. conjure, but to unveil

    41. ) And so a magic wand has been waved to conjure up the illusion that we’re all different and separate

    42. darkness that gods are able to conjure

    43. strong Ja, who appeared in mount Sinai with the glorification of king Adonai,Sadai, Zebaoth, Anathay, Ya, Ya, Ya, Maranata, Abim, Jeia, who created the sea, and all lakes and waters, in the second day, which are above the heavens and in the earth, and scaled the sea in his high name, and gave it its bounds beyond which it cannot pass; and by the names of the angels who rule in the firstlegion, and who serve Orphaniel, a great, precious, and honourable angel, and by the name of his star which is Luna, and by all the names aforesaid, I conjure thee, Gabriel, who art chief ruler of Monday, the second day, that for me thou labour and fulfil, &c

    44. I CONJURE and call upon you, ye strong and holy angels, good and powerful, in a strong name of fear and praise, Ja, Adonay, Elohim, Saday, Saday, Saday; Eie, Eie, Eie; Asamie, Asamie; and in the name of Adonay, the God of Israel, who hath made the two great lights, and distinguished day from night for the benefit of his creatures; and by the names of all the discerning angels, governing openly in the second house before the great angel, Tetra, strong and powerful; and by the name of his star which is Mercury; and by the name of his seal, which is that of a powerful and honoured God; and I call upon thee, Raphael, and by the names above mentioned, thou great angel who presidest over the fourth day: and by the holy name which is written in the front of Aaron, created the most high priest, and by the names of all the angels who are constant in the grace of Christ, and by the name and place of Ammaluim, that you assist me in my labours, &c

    45. I CO NJ U RE and confirm upon you, ye strong and holy angels, by the names Cados, Cados, Cados, Eschercie, Escherei, Eschercie, Hatim, Ya, strong founder of the worlds; Cantine, Jaym, Janic, Anic, Calbot, Sabbac, Berisay, Alnaym; and by the name Adonai, who created fishes and creeping things in the waters, and birds upon the face of the earth, flying towards heaven, in the fifth day; and by the names of the angels serving in the sixth host before Pastor, a holy angel, and a great and powerful prince and by the name of his star, which is Jupiter, and by the name of his seal, and by the name of Adonai, the great God, Creator of all things, and by the name of all the stars, and by their power and virtue, and by all the names aforesaid, I conjure thee, Sachiel, a great Angel, who art chief ruler of Thursday, that for me thou labour, &c

    46. I CONJURE and confirm upon you, ye strong and holy angels, by the names On,Hey,Heya,Ja,Je,Saday,Adonai and in the name Sadai, who created four-footed beasts, and creeping things, and man, in the sixth day, and gave to Adam

    47. and a strong and powerful prince, and by the name of his star, which is Venus, and by his seal which is holy; and by all the names aforesaid, I conjure upon thee, Anael, who art the chief ruler this day, that thou labour for me, &c

    48. generations, that they should keep and sanctify the same, to have thereby a good reward in the world to conic; and by the names of the angelsserving in the seventh host, before Booel, a great angel, and powerful prince; and by the name of his star, which is Saturn; and by his holy seal, and by the names before spoken, I conjure upon thee, Caphriel, who art chief ruler of the seventh day, which is the Sabbath, that for me thou labour, &c

    49. “And it’s the way some of them conjure up wealth to earn infamy that makes for the great human tragedy,” he said with apathy

    50. 'Will you conjure them out of the air?'

    1. and though I fear to see a pretty picture conjured

    2. It even conjured images of what she would call "The True Business Woman"

    3. The scene at the lake she knew had been conjured up, by her fear of the muddy thing she’d seen earlier that morning

    4. " The questions his response had conjured up in her head were best left alone

    5. conjured u in my mind

    6. whatever he had conjured earlier was failing him currently

    7. Zarko smiled as he conjured up a vision of the two of them skimpily clad and flexing their muscles

    8. It was overwhelming beyond what they had or even could have conjured up in their own imaginations

    9. If the answers to all these questions are “yes”: then we can conclude, without any doubt, that the information contained in the Bible is not just some mythical convolution of ideas conjured up by weird and fanatical people from the past and put together in a collection over many centuries

    10. If the Bible anticipates events that would happen in the future, should we not then measure information, doctrines and “facts” that are forced onto us in today’s world, against that which is written in the Bible? Should we search for truth and answers to questions about eternity anywhere else, if this Book is the only document on Earth that can be proven to have originated from beyond our space-time and provides ample information about the topics we would like to know about? Would it be wise to adopt beliefs that are based on human hypotheses and theories alone - especially if there is mounting evidence against those theories? Would it be wise to risk one’s eternal destiny to follow after conjured up human fantasies and philosophies that have no provable basis for authenticity?

    11. The clean spring water conjured up images of gurgling through rocks and stones and damp earth

    12. Fidel Castro is coming to town! This poorly stylized villain, who for years has fed off the (romanticized) illusions conjured up by left-leaning individuals, will undoubtedly receive a warm reception in some quarters by disaffected groups whose alienated affections for this great nation have grown naturally disposed toward honoring every ideological enemy of America as some visionary liberator in their incorrectly perceived fight for ―freedom

    13. Newspaper conjured a demonic meaning into all of this, and the sect of

    14. As if the people that used to live here in ages past conjured their food out of thin air

    15. Hilderich conjured the image of the builder of the gate being asked why the colors in his gate seemed all wrong, and the childish thought brought a grin to his face

    16. He focused on his body and felt its energy; he focused on his mind and conjured an image: he was on the platform of an old steam engine with colossal levers and wheels and steam and heat and dials and the smell of hot ash and grease and thundering vibration and dials indicating temperature and pressure and speed

    17. had wanted to explode it as soon as he had conjured the thought,

    18. Suzy had conjured up a lovely lunch of salad, olives and tuna steak drizzled with lemon, a nice start to the afternoon

    19. But the feebleness of Ralph’s efforts has meant that he can see into the courtyard, he can witness what powers Gelahn has conjured from the air

    20. How different it had all been from the litany of possibilities his limited experience could have conjured up

    21. He closed his eyes and conjured up the vision of the snow-raven, feeling the feathers and whiteness and strange unknowable warmth in his mind

    22. his limited experience could have conjured up

    23. conceived of) were all conjured up from nothing? If so, how could

    24. Paul put his hands on his hips and laughed at the picture conjured up by George's

    25. Sorus had conjured an invisible barrier about himself, absorbing the raking blows from the enraged Soul Beast that seemed to grow feeding from his magic, although, from the desperate look on his face, it didn’t look as if his magic would hold for much longer

    26. Trask stopped short, amazed at the comically distorted picture conjured up by his bruised ego

    27. Of course, I conjured up all kinds of this

    28. Actually, I have conjured up everything, and anything

    29. Actually, I have conjured up everything,

    30. If others would take the time they‘d see I‘m not the monster they‘ve conjured in their minds

    31. “The witch has conjured a dark army,” Esmeralda said, her hand caressing the orb

    32. With the power of a magical spell and a room filled with glowing smoke, the genie conjured up a look-alike

    33. Then Zack conjured up some snot buggers from his nose, and had them form into a wall of goo

    34. Peter moved his hands from under the thick sand and conjured up a black hole that the sand monster sunk into

    35. Another common usage is to sprinkle it on the doorstep of the one to be conjured, or to place some in a bag that is hidden on the intended victim's property or hidden in the

    36. While composing the letters, Robert had conjured up a picture of the headmaster; recalling conversations, turns of phrase, the letter written to his parents, and harangues from the stage at assembly

    37. Immediately my mind conjured up the whispers that accompanied my first entering of this house

    38. From their hands they conjured balls of wind that met our fireballs and sucked the flames out

    39. The heads missed her by hair's breadths, but they missed, as she pitted her twinkling feet, flickering limbs and perfect eye against the blinding speed of the scaly demons her enemy had conjured out of thin air

    40. Freddie stared across the rear of the compound for a few minutes and his mind conjured up images of Olivia when she was a little girl playing with her dolls in the back yard of their house in Fonteleza, he remembered her first Holy Communion and her first day at senior school

    41. Gomes clapped his hands together in happiness, “Raw sewage! What a great idea I have just conjured up!” The men listened and then laughed but Anna and Rita didn’t laugh, Anna said, “That is so gross Gomes!”

    42. "Who are you? Whence come you? What do you in Xuchotl?" Then rushing on, without waiting for her to reply: "But you are a friend—goddess or devil, it makes no difference! You have slain the Burning Skull! It was but a man beneath it, after all! We deemed it a demon they conjured up out of the catacombs!Listen!"

    43. Olmec spoke further, of dark and mysterious matters, of black magic and wizardry conjured out of the black night of the catacombs, of weird creatures invoked out of darkness for horrible allies

    44. The woman’s eyes glared fiercely and she conjured with one hand and in it appeared a cup

    45. He made me drink from another cup he conjured out of the air and this one sank deep into my belly as a nugget of heat that made me limp and boneless

    46. that they are called "black-box" funds -- opaque to outsiders, the boxes contain investment magic understood by only the wizards who conjured it up”

    47. Hurriedly reviewing the situation, he conjured up visions of some outcast hippie commune that had evolved from its love culture to one of fear, hermitry and defensive violence

    48. ” I conjured a bag of graham crackers in one hand and in the other five king-sized Hershey chocolates

    49. With the humans, I conjured up lightning and rain, sending bolts, shocking their weapons, causing them to explode

    50. conjured up my strength and manly attitude and said, “I need to see the

    1. the world becomes so perfect! It conjures in you the most loved, sensual, empowering, satisfying

    2. Of the five entrances to the park, we chose the West entrance, in the state of Montana that derives its name from the Spanish word “Montaña” (Mountain), and which conjures visions of natural marvels

    3. She said that the feeling or panic that cancer conjures up may lessen but it never went away

    4. The whole notion of “happily ever after” often conjures

    5. Then suddenly I felt—anew—a feeling very old and rank: the heaviness of ignorance that levels from its gross domain what lurid, selfish, loveless thoughts it conjures up to keep souls down

    6. Origin: This idiom conjures up the image of a stranded canoeist

    7. 'It conjures up all sorts of visions, not the least of which

    8. The idea of having your will or estate go through “probate” conjures up visions of money that should have gone to your heirs being peeled off and divided up for the state’s administrative services in seeing to your last wishes

    9. bottles in cartoons and also conjures images of pirates on the high seas

    10. If the future didn’t exist, would you care about it? It’s precisely your caring and worrying about the future that conjures up its existence

    11. Attainment of sanctity elevates, but the mind conjures up one

    12. vary the terms because “God” automatically conjures

    13. It will grow I know sweeter every year, but it is too big ever to be perfect and to get to look so immaculate that the diseased imagination conjures up visions of housemaids issuing forth each morning in troops and dusting every separate flower with feather brushes

    14. other words, wrongdoing conjures up situations that are likely to kill mind

    15. Sin conjures up situations that are likely to kill mind

    16. For us hunters, the Yukon River conjures up images of a hunting paradise; but it was not always so

    17. its use conjures up visions of the awesome lake of fire judgment reserved for sinners"

    18. its use conjures up visions of the awesome lake of fire

    19. The book of the road, has bought and brought me over, from my break-up with the Holy Ghost; for the world And the synchronized idiot in seismic force, in recognition by the elements; a soulless head of whispers and a vision full of infatuation, he conjures up a giant storm ten years long, in the thunder & the perfect mind

    20. its use conjures up visions of the

    21. its use conjures up visions of the awesome lake of fire judgment reserved for sinners

    22. Conjures the wandering stars, and makes them stand

    23. "He vows and declares, Monsieur, that the other whale, the dried one, is far more deadly than the blasted one; in fine, Monsieur, he conjures us, as we value our lives, to cut loose from these fish

    1. end, by conjuring up, out of the blue, this whole pooja business

    2. hours conjuring up scenarios on how to

    3. Maybe he was simply insane; his mind conjuring up something to divert from the contemplation of death, and temporal eradication besides – the total ceasing of his existence; the mind going to the most extraordinary lengths to give him what mattered most in life: hope

    4. Her imagination was into the stratosphere, wildly conjuring deceitful plots and terrifying images of the madmen behind the curtain, in the closet, under the bed and in every shadow

    5. What if the torrent had kept pouring into their Great Water all this time? It was beyond him to even try conjuring up what it might take to bring it to a stop

    6. And Tris, conjuring weapons out of thin air to attack her worst nightmares

    7. The locket set my brain to conjuring up ideas about

    8. energy of conjuring the words to describe what they are

    9. The mind-executioner stood, arms raised as if conjuring the stars and gods to come to him

    10. be of spiritual nature, whether it were a ceremony, or a conjuring, it was typically seen to

    11. The words of the clown swirled in his ears, conjuring an image of himself as the witch’s pet

    12. My region has been tormented by Ankharet’s conjuring

    13. “The haphazard conjuring of Ankharet have proven to be more than a nuisance to the harmony of our regions

    14. To think I falter what tasteless conjuring they conducted over the eons, instilling this insatiable thirst in them

    15. Back at the boulders the only light came from a fire that shed a soft, flickering glow, conjuring images of mysterious creatures that usually appeared only in dreams

    16. Their minds were probably conjuring up all sorts of improbable scenarios

    17. Wellingsworth, sir," spoke Doug with swelled tears in his eyes, "we're so sorry for conjuring up all those demons

    18. Conjuring, she wove the spell to fix the broken bones and torn flesh but could do nothing yet to fix the flagging core of his strength

    19. In the morning, Connacher and Blackfin emerged looking quite pleased with each other and exhausted as well they should be–after spending two days conjuring spells that had lit up the walls of the tent like a beacon from a lighthouse

    20. "Yeah," I said, suddenly conjuring up the man who'd been on my mind for the last few days

    21. He was conjuring up visions of her face as she talked

    22. In the meantime, I was conjuring up a specific plan of

    23. It was then that he understood that for all of the magical pessaries that he destroyed and all the conjuring hens that he soaked, the single and sad piece of truth was that he was dying

    24. Emma sprawls on the bed, her hands conjuring shapes in the air

    25. As if conjuring it from thin

    26. a way of conjuring up similar demons in his mind

    27. conjuring a zol pipe

    28. All this time the Philistines were conjuring and enticing, to find what and where his weakness could be

    29. Shahu greeted him with conjuring and terrific voice

    30. He said quickly conjuring a fabricated story in his head

    31. trying to distract himself by conjuring up explanations for how the space module got so far away from Earth, at sub-light speeds

    32. Suffice it to say that he got struck off after performing conjuring tricks at his nephew’s tenth birthday party

    33. Jasper and Killian complained about Lord Kikritan all the way to the dinner hall, conjuring up anecdotes from other apprentices who had suffered his irascible, unlikeable personality

    34. Killian was lit up in runes, casting fire at the oracle, and Loken had his hand on the ground, conjuring another

    35. The mages gathered around the fallen oracle, conjuring light spheres that lit the midnight hall

    36. Religious moral retrogression and deterioration are associated with the appearance of sorcery and conjuring

    37. Yet this belief and this inclination to magic and conjuring have now found access to the means for an increase in publicity through modern methods of communication and the Internet

    38. The phenomenon of magic and conjuring has become widespread and is continuing to spread in the age of material progress due to the weakness of the lofty religious side of our spirits

    39. At any rate, religious and moral impotence or regression is always associated with the emergence of magic and conjuring

    40. The Propaganda of Conjuring up Spirits,[49] or the New Spiritism

    41. Their propaganda then spread throughout the Muslim and Arab worlds, where sessions of conjuring up spirits are still held in homes and clubs, during which the attendees receive messages written down on paper, supposedly without the prompting of the medium or psychic

    42. Mustafa Mahmood is one of those who gives his opinion, telling us: “I don’t believe in the truth of such news (of conjuring up the spirits of dead people), and I think that the one they invoke in such sessions is not the spirit of the dead person, but that of the jinn who accompanied him throughout his life, and consequently, he can imitate his voice and unveil his secrets

    43. A person may have gone and witnessed this supposed conjuring of spirits, and may have believed what they saw

    44. Hypnotism may be one of the methods relied on by these conjurers, which resembles and converges very much with the conjuring up of spirits

    45. The mindless cretins were responding to a cheap spectacle that was part conjuring trick and part Punch and Judy

    46. This is because the creative mind is conjuring up new ideas

    47. room has nothing to do with conjuring up new ideas, but the fact is your mind will start

    48. Trusting his brother, his glowing countenance comforting, Hanor tried conjuring strong

    49. “If we were over there, if we were standing near the Eiffel Tower, we would see Sacre Coeur all lit up on the hill,” he said, allowing the vision he was conjuring for her to come to life for himself as well

    50. "Leave off conjuring me," said Don Quixote, "and ask what thou wouldst know; I have already told thee I will answer with all possible

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    Synonymes pour "conjure"

    cabal complot conjure conspire machinate adjure beseech bid entreat press arouse bring up call down call forth conjure up evoke invoke put forward raise stir envision visualise visualize imagine recall picture bethink summon bewitch charm hex call up materialise materialize beg implore urge