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    Utiliser "counteracting" dans une phrase

    counteracting exemples de phrases


    1. counteracting medications or other mechanical devices that blunt dis-

    2. If there is a counteracting desire, they cancel each other out

    3. rebelliousness will not be long-lived unless it becomes a means of counteracting the

    4. While JFK was trying to work for peaceful coexistence, the CIA was acting like the dirty tricks faction of fascist thinkers and counteracting presidential control of foreign policy

    5. Another example of counteracting the risk of higher growth occurs with a price

    6. Autumn tried to ward them off with magic, but the witches were right behind them, counteracting her spells with the greatest of ease

    7. “Yes,” Phillip said, counteracting with a smile

    8. Counteracting forces to the force

    9. counteracting the nutrient profile of the meal

    10. Gravity is pulling the weight of the ship down, counteracting the “Nor'easter's” gale force winds trying to tip the “Virgin” over

    11. being is just a matter of counteracting any

    12. The audience would see instantly that “the hardening of the face” was a process of counteracting the force of the consumption, and the more the Lord would consume them, the harder they must make their faces, and just laugh and revel in sensualism as of old

    13. This doctrine, plainly as it is taught in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, is at once distinguished from the debasing superstitions respecting evil spirits found in heathen systems of mythology and religion, as in China, Ceylon, and India, by this—that it is taught along with the equally clear doctrine of the counteracting agency of good spirits called the angels of God

    14. ’ But according to the measure of that probability miracles are probable, in the great supernatural work of counteracting sin and death

    15. What quality did it (his hand) possess but with what counteracting influence?

    16. Lydgate certainly had good reason to reflect on the service his practice did him in counteracting his personal cares

    17. 5% of chief financial officers admitted that counteracting the dilution from options was a major reason for repurchasing shares (see CFO Forum, “The Buyback Track,” Institutional Investor, July, 1998)

    18. Now, it was plainly a labor of love for Captain Sleet to describe, as he does, all the little detailed conveniences of his crow's-nest; but though he so enlarges upon many of these, and though he treats us to a very scientific account of his experiments in this crow's-nest, with a small compass he kept there for the purpose of counteracting the errors resulting from what is called the "local attraction" of all binnacle magnets; an error ascribable to the horizontal vicinity of the iron in the ship's planks, and in the Glacier's case, perhaps, to there having been so many broken-down blacksmiths among her crew; I say, that though the Captain is very discreet and scientific here, yet, for all his learned "binnacle deviations," "azimuth compass observations," and "approximate errors," he knows very well, Captain Sleet, that he was not so much immersed in those profound magnetic meditations, as to fail being attracted occasionally towards that well replenished little case-bottle, so nicely tucked in on one side of his crow's nest, within easy reach of his hand

    19. The meaning of Caprivi's speech, translated into simple language, is this, that money was not needed for counteracting the foreign enemies, but for bribing the under-officers, so as to make them willing to act against the oppressed labouring masses

    20. Consequently, there is in these men a counteracting force, whenever they have to do something which is contrary to their convictions

    21. We, the men of state, who are counteracting this impoverishment by wise enactments, and we, the capitalists, who are counteracting it by the dissemination of useful inventions, we, the clergy, by religious instruction, and we, the liberals, by the establishment of labour-unions, the increase and diffusion of knowledge, in this manner, without changing our position, increase the welfare of the masses

    22. The exercise of powers counteracting principles most dear to every part of the community, ought to be assumed with the utmost caution

    23. " Send your vessels to the Brazils, you meet them there intriguing against your commerce; to Buenos Ayres, you find them there; to Cayenne, there also; to Terra Firma, you there find them in conjunction with Miranda intriguing and counteracting your commerce; to Barbadoes, Surinam, Demerara, Trinidad, Martinique, Guadaloupe, Jamaica, &c

    24. The water contained in the ground, (that is, in that part which is within the reach of a freezing temperature) by congealing, expands and demands more space; a movement must necessarily take place in the direction where there is the least resistance; this will evidently be upward, because the atmosphere, the only counteracting power in this direction, cannot resist the expansion of the freezing water as much as it is resisted by the earth below the freezing stratum

    25. This, not only on account of its elevation, but from its containing less water, would not be able to exert an equal counteracting effort

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