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    Utiliser "dir" dans une phrase

    dir exemples de phrases


    1. Crawling in the dir

    2. You’ll be transferred to a rehab hospital in Virginia under an assumed name and into a safe house under Dir

    3. You can use the built-in dir function to list the identifiers that a module defines

    4. When you supply a module name to the dir() function, it returns the list of the names defined in that

    5. Using the dir function

    6. First, we see the usage of dir on the imported sys module

    7. Next, we use the dir function without passing parameters to it - by default, it returns the list of attributes for the current module

    8. In order to observe the dir in action, we define a new variable a and assign it a value and then check dir and we observe that there is an additional value in the list of the same name

    9. We remove the variable/attribute of the current module using the del statement and the change is reflected again in the output of the dir function

    10. stalk, when they run, y’know? The dir ect ness

    11. dir" and "mu-plugins" under the "wp-content" and CHMOD them both to 755

    12. Your debt to income ratio (DIR) is a measure that compares the amount of money that

    13. Ideally, you want to have a DIR that's under 30%

    14. Generally, there are two ways to lower your DIR

    15. {191-2} indignarles; note the use of les for los, the dir

    16. , DMOZ, Yahoo! (dir

    17. The meeting started with recitations from the Chapter of Victory – a surah from the Quran – followed by speeches from different leaders in the five districts of our valley – Kohistan, Malakand, Shangla, Upper Dir and Lower Dir

    18. Then she asked my father, ‘Did you know, Ziauddin, that the Taliban have threatened this innocent girl?’ We didn’t know what she was talking about so she went on the Internet and showed us that the Taliban had that day issued threats against two women – Shad Begum, an activist in Dir, and me, Malala

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