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    Utiliser "draws" dans une phrase

    draws exemples de phrases


    1. The city is not on Beghtik dam, but draws water power thru the cut into the last canal of the interconnects

    2. He comes back to the bed, draws back the covers and helps me to my feet

    3. The end of the month draws near

    4. "The beauty is one thing that draws me back

    5. that draws the skin of land toward blue hazed skies

    6. containing buried remains that draws the wistful,

    7. When Israel falls, Jesus told us to look up, for our redemption draws near

    8. It draws men to covetousness

    9. She tiptoed in and opened her dresser draws and got a change of clothes for herself

    10. according to the hand that draws serpents,

    11. He draws me out of the stables with a final command to his son to ensure that Adamant is fed

    12. As we draw nearer to the gate, he reaches into his bag and draws out a paper

    13. As she draws level with us, she greets Simon

    14. In Practice: know what draws that something and

    15. ’ I replied, as he draws back from me

    16. The combination of fat wage packets and all day drinking in town centre pubs makes Boutport Street particularly hairy as the day draws down

    17. He pours and takes the mug with him into the bathroom, where he draws a shallow bath

    18. Trade? How the hell should he know? He draws strands of thought together and tries to make them coalesce into something coherent

    19. The car draws level with Billy's Vauxhall and the driver and his passenger peer in through Billy's window

    20. He looks so intense and there is something in his eyes, something in the soothing way that his voice modulates, that draws her in

    21. He cups her chin with his left hand and draws her face to his

    22. So, this morning I stand there as usual and the train draws into the station

    23. The windscreen draws level with the sign at the end; I start the engine and move off – as the sign says

    24. Claire comes back into the office after lunch and, seeing the smile on my face, draws her own conclusions

    25. draws the sap and concentrates it into the leaves

    26. As the end of things draws near, we are exhorted to

    27. "Not one of the ancient crypts ever found actually contained more than a skeleton and artifacts, so there's no reason, other than the fact that it draws movie audiences, to think a viable hibernation vault will be found

    28. He wrote literary and mythological essays in which he draws parallels between Greek myths and other mythologies

    29. It is the produce of land which draws the fish from the waters ; and it is the produce of the surface of the earth which extracts the minerals from its bowels

    30. The trader A in Edinburgh, we shall suppose, draws a bill upon B in London, payable two months after date

    31. B accordingly, before the expiration of the first two months, redraws this bill upon A in Edinburgh ; who, again before the expiration of the second two months, draws a second bill upon B in London, payable likewise two months after date; and before the expiration of the third two months, B in London redraws upon A in Edinburgh another bill payable also two months after date

    32. mistaken me for the chap who draws the chalk-lines

    33. however, draws our attention that none of those

    34. then, but the idealism of the fifties is what draws them in

    35. Notice the Jewish apostle Peter draws this same conclusion

    36. And though goods do not always draw money so readily as money draws goods, in the long-run they draw it more necessarily than even it draws them

    37. The channel of circulation necessarily draws to itself a sum sufficient to fill it, and never admits any more

    38. The world you see will appear different to you because as you change what you care about, you change what draws your attention

    39. The monopoly of the colony trade, on the contrary, by excluding the competition of other nations, and thereby raising the rate of profit, both in the new market and in the new employment, draws produce from the old market, and capital from the old employment

    40. In new colonies, agriculture either draws hands from all other employments, or keeps them from going to any other employment

    41. Whatever, therefore, raises the rate of mercantile profit, either lessens the superiority, or increases the inferiority of the profit of improvement : and, in the one case, hinders capital from going to improvement, and in the other draws capital from it; but by discouraging improvement, the monopoly necessarily retards the natural increase of another great original source of revenue, the rent of land

    42. draws hydrogen molecules together to form stars and

    43. It is passion that draws others to you to

    44. draws the dragon’s attention and it turns and heads in that direction

    45. Secondly, by giving a sort of monopoly of the home market to its own merchants, artificers, and manufacturers, it raises the rate of mercantile and manufacturing profit, in proportion to that of agricultural profit; and, consequently, either draws from agriculture a part of the capital which had before been employed in it, or hinders from going to it a part of what would otherwise have gone to it

    46. It is thus that Holland draws a great part of its subsistence from other countries; live cattle from Holstein and Jutland, and corn from almost all the different countries of Europe

    47. Where church benefices, on the contrary, are many of them very considerable, the church naturally draws from the universities the greater part of their eminent men of letters; who generally find some patron, who does himself honour by procuring them church preferment

    48. This once again shows how certain aspects were mentioned in the Bible, long before they happen and draws these connections long before these zones inside the Earth were named by modern day scientists

    49. This aggressive behaviour draws a great deal of attention from other Humans when performed in a crowded area

    50. Her breath came in long, lung-emptying draws as reality finally began to sink in

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