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    Utiliser "epic poem" dans une phrase

    epic poem exemples de phrases

    epic poem

    1. commissioned epic poems and stirring stories about his ferocious

    2. It was during a festival some city friends invited him to that he first heard a recital of a most famous epic poem

    3. Similarly, the epic poems The Iliad and The

    4. epic poems told of the history of the Trojan Wars, with

    5. how these epic poems came to be, they had to be

    6. The Bhagavad-gita in Hinduism is a revered part of an epic poem, but is not in the ancient Vedas or the later Upanishads

    7. “Yes, it’s an epic poem,” Tammas said, as if he were reciting text book

    8. The story of the Odyssey is not an epic poem about the valor of arms and military battle; it is the story of a man who learns to battle against himself so he can become an artist of his own life and of the life of the universe

    9. The Iliad is an epic poem that celebrates the heroism of the Achaeans,

    10. This epic poem was sung and celebrated all throughout the courts of Greece and was listened to with great enthusiasm by the Greek people

    11. But the Odyssey is not an epic poem and it is possible that the Court of Ithaca never even existed

    12. A long epic poem, the Poemaheroico

    13. Milton in his day doubted whether an epic poem was any longer possible

    14. He had written the first two verses of another epic poem specially for him

    15. Zach had started yet another epic poem about a brutal band of smugglers, but he had talked so much about it that his energy for the topic was exhausted by the time he had written the third verse

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