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    Utiliser "eulogy" dans une phrase

    eulogy exemples de phrases


    1. The bishop broke into the eulogy, echoing through the Tannoy, ringing round the valleys, bringing in the strays and frightening the wild

    2. As the eulogy issued forth, my eyes met with those of the bishop and he looked at me with such an expression of sympathy I found myself swallowing and gulping and fighting to gain control

    3. Sebastian tuned into the eulogy again

    4. To be merely useless, indeed, is perhaps, the highest eulogy which can ever justly be bestowed upon a regulated company; and all the three companies above mentioned seem, in their present state, to deserve this eulogy

    5. He needs no eulogy from me, or from any other man

    6. with a somberness that suited a eulogy

    7. the eulogy at her funeral

    8. the eulogy (which would not have been very complimentary), and

    9. Jim Whalen, president of Ithaca College, gave the eulogy at my father’s service

    10. He was one of my father’s closest friends; his remarks are in Appendix F, Eulogy from a Friend

    11. I'll have to compose a suitable eulogy, and then

    12. But before doing so, they thought they’d leave behind this time capsule memento, a memorial or eulogy of sorts, to their home world

    13. Peter O’Neal was listening only occasionally to the eulogy given by the Prime Minister

    14. After the eulogy and miscellaneous closing remarks, Travis started to leave with his wife, Nancy, at his side

    15. It was embarrassing listening to his own eulogy

    16. [Footnote 40: #que elogiaba mucho don Quijote#; it is in theAdventure of the Galley-slaves (Part I, chapter 22) that Don Quijotedelivers a eulogy of one who acts as intermediary between lovers

    17. asked if Matt would deliver the eulogy

    18. In a barely audible, but controlled voice, Matt delivered the eulogy; a touching

    19. I saw that there was a speaker’s podium placed in front of the casket and I made my way there to prepare myself for the eulogy

    20. I'll have to remember that for your eulogy

    21. You see, in between airplanes I wrote a short eulogy to be read in my absence, and my wonderful brother took the reins and did the rest

    22. A thousand years hence some orator, speaking his praise upon the then crowded shores of the Pacific, may thus adapt Griffith's eulogy of Wolsey:

    23. “Remarkable,” Mike said again, “so remarkable that he even had the foresight to prepare his own eulogy in advance

    24. Paul Johnson wrote his own heartfelt eulogy

    25. for we always conversed, whenever good fortune and my ingenuity gave us the chance, with the greatest gaiety and cheerfulness, mingling tears, sighs, jealousies, doubts, or fears with our words; it was all on my part a eulogy of my good fortune that Heaven should have given her to me for my mistress; I glorified her beauty, I extolled her worth and her understanding; and she paid me back by praising in me what in her love for me she thought worthy of praise; and besides we had a hundred thousand trifles and doings of our neighbours and acquaintances to talk about, and the utmost extent of my boldness was to take, almost by force, one of her fair white hands and carry it to my lips, as well as the closeness of the low grating that separated us allowed me

    26. He had recently read a eulogy on a new method for curing club-foot, and as he was a partisan of progress, he conceived the patriotic idea that Yonville, in order to keep to the fore, ought to have some operations for strephopody or club-foot

    27. This is indeed a minute proportion, but it might have been my luck; and since I am writing in eulogy of seamen I feel irresistibly tempted to talk about this unique specimen; not indeed to offer him as an example of morality, but to bring out certain characteristics and set out a certain point of view

    28. However, fearing that she might embarrass herself by speaking live at the service, Baroness Thatcher videotaped her anticipated eulogy for Reagan months ago in London

    29. With a global television audience looking on, and 3,700 mourners in the pews, Margaret Thatcher’s taped eulogy concludes

    30. Her taping of Ronald Reagan’s eulogy was the last public speech she ever gave

    31. The words were connected by no regular continuation, but as one ceased another took up the eulogy, or lamentation, whichever it might be called, and gave vent to her emotions in such language as was suggested by her feelings and the occasion

    32. Eulogy in a country churchyard it ought to be that poem of whose is it Wordsworth or Thomas Campbell

    33. Louie wanted to give him a religious eulogy but didn’t know how, so he recited disjointed passages that he remembered from movies, ending with a few words about committing the body to the sea

    34. And when I got to Hyannis, I realized that everyone had already been told what their responsibilities would be over the next few days of events, starting with a vigil with the casket in the house and ending with a funeral Mass in Boston, which would be broadcast on national television because President Obama had agreed to deliver a eulogy and three past presidents would be in attendance

    35. Instead, I was informed that there was only time for Teddy to give a eulogy

    36. So I made it very clear to Paul Kirk—then executor of my dad’s estate, and the messenger of this news—that I was going to deliver a eulogy after my brother and before the President whether they liked it or not

    37. Most of my eulogy was about my childhood with him because, honestly, most of what happened after then was still too raw for me

    38. The first eulogy was given by Mattie, who struggled to contain her emotions as she talked about her nephew

    39. And another lengthy eulogy, this from a close friend from their law school days at William & Mary

    40. Casaubon: it would be at best a pensioner's eulogy

    41. He had recently read a eulogy on a new method for curing club-foot, and as he was a partisan of progress, he conceived the patriotic idea that Yonville, in order to keep to the fore, ought to have someoperations for strephopody or club-foot

    42. And I saw Richie, his eyes on Kelly as she gave her eulogy

    43. “We have to figure out who’s doing the eulogy

    44. I’m not sure I could have faced preparing a eulogy without seeing that video

    45. Drained of blood, buried in one upheaval after another, degraded and autopsied and, minus eulogy, tossed into a mass grave, we men took a minute to stare at that dropped curtain, behind which hid the pickpocket and her victims, behind which a man quickly hoisted his trousers up his spindly legs

    46. [Note 16: Apropos of this somewhat ungallant sentiment, a Russian scholiast remarks:—"The whole of this ironical stanza is but a refined eulogy of the excellent qualities of our countrywomen

    47. It is impossible to read without a smile Thiers’ eulogy of Napoleon’s plan—if indeed such an absurd plan could ever have existed—of wintering with the army in the more temperate climate of Kaluga; and of keeping up communication with Smolensk, and with Moscow in the rear

    48. In the minds of peasants and children the ground for praise or eulogy can only be either physical strength: Hercules, the heroes and conquerors; or moral, spiritual, strength: Sakya Muni giving up a beautiful wife and a kingdom to save mankind, Christ going to the cross for the truth he professed, and all the martyrs and the saints

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    Synonymes pour "eulogy"

    encomium eulogy paean panegyric pean eulogium endorsement praise tribute compliment homage honour