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    Utiliser "frames" dans une phrase

    frames exemples de phrases


    1. There are bars on the windows and the same genre of drab reproductions in gilded frames that we saw in John’s room adorns the walls

    2. He is dressed in thobe and ghutra, wears midnight frames

    3. rest of the clan, both male and female stared out of their frames with an impenetrable,

    4. She sees John standing wedged between the beefy frames of Abdullah and Akbar

    5. Teekra watches the monitor, which frames Ricci, who is on the witness stand now

    6. frames of rough cut, foot square timbers

    7. At the far end of the room one of the windows had been shattered and a cold and icy breeze filled the room, making what was left of old strip blinds flutter madly against the window frames

    8. In Danton’s wake a red capped guard hurried on, head bowed, taking two pigeon steps for every one that the committee chairman slammed down onto the unyielding flagstones as they swept past heavy browed doors set in frames of rough cut, foot square timbers

    9. encrusted in thick frames of tarnished gold,

    10. They played across the intricate cast marble that beamed the walls and ceilings and glinted on the frames of the treasured artworks that lined the forty-foot long side wall of this study

    11. But a near miss should let us get a couple frames of imaging and allow the probe to survive and transmit the data

    12. The window frames are held together by condensation

    13. Wind streams through the cabin, whistling on the jagged slivers of glass that cling to the window frames front and back

    14. bending at least the frames back to how they had been before meeting Roman’s

    15. Several other soldiers made a feeble effort to aid him, but their wizened and frail frames added little resistance

    16. the same except that the individual frames run at billions

    17. 23 other frames remain the same; in second three, frame

    18. of the frames remain the same

    19. frames in the sequence of snap shots for you to actually

    20. The seats were burnt to their twisted and deformed metal frames and most of the carpet had been scorched away, revealing the metal panelling beneath, now bubbled

    21. Once these had been filled they would be lifted onto frames that were fitted onto the mules back I was very glad of this otherwise we would have had to carry them and believe you me that would have been back breaking work to say the least

    22. He nodded, then appeared ashamed as he looked back at his dusty, dented wares sitting on wooden frames that leaned aslant

    23. “Could someone tell me why we are making these frames what is the point of them?” Elijah removed his injured thumb from his mouth and said

    24. “Oh now I see what you mean that’s why the frames are made in the trench then very clever”, and with this he got up we saluted and he walked off down the trench

    25. That night we shoved the frames out onto the top of the parapet and then we followed them we then began to manoeuvre them into position in front of the trench

    26. I looked around the whitewashed room it had bars on the window but no glass in the frames but still that would keep things nice and cool

    27. ’ People began to murmur at such an unsettling statement, but she continued regardless: ‘You may notice you have experienced problems with your memory recently, and inconsistent time frames

    28. “It’s hard to say actually,” the troubled youth continued, “he is sort of a free spirit, collects old bar signs, movie posters and that sort of thing, restores them, or frames them, whatever…

    29. There were watercolor paintings in nice frames on the walls

    30. Such are the (underlying) misconceptions of myopic designs that ―visualize‖ future requirements within present time frames

    31. This by-product of social leveling has precipitated prescriptive efforts by revisionists seeking to recreate or redefine history within retro/present time frames that not only obscure our collective understanding of the events that shaped our nation‘s history, but an understanding of its people, as well

    32. In one apartment, all the furniture was in its proper place as though the tenants were still in the house; there was no food in the kitchen, the oven was cold, the beds neatly made and on the dresser, there stood frames with pictures in them

    33. The house was a one-story building with a tiled roof and window frames painted blue to ward off demons and evil spirits

    34. In his mind, he could see the days fly by him and cycles of darkness and light spinning by him like the frames in a super eight movie projector

    35. I stood at the edge of a formal walled garden, the immaculate lawn clipped short within the boxwood frames that edged the paths

    36. In the vision pit in the center of the sweat lodge where the rocks are normally placed, I saw half of the pit filled with picture frames and pictures of Sharon in them

    37. frames but still within a frame itself was a larger picture of Sharon in a wheelchair with a teacher behind her and students in front

    38. The whole room seemed to be on the move, the edges of the windows and door frames shimmering in the dim light

    39. When Sergeant Gambelli presented himself at the factory office, he found that they were expected, and the manager led him to one of the sheds, where there were rows of crates of complete window frames lined up

    40. The purification and protective qualities embodied in sage clear space for new awareness as you cleanse the door frames, walls, window frames and very corners of your rooms from the back of the living space to the front door

    41. Brian Walston stepped back to admire the picture frames highlighted by a mini-spotlight above the entrance to Bar Club Hollywood

    42. frames around the elaborate glasswork

    43. god works in our lives in time frames that i refer to as seasons

    44. A ranch, several frames, and a full stone original made up the array

    45. Beware of any argument that frames the issue of the right to bears arms in terms of hunters or hunting

    46. 20 Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with you, which frames mischief by a law?

    47. Why should they be limited in these frames,

    48. Rain battered against the windows, rattling the glass in their frames

    49. The little vampire girl led them through the palace, the first hallway consisted of walls with gold frames showing paintings and photographs of the members of high society, the beautiful vampire’s family

    50. same in all uniformly moving frames of reference

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