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    frogs exemples de phrases


    1. Frogs actually eat up a great deal of insects and should always be welcomed in the garden

    2. and frogs and all sorts of wildlife scuttled around the banks

    3. blind cats and dismember frogs

    4. “Fuck the Frogs who’s bothered about them this ‘Big Push’ is so we can finish the bloody Hun off once and for all

    5. The tree frogs were standing guard and

    6. tree frogs carried to his ears

    7. Thomas was over joyed when the tree frogs started

    8. But I’m learning! I asked Pueng if she knew how to terminate frogs so I can possibly get at least one full night’s sleep before I leave

    9. I don’t know if it was raining frogs last night but the noise was unbelievable

    10. Jason told Artie they could just be frogs in a corner and wouldn’t be noticed, since the cast was composed of juniors and seniors

    11. Carl Meredith, with his love for ants and frogs and spiders, will some day be a naturalist whom all Canada--nay, all the world, will delight to honour

    12. 30 Their land brought out frogs in abundance, in the chambers of their kings

    13. Herzog, her old biology teacher who used to get more joy out of dissecting his students and exposing their insides to the class than he did those boring dead frogs

    14. be the frogs in millions throughout Egypt, everywhere one went, frogs,

    15. return the frogs to their natural habitat only

    16. The frogs died in thousands and millions, the stink of their decaying bodies filled the

    17. is something good about mosquitoes: they feed frogs, birds, bats etc

    18. 6 And the Lord sent again and caused all their waters to bring out frogs, and all the frogs came into the houses of the Egyptians

    19. 7 And when the Egyptians drank, their bellies were filled with frogs and they danced in their bellies as they dance when in the river

    20. 8 And all their drinking water and cooking water turned to frogs, also when they lay in their beds their perspiration bred frogs

    21. 5 And the Lord spoke to Moses, Say to Aaron, Stretch out your hand with your rod over the streams, over the rivers, and over the ponds, and cause frogs to come up on the land of Egypt

    22. 6 And Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up, and covered the land of Egypt

    23. 7 And the magicians did so with their enchantments, and brought up frogs on the land of Egypt

    24. 9 And Moses said to Pharaoh, Glory over me: when shall I intreat for you, and for your servants, and for your people, to destroy the frogs from you and your houses, that they may remain in the river only?

    25. 12 And Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh: and Moses cried to the Lord because of the frogs which he had brought against Pharaoh

    26. 13 And the Lord did according to the word of Moses; and the frogs died out of the houses, out of the villages, and out of the fields

    27. But it happened and Eke, sitting in the jungle listening to, well, frogs,

    28. 6 And Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs

    29. 7 And the magicians did so with their enchantments, and brought up frogs

    30. LORD because of the frogs which he had brought against Pharaoh

    31. 13 And the LORD did according to the word of Moses; and the frogs died out

    32. miracle of God's signs after the frogs had died

    33. 6 And the Lord sent again and caused all their waters to bring out frogs and all the frogs came into the houses of the Egyptians

    34. 7 And when the Egyptians drank their bellies were filled with frogs and they danced in their bellies as they dance when in the river

    35. 8 And all their drinking water and cooking water turned to frogs also when they lay in their beds their perspiration bred frogs

    36. The frogs came on and over them

    37. A thought intruded, Where in Hathor’s hair was he when the frogs came by? He received only a haughty stare in reply

    38. But then, the frogs were something else, weren’t they? By the way, sire,” Ulun continued, now directing his remark to the newcomer, “this is the Hebrew crew I’ve been telling everyone about

    39. All the loaders exhaustedly lurched toward the dunes, now encrusted with an almost solid covering of dead frogs

    40. Now we’re the frogs! he thought as he viewed the carcasses that still littered the upsweep of sand, where men now performed a similar slip-and-slide, scrambling their way to the top, again, amid the same popping sounds as before

    41. What we’ve been seeing here with the water turning red, the fish all dying, the frogs coming up out of the water, and fleas and flies thicker than I can ever remember surely seem like plagues to me! And now this?” he added waving his hand toward the ever-expanding menace

    42. After that, the river turned red, the frogs, the insects, then the ashes

    43. Parker knew from previous conversations with Travers that Frogs and Hogs were Huey helicopter gunships with various mixtures of miniguns and 2

    44. And Then There Were Frogs

    45. thousands of croaking frogs, but also saw, in the still-early morning light, frogs everywhere

    46. stupid! They're only frogs! But something else in his mind said, Thousands upon thousands,

    47. “And what about all the dead frogs?” Rimmon railed

    48. intruded, Where in Hathor's hair was he when the frogs came by? He received only a haughty

    49. But then, the frogs

    50. Now we're the frogs! he thought as he viewed the carcasses that still littered the upsweep of

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