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    Utiliser "geo" dans une phrase

    geo exemples de phrases


    1. The term within which this, and all other drawbacks could be claimed, was afterwards (by 7 Geo

    2. Upon the conclusion of that war, in 1763 (by the 4th Geo

    3. the ton for the encouragement of the white herring fishery (the 23d Geo

    4. The good effects of this liberty, however, must be somewhat diminished by the 4th of Geo

    5. In 1763, indeed, by the 4th of Geo

    6. By the 24th Geo

    7. The second bounty upon the importation of any of the materials of manufacture, according to the order of time, was that granted by the 21st Geo

    8. The fifth bounty of this kind was that granted by the 9th Geo

    9. The sixth Bounty of this kind was that granted by 11th Geo

    10. The seventh and last bounty of this kind was that granted by the 19th Geo

    11. By the 25th Geo

    12. By the 5th of Geo

    13. Upon this account, by the 14th Geo

    14. thing is that the GEO recently

    15. One day I went on Geo, which is one of the biggest news channels in our country

    16. That night my father spoke on Geo TV and told Kamran Khan that people had had high hopes but were disappointed

    17. It was late in the evening of 3 August when my father received an alarming phone call from a Geo TV correspondent called Mehboob

    18. Estate of Charles Boughton, by Geo

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