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    Utiliser "giggles" dans une phrase

    giggles exemples de phrases


    1. i was doin some serious teletubby giggles after reading that

    2. She says something to Jurgen in Spanish, nods at Dave, giggles

    3. giggles and they too were silent

    4. Anna watching out of the window can hardly restrain her giggles and I soon join her

    5. ’ She breaks off; I can hear giggles and scuffling

    6. “You dear old rascal”, she whispered as they rocked gently back and forth with the giggles and with the wide eyed sharing of new best friends

    7. She giggles at that, clearly not believing me – she’ll learn!

    8. She found Mistress Sera in the kitchen, and there were immediate giggles from the staff when she entered

    9. and forth with the giggles and with the wide eyed sharing of new

    10. ’ She giggles … something going on there?

    11. ’ I said in my best ‘upper class’ accent and breaking into giggles at the end of the sentence,

    12. ‘I could kill for a coffee,’ I said after a while; Katie giggles

    13. Senta and the Elf were nearly doubled up in giggles at the sight of Dena, alternating hands on her hips then arms crossed, waiting for a better response than their laughter

    14. The Elf's thoughts rang with giggles and mock sympathy from Darshi, Mi'ah, Ru, Elena and Misha

    15. He was sure there were discussions about who would take the nerd for his first sexual encounter; he didn’t need to overhear the chatter amongst the girls – when their attention swivelled to him from a near dinner-hall table, and then back to the ensuing giggles – to know just what they were saying

    16. From the looks and giggles of this girl’s friends he thought he knew what had motivated her to approach him

    17. ' Maureen got a fit of the giggles and fell sideways off the bean-bag, shushing and pointing to the ceiling

    18. ' She sat up and cocked an ear, stifling her giggles

    19. She lay for a minute waiting for the giggles to subside

    20. She broke into giggles and covered her mouth in an attempt to stifle them,

    21. But Slikit found himself joining in with the Healer's giggles and pretty soon he too was gasping for breath

    22. It took some time before either badger could look at the other without bursting into a fit of the giggles, but at length their laughter subsided and both turned away as though embarrassed

    23. By now I was so drunk that I was staggering around the kitchen, clutching a half-burnt, one legged chicken, making clucking noises between fits of the giggles

    24. “Tell me more…please!” he gasped, in between small convulsions of chuckles and giggles

    25. “Herminia, you look like a mummy!” she chided through clenched teeth as the giggles subsided, replaced by tears that welled and rolled across her face in hot streams

    26. “With that accent, you really have to squint with your ears,” and a few giggles emanated from the back of the group

    27. She stumbled along the wall with inhuman giggles ringing in her ears, until she became wedged in a corner with her back to the wall and her arms yet before her

    28. It was a celebration of screams, giggles, and shouts of joy that, with each increase in it’s intensity, transported them further from the horror they’d found themselves thrust into

    29. Quickly the males followed showing the grimaces of pleasure at the game that they felt that he had led them into, with the young, trilling little giggles of pleasure as they raced after, scuffing sand out of the many marks as they were made

    30. Despite the unhappy circumstances and their precarious situation, Hilderich barely managed to suppress an oncoming fit of the giggles

    31. The audience hissed and booed, then broke into giggles

    32. Marlene collapses in giggles

    33. Selena was the first to break out in a fit of giggles

    34. Nico shook her head quickly, holding a fit of giggles in

    35. The girls told Faith, between giggles, that it was too bad, and the boys wrote sardonic notes of condolence to her

    36. She sat back in her seat with wide eyes and a lot of giggles, dreaming in reverse

    37. giggles with every mistimed step

    38. He broke into girlish giggles that made both Angie and Manda laugh

    39. Sharon giggles in her champagne

    40. “You know we have heightened senses of reality?” I questioned Akua in between giggles

    41. that’s when the giggles took over again

    42. The sound of muffled giggles woke me up, my eyes fluttered open to see two pairs of grey eyes watching me excitedly

    43. ” I said between giggles “I know that was unfair, I’m sorry

    44. Mick were unaware of the stifled giggles

    45. The giggles quickly turned into uncontrolled laughter before Emma pulled her apron up to wipe her eyes

    46. She was rewarded with the sweetest sound she had ever heard, an outpouring of innocent giggles

    47. There were a few giggles in the congregation, me includ-

    48. moment think my life is going to be all shits and giggles from here

    49. The second quote gives me the giggles

    50. “It isn’t quite that easy!” interjected Moshe, drawing looks of curiosity from the women and giggles of surprise from the children

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