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    Utiliser "gusty" dans une phrase

    gusty exemples de phrases


    1. Sailors hated it because what winds made it down there were gusty and tricky

    2. A gusty wind was

    3. It was a cloudy, gusty, rainy day

    4. The warm sunshine was tempered by gusty winds coming off the snow covered mountain peaks in the distance

    5. A cool and gusty breeze smelling of wet dust hinted at the downpour to come

    6. I was again silent, but she gave a gusty sigh

    7. After awhile Charly came into the living room and did her plopping and gusty sighing

    8. He gave a gusty sigh

    9. With a gusty laugh he lifted her to his fierce lips

    10. And he laughed, a deep-throated boom gusty as the hill wind

    11. When he toiled up the farther ramp and came out upon the crest, he breathed a gusty sigh of relief and stood Yasmina upon her feet

    12. Neither victim nor abductors were aware of his presence until the soft swish of the dust about his feet brought them about, and then he was almost upon them, coming with the gusty fury of a hill wind

    13. He took them as they came, with his rags flapping about his wildly gyrating limbs, and the gusty echoes of his tittering sweeping the room above the screams

    14. A gusty sigh rose from the blacks, half in awe, half in fear

    15. Looking down, Conan vented a gusty sigh of relief

    16. His gusty laughter followed Prospero out of the chamber

    17. 'Don't lift your voice to me, you tar-breeched dog!' he roared in a voice as gusty as the sea-wind, while the sailors gaped dumfounded

    18. She cleared her throat before she spoke again, then, with a slight tremble in her throat, partly nerves, partly due to the freezing gusty wind, she read what had been written for her

    19. The wind was strong, about twenty five knots, a bit gusty and coming in from the southeast, making the point and the south face the flyable part of the ridge

    20. He had been flying all day in the cold, gusty southerly wind, which was so typical of early September

    21. The storm was over but the gusty

    22. door a cool gusty breeze tickled the hair on his legs

    23. It was gusty

    24. Not much at first, but then it came down quite heavily, with a gusty wind with it

    25. Thank God for her gusty lungs

    26. That was, notwithstanding his gusty libido

    27. She gave them a watery, pain-filled smile of thanks and downed the prescription pain medication and water in one loud, gusty gulp, and then sank back into Joel’s arms

    28. Also his umbrella, being old and never having been very strong, turned inside out at extra gusty corners, and we, who had come to look and wonder, found that the Berlin people thought we had come to be looked and wondered at

    29. I have settled down, very comfortably I must say, to the preliminary petrifaction of middle age, and middle age, I begin to perceive, is a blessed period in which we walk along mellowly, down pleasant slopes, with nothing gusty and fierce able to pierce our incrustation, no inward volcanoes able to upset the surrounding rockiness, nothing to distract our attention from the mild serenity of the landscape, the little flowers by the way, the beauty of the reddening leaves, the calm and sunlit sky

    30. She was every bit as valiant as her Swedish grandmother had been, that grandmother who was aware of the dangers of the things she did with her mountains and her gusty lakes and defied them, but her grandmother knew no fear and Ingeborg knew it very well

    31. They walked miles that day; often in silence, sometimes in gusty talk--talk gusty with the swift changes of Priscilla's mood scudding across the leaden background of Fritzing's steadier despair--and they got back tired, hungry, their clothes splashed with mud, their minds no nearer light than when they started

    32. She could just imagine Pete emptying out his pockets, scooping up all the receipts from the console of his car in one meaty hand, stomping around his house, grabbing every piece of paper he could find before stuffing the lot into the shoe box with a gusty sigh of relief

    33. The boys had rowed through plenty of wind in Seattle as well as Poughkeepsie, but this gusty, nearly sideways stuff was going to cause problems

    34. It was a bleak and gusty day

    35. The second day of the tourney was overcast, with a gusty wind blowing from the west

    36. But when she reached the stairs, all she heard was gusty sighs of relief

    37. The rain began with gusty showers, pauses and downpours; and then gradually it settled to a single tempo, small drops and a steady beat, rain that was gray to see through, rain that cut midday light to evening

    38. It was gusty, bleak, and wet

    39. A gusty wind blew down the street, and there was little comfort to be found in any shelter that was near at hand

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    Synonymes pour "gusty"

    gusty puffy blowing breezy balmy airy stormy wind-swept