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    ian smith

    1. ‘I will get this’ said Adrian Smith in an assuming manner

    2. “At this present time we have three in South Africa and one in Rhodesia but the Rhodesian situation is worsening with this new Prime Minister Ian Smith who is threatening to sever all ties with us

    3. Phokion’s office was in the same courtyard as Ian Smith’s

    4. The one decorated by Ian Smith

    5. The trigger-happy hero of Salisbury, decorated by Ian Smith for eliminating the first ANC contingent to have crossed over the Zambezi (at the time, South Africa’s de facto northern border) from Kongwa, took his own life in the depths of his despair at ending up as white trash in Capetown; a despair he tried to alleviate by joining the political wing of very same organisation whose soldiers he had met and admired as equals on the field of battle

    6. One day, high on a mountain peak, overlooking their well-ordered, prosperous lands, they may perhaps in gratitude erect a statue to Ian Smith with an inscription of heartfelt gratitude on the plinth

    7. After the ‘emergency’, as it was called, he went south and settled on a farm in Rhodesia, not far from Selukwe where Ian Smith came from

    8. It is likely that they will remain prisoners for the rest of their lives remembered only by the scattered remnants of the once proudest detachment in Ian Smith’s detached state

    9. Ian Smith remained unapproachable at the opening, he just wasn’t

    10. Those who hadn’t or couldn’t, resigned, and the Attorney General had taken it upon himself to swear in, as President, a retired Commander-in-Chief of the Army who had been a life-long opponent of the regime and who, in the days of Ian Smith before UDI, had attended the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst

    11. A forensics technician Smith had not seen before walked in

    12. Southern Rhodesia became a self-governing colony just called ‘Rhodesia’ with a right-wing, white supremacist government led by Ian Smith

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