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    Utiliser "ill-humored" dans une phrase

    ill-humored exemples de phrases


    1. ~ mal humor be ill-humored)

    2. one whois ill-humored or angry, andconsequently not in the mood togrant

    3. often, but yet always became ill-humored when she began to talk about her

    4. “I can't answer for a madhouse and for madmen,” Miüsov answered at once ill-humoredly, “but I will spare myself your company, Fyodor Pavlovitch, and, trust me, for ever

    5. At last, feeling very cross and ill-humored, Ivan arrived home, and suddenly, about fifteen paces from the garden gate, he guessed what was fretting and worrying him

    6. Kalganov, when called, came in reluctantly, frowning and ill-humored, and he spoke to the lawyers as though he had never met them before in his life, though they were acquaintances whom he had been meeting every day for a long time past

    7. He turned first to the captain's wife sitting in her arm-chair, who was very ill-humored at the moment, and was grumbling that the boys stood between her and Ilusha's bed and did not let her see the new puppy

    8. If there hadn't been a murder, they'd have been angry and gone home ill-humored

    9. She sang her praises, insisted that her son must call on her, expressed a wish to see her often, but yet always became ill-humored when she began to talk about her

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    Synonymes pour "ill-humored"

    cross cantankerous sullen petulant touchy bothered grouchy crabby