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    inhold exemples de phrases


    1. ―Equality is a transcendent principle of justice and is therefore rightly regarded as one of the principles of natural law‖ (Reinhold Niebuhr)

    2. I would like to propose a hypothetical question to the progressive reader: If given a choice, which of the following options would you choose: having been created in God‘s (own) Image or having descended from the apes? Should you choose the former, how come so many of you are willing to embrace evolutionary arguments that have been widely discredited rather than entertain the Divine Wisdom of scriptural teachings that offer a more plausible explanation for our existence? Why restrict your beliefs to worldly perceptions or ideas encumbered by the limits of your (finite) senses rather than explore the wondrous miracle of the human imagination, both moral and intellectual, or ―a capacity for self-transcendence‖ (Reinhold Niebuhr) uncommon among the Beast?

    3. (Reinhold Niebuhr) render it undesirable for certain groups to extend legal rights to members of other groups that ―necessity‖ may otherwise claim for themselves‖

    4. as copilot and Bertha Beinholdt ‘B’ and Ilsa Bauman ‘B’ acting as sensors and weapons operators

    5. I entered the premises of Reinhold’s Gas Station then hid

    6. had to stay inside Reinhold’s Gas Station snack shop until the

    7. Frida Winterer, Bertha Reinholdt and Susanna Berghof stepped forward without hesitation, followed a few seconds later by Mathilda Reichenberg

    8. Once the three women had marched upstairs to move their things, Hartmann looked more gently at Reinholdt, Berghof and Winterer

    9. � Anna herself was one of the former ones, while Bertha Reinholdt and young Ingrid Weiss were probably in the same category as her

    10. The American officer elected to stay on his feet, offering to Reinholdt a box as he spoke

    11. Major Stanfield was surprised to see tears appear in General Reinholdt�s eyes as he went through the photographs and the report

    12. Reinholdt looked tearfully at one of the photographs before passing it to the American

    13. Reinholdt�s face reflected at once joy and gratitude

    14. Reinholdt vigorously shook Stanfield�s hand and accompanied him to the main office of his department on his way out, then returned in his office to carefully inventory the content of the box

    15. � Reinholdt explained first to him the reason for major Stanfield�s visit, then told him to take notes

    16. As Maier left his office, Reinholdt realized that there had been seven auxiliaries named on the list, but only six letters delivered

    17. � Another aide was then tasked by Reinholdt to personally call the families of each man and woman on the list of prisoners and advise them that their loved ones were alive and well

    18. � Only then did Reinholdt go back to his desk to open and read his daughter�s letter

    19. Reinholdt then called his wife and spent ten minutes giving her the good news

    20. ����������� Reinholdt was nearly finished writing a report on the whole affair, for the attention of the Luftwaffe�s Chief of Staff, when his secretary came in his office, Ingrid Weiss� file in her hands

    21. The secretary�s eyes went wide with horror, but Reinholdt quickly reassured her

    22. � Opening her eyes, Ingrid saw that Bertha Reinholdt, bent over her bed, was looking at her with worry

    23. � Hauser had been ordered by the head female guard to vacate her room and to move in with Bertha Reinholdt, while the other auxiliaries had to double up as well, except for Ingrid Weiss

    24. ’’ Said Mary Takahashi, holding firmly to her M2 carbine, while the tall, blond Jessica Reinhold simply nodded

    25. He was told to return because he would have to be questioned by Major Reinhold of Intelligence

    26. Theologians influenced by Kierkegaard are Karl Barth, Martin Buber, Karid jaspers, Feinhold Niebbuhr and Paul Tillich

    27. Sergeant Major Reinhold von Rumpel is forty-one years old, not so old that he cannot be promoted

    28. Before the war, the life of Reinhold von Rumpel was pleasant enough: he was a gemologist who ran an appraisal business out of a second-story shop behind Stuttgart’s old chancellery

    29. What did his father used to say? See obstacles as opportunities, Reinhold

    30. He hears his father say, See obstacles as opportunities, Reinhold

    31. Three hundred miles away from Fort National, Reinhold von Rumpel’s wife wakes her daughters to go to Mass and contemplates the good looks of her neighbor who has returned from the war without one of his feet

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