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    Utiliser "jemima" dans une phrase

    jemima exemples de phrases


    1. 14 And he called the name of the first, Jemima; and the name of the second, Kezia;

    2. With lots of nursies to give blowjobs and Aunt Jemima pancakes with maple syrup that runs slooowwwww and slower still

    3. You'll also get introduced to the concept of improving the conversations you have with your partner, giving you suggestions for conversations that will help you to effectively ‘chat your partner up’, because those normal, dull old conversations that you’ve been having about who’s taking Jemima to ballet, the mortgage and the weather aren’t really overly effective seduction techniques

    4. One began This was the first time Jemima had come home

    5. Jemima ever watched on the tip-toe of fear, and frequently

    6. Jemima entering, he reflected on his diffidence with poignant regret, and, she

    7. Jemima was again at her elbow, and the restraint of her presence did not

    8. subjects, that Jemima felt, with surprise, a tear of pleasure trickling down her

    9. impart to all nature its overflowing felicity, Jemima owned that it was the first tear that social enjoyment had ever drawn from her

    10. was right!" exclaimed Jemima, altering her tone of voice) "as the only means, after my loss of reputation, of obtaining respect, or even the toleration of

    11. "As far as I have been able to observe," replied Jemima, "prejudices, caught up by chance, are obstinately maintained by the poor, to the exclusion of

    12. Jemima returning, seemed in haste to finish her tale

    13. Maria took her hand, and Jemima, more overcome by kindness than she had

    14. wretchedness of unprotected infancy, till sympathy with Jemima changed to

    15. her guard, she grasped the arm of Jemima with that irresistible warmth which

    16. Jemima had not power to resist this persuasive torrent; and, owning that the

    17. In the evening, Jemima informed the impatient mother, that on the morrow

    18. "Adieu!" with a "God bless you!"--that seemed to include a maternal benediction, dismissed Jemima

    19. spectre, when Jemima entered in the morning; especially as her eyes darted out

    20. calmer, she could not utter; and Jemima, without importuning her by idle

    21. Jemima was obliged to be absent, and she, as

    22. ONE morning confusion seemed to reign in the house, and Jemima came in

    23. Jemima, cried, "Save me!" The being, from whose grasp she had loosed herself, took up a stone as they opened the door, and with a kind of hellish sport threw it after them

    24. Jemima insisting on being considered as her house-keeper, and to receive the

    25. Maria and he determined therefore, with the faithful Jemima, to visit that

    26. The voice of Jemima sounding as at a distance, called her--she tried to listen, to speak, to look!

    27. "'Behold your child!' exclaimed Jemima

    28. "When she was restored to life, Jemima addressed her with great solemnity: '-

    29. when the child, whom Jemima had been tutoring all the journey, uttered the word

    30. ‘Lily never says no to anything,’ said Jemima

    31. “I was sick last night,” Aunt Jemima says

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