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    john constable exemples de phrases

    john constable

    1. “Is there a new law, John Constable, that says a man in livery may do what he

    2. “Thank you, my lady,” John Constable said deferentially

    3. But it was John Constable who arrived, his well-developed nose for trouble bringing him to any crowd almost as soon as it gathered

    4. Then John Constable seized Caris by the arm, she turned to protest to him, and a moment later she disappeared from Gwenda’s sight

    5. Nell was dragged into church by John Constable and Friar Murdo

    6. Archdeacon Lloyd called for order, and John Constable beat the crowd back with a stick

    7. John Constable was satisfied with that story: outlaws were outside the law, as their name indicated, so there was no question of Sim bequeathing his property

    8. JOHN CONSTABLE’S baby daughter was christened in the cathedral by Prior Godwyn

    9. Godwyn would order John Constable to pull it down

    10. John Constable doesn’t have the expertise to hunt down outlaws

    11. The door opened and John Constable stepped in

    12. Without dismounting, the earl leaned down and handed a rolled sheet of parchment to John Constable

    13. John Constable said: “When I broke my arm, her medicine took the pain away while Matthew Barber set the

    14. “I’m Jesca, Mother Prior – the daughter of John Constable

    15. Caris was disappointed with the results of John Constable’ s crackdown on drunkenness

    16. Caris was dismayed by the death of John Constable

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