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    joseph smith exemples de phrases

    joseph smith

    1. There were those that doubted Joseph Smith, a desperate treasure hunter, when he claimed to have had in his possession for a number of years a set of gold tablets that had been buried on a hill conveniently located near his home outside Palmyra, New York

    2. To be fair to Joseph Smith Jr

    3. that order, that it has been revealed to them by God: Moses and Joseph Smith are pretty good examples

    4. Mormons driven by Joseph Smith falls in same scheme, has “polygamy” in its impact

    5. Joseph Smith is the “God Smith” to produce his shape of God

    6. Joseph Smith is considered the false Messiah or American Jesus because of what he claimed, he like Mohammad claimed an angel revealing a new information about the Bible presented in a book called the book of Mormon

    7. Jesus a liar? How did Joseph Smith resolve that problem? What about

    8. an example we shall draw the visions of Joseph Smith, founder of the

    9. Jong around 1988, looking at artwork by Joseph Smith created for her illustrated book Witches

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