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    Utiliser "light bulb" dans une phrase

    light bulb exemples de phrases

    light bulb

    1. To think that all those light bulbs with their tiny filaments changed our lives

    2. As he pushes open his front door the timer on the landing light clicks and the bare light bulb hanging from the faded glory of the servants' storey ceiling rose snuffs out

    3. If George had been in a cartoon a giant light bulb would have appeared

    4. None of the cells had windows, of course, but all contained a single light bulb that cast off a dull yellow glow

    5. I don’t know how to do it, either, except that when the light bulb lit up in my head, I followed through

    6. “Only one, but the light bulb really has to want to change,” he answered

    7. Colling thought it an odd question, considering that the store’s shelves were bare except for one small stack of light bulbs

    8. What had at first looked like a bath of shiny and brilliant light revealed itself to be nothing more than a sickly yellowish light bulb

    9. I hopped into the houpte and thought about what I could do to occupy myself for the rest of the day when the proverbial light bulb came on

    10. Baby streetlamps are called light bulbs and wear cardboard crinoline diapers

    11. No one owns the life which flows in him any more than the electric light bulb owns the current which gives it light

    12. But when getting run down by a bicycle delivery man didn’t do it, or being gored on the train, or gashed by a knife – when almost electrocuting herself just changing a light bulb, and even nearly drowning in the East River still didn’t do it, the one misfortune that Sierra considered so awful that it put an instant stop to her goading of Obeah practitioners, was an attack on the part of her body she valued the most

    13. The octopuses are about ten feet long with big circular heads that look like light bulbs

    14. green sign of high intensity light bulbs at the end of the

    15. a bare light bulb on a pair of wires

    16. After she went upstairs he pulled a chair over and changed light bulbs in the ceiling fixture

    17. But tableware, light bulbs and other supplies, and even his labor around the house and yard—these things she must reciprocate either by favors of her own or reductions in his rent

    18. He opened his eyes to find his head pointed up at a bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling

    19. A light bulb popped easily into his spread open mouth

    20. A lone food vendor under a bare electric light bulb caught my attention and I bought a coconut from him

    21. quite well in his life with General Electric and creating the light bulb

    22. “Oh… I get it,” the boy said, as if a light bulb had flicked on above his head

    23. A light bulb flickered over his head and his eyes widened

    24. The numbers disappear and the thousands of tiny hundred-watt light bulbs form a smiley face showing its simple generic grin, an emblem from an era long dead

    25. A light bulb? No! A flash light?

    26. Using the traditional incandescent light bulbs use a lot of energy

    27. Thus, it is time to replace them with compact fluorescent light bulbs today, so that you can save more energy

    28. It was lit by a string of light bulbs that hung from one end of the barn to the other and swayed as blasts of cold air whipped through the open front bringing with them flurries of snow that melted on the damp concrete floor

    29. There was no need to turn off the light bulb; the picture on the wall was clear as a glass of drinking water, though

    30. trying to invent the first light bulb and harness electricity

    31. “What’s up Rani bear? Why is there a huge light bulb flashing above your head like this,” Gulab pretended that her hand was a flashing bulb

    32. the neon light bulb, extending his hand as much as possible

    33. light bulb of the elevator went off

    34. But when he opened the door, only the light bulb came on

    35. Their words fell on deaf ears until that empty refrigerator with the single light bulb told him the real state of affairs

    36. The light bulb does not come on because of the switch, the light bulb turns on because of the electricity, because of the power from an outside source

    37. It wasn't long after, Tiemann says, that the light bulb went

    38. As Henry pulled the string attached to the lone light bulb in the room, a yellow flash cracked across the room and the paleness was shattered

    39. She noticed the broken socket for the light bulb was on the wall next to the bed, and with the position of the door horizontally at the back Lezura realized that they were actually standing on what was the room’s wall

    40. Electric light bulbs can break and damage occurs to the possessions inside houses

    41. the light bulbs in the corridor

    42. Also, the light bulb shattered in the offender's face,

    43. the intermittent bad connection was made good, and two light bulbs

    44. A light bulb went on within me, and I decided to

    45. The third-floor corridor was completely empty and quite darker than usual as a result of several light bulbs in the sconces having burned out, which resulted in even heavier shadows falling along the pathway at the end of which the painting hung silently in a dim light that was apparently fading almost in sympathy with the deteriorating conditions outside

    46. � Nancy was plainly visible in the crude light provided by the ceiling-mounted light bulb, which was on at all times

    47. Switching on the single overhead electrical light bulb, the radio operator sat at the table supporting a big, long range HF radio transceiver, and grabbed the code books hidden behind the radio

    48. You should also replace your light bulbs with

    49. There was nothing within reach, only the string of the light bulb

    50. He scooted the chair over with all his strength, nudging it over about five inches, until the string from the light bulb ran across his face

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