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    Utiliser "longes" dans une phrase

    longes exemples de phrases


    1. This had to be the longest relationship Sam had had for a long time

    2. BobbingTwo would stay with him the longest and wave his eyes at him like he was a keda

    3. The longest three and half hours I have ever sat outside a bank or outside anywhere in my life

    4. The next three hours are the longest and most difficult hours I have spent since Dorothy died all those years ago

    5. The door slams half way through the longest sentence that he has uttered in the last hour

    6. Downstairs there is basically one large room with a coat check in one corner and a bar running along one third of the longest wall

    7. After the longest walk of my life, I stood

    8. That became the longest lasting but loosest relationship of my life

    9. Neither of them spoke, for the longest of time, and then he lifted his head off her shoulder and released her waist

    10. This also turned out to be their longest song, an uplifting thing reminiscent of ‘Monolith of Triumph’ but more about individual lives than mankind as a species

    11. This has the world’s longest underwater limestone cave, secluded islands and so much

    12. It will be found, I believe, in every sort of trade, that the man who works so moderately, as to be able to work constantly, not only preserves his health the longest, but, in the course of the year, executes the greatest quantity of work

    13. The longest so far

    14. I had to, and it was the longest I ever did, 67:35

    15. "This is Fyuanuran," a big-boned dwarf with the longest, thickest white hair and beard of all of them, more than waist length fore and aft

    16. term charity throughout the Quran, especially in its first and longest Surah, The Cow

    17. The longest paragraph you should ever have is three or four

    18. The law which secures the longest leases against successors of every kind, is, so far as I know, peculiar to Great Britain

    19. Having grown up together it seemed for the longest time that they, she and Carius, would find themselves betrothed

    20. “Boo, boo, boo!” he would screech out again, and then one could hear the “Ha, ha, ha!” of his ecstatic laughter echoing through the woods for the longest time afterwards

    21. Now, that being said, she also was certain that the Boss, in particular, and the Lascorii aboard in general were the most beautiful persons she'd ever encountered, and that the Captain had the longest auburn locks of any woman in Pim or Song's memory; that was just as it should be

    22. Method 3 will probably take the longest, but even that is only an hour or so once you get started

    23. He knew, having compared his to other boys his age, that he had a good size cock, the longest one he had seen yet, so it was almost with pride that he quickly stripped off his undershorts and lay back, his long prick standing straight up and quivering wildly as if it had a life of its own

    24. The longest lived of the ruling families, the Trosalans are also considered the best, though several of the kings within have been failures

    25. The longest hairs had to

    26. Eventually into the station pulled the longest train I or most of the lads had ever seen it was huge in length

    27. It is the longest of the irons and the hardest to hit, or be consistent with

    28. The cat continued to gaze into my eyes, as if we were in a contest to see which of us could last the longest without blinking

    29. Followed John Jay to become the second and longest serving Chief Justice of the U

    30. “Four years in Salverford, 17 victories in the ring, and the record for the longest fight in the history of the Phoenix Project…”

    31. It had to be at least ten kilometres between the longest ends

    32. And, let me tell you about how much I enjoyed holding baby animals… umm, A LOT! Matter of fact, for the longest time growing up, I wanted to be a veterinarian

    33. * The longest drift I heard off but was not there to count was more than 120 yards with a Nissan Skyline 2

    34. It snows there in winter and has the longest ski slope in the Southern Hemisphere

    35. white, with tan spots, and ears of the longest, softest, and silkiest

    36. He had been everything good in my life for the longest time, I did not know of a future without Boyd

    37. The two kissed for the longest time, almost ignoring William

    38. For the longest time, William stared at the dying wolf in front of him

    39. She had achieved her longest-held dream: the perfect family

    40. But perhaps the longest example of ongoing presidential ideological blindness is the question of government regulation in daily economic life

    41. Death is the shortest (Body) and longest (Soul) of journeys!

    42. Her agony continued throughout the longest and most dreadful night of Beth’s life

    43. The longest tablecloth in town,

    44. Our flight was the longest

    45. That was the longest two or three minutes of my life,” he added, in a ponderous kind of profundity

    46. That wave was the longest tube he had ever been in

    47. The longest I can delay is till Monday

    48. Because, it is theorized, that the last warming took place over the longest span of time of all the glacial retreats, the destruction of the environment that preceded it has been the most complete

    49. That was the longest stare-session I ever had with anybody

    50. They said the place had the smallest wave they had ever seen, that had the potential to be the longest wave ever ridden

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