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    Utiliser "lowers" dans une phrase

    lowers exemples de phrases


    1. Dante lowers his eyes and stares at the corpse of his

    2. the great sky lowers,

    3. With swift, gaping dispassion she lowers her head,

    4. Drens lowers a rope to his struggling crewman who is now supporting the limp body of our friend

    5. He lowers his voice slightly

    6. At a tap on the glass Jock leaves off counting and lowers the passenger side window

    7. The doctor looks away and lowers his voice

    8. Jock lowers his glass slowly, staring at Maggie, open mouthed

    9. A considerable number of people are thrown out of employment, who bid one against another, in order to get it, which sometimes lowers both the real and the money price of labour

    10. In a thriving town, the people who have great stocks to employ, frequently cannot get the number of workmen they want, and therefore bid against one another, in order to get as many as they can, which raises the wages of labour, and lowers the profits of stock

    11. In the remote parts of the country, there is frequently not stock sufficient to employ all the people, who therefore bid against one another, in order to get employment, which lowers the wages of labour, and raises the profits of stock

    12. The diminution of the capital stock of the society, or of the funds destined for the maintenance of industry, however, as it lowers the wages of labour, so it raises the profits of stock, and consequently the interest of money

    13. The extension of improvement and cultivation, as it necessarily raises more or less, in proportion to the price of corn, that of every sort of animal food, so it as necessarily lowers that of, I believe, every sort of vegetable food

    14. It lowers the price of vegetable food; because, by increasing the fertility of the land, it increases its abundance

    15. and with a startled look up as Christine lowers her glasses, for the first time, face to face, their eyes meet and melt together, forever instant

    16. Whatever be the actual state of tillage, it renders our corn somewhat dearer in the home market than it otherwise would be in that state, and somewhat cheaper in the foreign; and as the average money price of corn regulates, more or less, that of all other commodities, it lowers the value of silver considerably in the one, and tends to raise it a little in the other

    17. (Steps back into the line and lowers her head)

    18. On the contrary, as the rise in the real value of silver, in consequence of lowering the money price of corn, lowers somewhat the money price of all other commodities, it gives the industry of the country where it takes place some advantage in all foreign markets and thereby tends to encourage and increase that industry

    19. Then he slowly lowers his chin so that his head is resting on top of hers

    20. He slowly lowers the shield and peers out

    21. having a hangover lower your workout intensity, but drinking actually lowers protein synthesis by twenty percent

    22. Not only that, but alcohol lowers the amount of testosterone in your body and actually increases estrogen

    23. This in turn lowers both poverty rates and crime rates

    24. She lowers her voice

    25. Zeke lowers her to the ground with a grunt

    26. He lowers his head into his hand, covering his eyes

    27. Tobias releases my wrist and lowers his gun

    28. Grace backs up into the crowd that gathered as we were talking, then lowers her gun and jogs down a nearby hallway

    29. “The process lowers the carbon footprint”

    30. properly and lowers (its radioactivity levels) below the standards

    31. The liberalism of yesterday, as it inexorably mutated from campus riots to Civil War and betrayal of America, has itself set the table for the Tea Party sociofascistic firestorm that now lowers upon it, massive and unrelenting

    32. Each labored movement as he lowers himself to the ground and struggles to stand back up reminding him of the wrestling match he had with the angel

    33. business when it enlarges are way of seeing things, lowers stress and makes us braver

    34. (this further lowers my opinion of the average IQ of our General

    35. She casts these fourteen bolts of blue magic, of a type we do not recognize, while Prince Mark and Sir Kragorram swing their swords, Sir Silaran lowers his head and begins a charge, and Princess Talia and Lady Equemev prepare spells

    36. Simon blushes and lowers his head, pretending to inspect his writing tools

    37. magma body and lowers its frequency The report of the General Informa-

    38. lowers the amount of money workers have to spend

    39. “We’re with the Band,” Jane lowers her glasses and winks

    40. After a short minute during which I unflinchingly returned her penetrating stare, having been taught that he who lowers his gaze first is guilty of nameless sins, she filled me in

    41. The din of early dinner professionals abounded, you miss the first couple of words coming out of Jane’s mouth as she lowers her camera

    42. Malnutrition: Malnutrition lowers the BMR

    43. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol

    44. This lowers the resistance and bruises your chest muscles

    45. Don’t let your heels get off the floor as this lowers resistance

    46. According to a long-term Finnish study, smoking not only shortens your life by around 10 years, but it also lowers your quality of life in old age, as smokers are more likely to suffer from debilitating illnesses

    47. Because it lowers cholesterol (which can clog up the brain!), provides Omega-3s while balancing out Omega 6s, and infuses the body with antioxidants and Vitamin E, olive oil should form one of the cornerstones of a brain-friendly diet

    48. who lowers shades and

    49. She stands, lowers her head and leaves

    50. Natalie lowers her gun and puts it in a deep pocket on the side of her jeans

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