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    Utiliser "man of the world" dans une phrase

    man of the world exemples de phrases

    man of the world

    1. It created just the sort of powerful man of the world image he had craved, and brought confidence to his every gesture

    2. The man of the world thinks of the events of life chiefly as they affect

    3. But the ordinary man of the world has

    4. directions than the man of the world could ever be; and of almost infinitely

    5. In the physical life of the ordinary man of the world there is little of interest to the ego, and it is only now and then that something of real importance

    6. things; but for the man of the world it is well that he should at least believe

    7. captivating woman of the world

    8. It was not an easy task for a woman without parental experiences; it was not a cup of tea for any ordinary woman, but mother is a woman of the world; down to earth; an experienced lady

    9. What necessitates us to be policeman of the world and take up others obligations…? We understand that we have no need to be policeman of the world

    10. The ordinary untrained man of the world generally attends to several things at a time

    11. The heavens declare the glory of God,�the trees, the corn, the grass, the flowers, the streams, the birds speak forth His praise,�but the man of the world does nothing to show that he cares for God, or serves God, or loves God, or feels grateful for Christ's redeeming death

    12. a man of the world and his brother was a herdsman

    13. Because he is pleasant, refined and a man of the world

    14. ’ He adopted the expansive, man of the world air again, and, with a throwaway gesture, said, blandly, ‘I have a large circle of friends and acquaintances, Rafferty, a lot of them young women, as your investigations have no doubt revealed

    15. woman of the world that too

    16. Always mature for her age, she had gained a certain aplomb in both carriage and conversation, which made her seem more of a woman of the world than she was, but her old petulance now and then showed itself, her strong will still held its own, and her native frankness was unspoiled by foreign polish

    17. You aren't woman of the world enough yet to hide your feelings, my dear

    18. There were the "Think of it; the Man of the World at Mary's Feet, by Monsieur de ***, decorated with many Orders"; "The Errors of Voltaire, for the Use of the Young,"

    19. "This man of the world, with rosy face and simpering features, received me

    20. The abbe was a man of the world, and had, moreover, mixed in the first society of the day; he wore an air of melancholy dignity which Dantes, thanks to the imitative powers bestowed on him by nature, easily acquired, as well as that outward polish and politeness he had before been wanting in, and which is seldom possessed except by those who have been placed in constant intercourse with persons of high birth and breeding

    21. He told his hearers that he was there that evening for no terrifying, no extravagant purpose; but as a man of the world speaking to his fellow-men

    22. "The Morcerfs!—Stay, my dear count," said Danglars; "you are a man of the world, are

    23. He saw himself as a fixer, and a man of the world

    24. With the insight of a man of the world, from one glance at this lady’s appearance Vronsky classified her as belonging to the best society

    25. He assumed the tone of an enlightened man of the world, and begged Charles Gould to dismiss from his mind every cause for alarm

    26. Il fait la cour a une jeune et jolie femme, and a husband who’s a man of the world should only be flattered by it

    27. He Charles felt a surge of masculinity such as he had never experienced, for this was the arranged his face in what he fancied was an expression of careless unconcern and cautiously returned Scarlett’s pinch to show that he was man of the world enough to understand and accept her reproof

    28. “Man of the World” turned on the suspension of a D chord that would enter many of my songs in the coming years

    29. The payoff of “Man of the World” was not the slightly self-conscious pose of the title but a dreamy, melancholy musical phrase

    30. He felt that the Featherstone family generally was of limited understanding, but being a man of the world and a public character, took everything as a matter of course, and even went to converse with Mr

    31. There were the "Think of it; the Man of the World at Mary's Feet, by Monsieur de ***, decorated with many Orders"; "The Errors of Voltaire, for the Use of the Young," etc

    32. Charles was too much a man of the world, his parents had made him too happy, he had received too much adulation in society, to be possessed of noble sentiments

    33. True woman of the world, Annette advised her old friend to make the marriage, and promised him her support in all his ambitious projects

    34. He was merely a man of the world who had got on and to whom getting on had become a habit

    35. A glazed door opened on the garden; opposite this was the bed,—a hospital bed of iron, with a canopy of green serge; in the shadow of the bed, behind a curtain, were the utensils of the toilet, which still betrayed the elegant habits of the man of the world: there were two doors, one near the chimney, opening into the oratory; the other near the bookcase, opening into the dining-room

    36. Cosette was, moreover, passing through that dangerous period, the fatal phase of feminine revery abandoned to itself, in which the isolated heart of a young girl resembles the tendrils of the vine which cling, as chance directs, to the capital of a marble column or to the post of a wine-shop: A rapid and decisive moment, critical for every orphan, be she rich or poor, for wealth does not prevent a bad choice; misalliances are made in very high circles, real misalliance is that of souls; and as many an unknown young man, without name, without birth, without fortune, is a marble column which bears up a temple of grand sentiments and grand ideas, so such and such a man of the world satisfied and opulent, who has polished boots and varnished words, if looked at not outside, but inside, a thing which is reserved for his wife, is nothing more than a block obscurely haunted by violent, unclean, and vinous passions; the post of a drinking-shop

    37. Fauchelevent possessed something less and also something more, than a man of the world

    38. And you have derived pleasure from occasional tokens of preference—equivocal tokens shown by a gentleman of family and a man of the world to a dependent and a novice

    39. She had assumed the condition of woman of the world to such perfection that Florentino Ariza needed a moment of reflection to recognize her

    40. Without studying the business, however, or knowing what he was about, Edmund was beginning, at the end of a week of such intercourse, to be a good deal in love; and to the credit of the lady it may be added that, without his being a man of the world or an elder brother, without any of the arts of flattery or the gaieties of small talk, he began to be agreeable to her

    41. He is older than Arthur, a man of the world to his finger-tips, one who had been everywhere, seen everything, a brilliant talker, and a man of great personal beauty

    42. With the insight of a man of the world, from one glance at this lady's appearance Vronsky classified her as belonging to the best society

    43. By nature taciturn, he now merely growled occasionally like a bear, and glared contemptuously upon the “beggar,” who, being somewhat of a man of the world, and a diplomatist, tried to insinuate himself into the bear’s good graces

    44. You are a scoffer, a man of the world, a cavalry officer, and, though not without brains, you do not realize how profound is your thought, nor how true

    45. No one wished him harm, of course, for all had from the very first done Prohartchin justice, and had decided in Mark Ivanovitch's words that he, Prohartchin, was a good and harmless fellow, though by no means a man of the world, trustworthy, and not a flatterer, who had, of course, his failings; but that if he were sometimes unhappy it was due to nothing else but lack of imagination

    46. As the Church explains it, the doctrine of Jesus offers itself to men of the world and to dwellers in monasteries, not as a rule of life for bettering one's own condition and the condition of others, but as a doctrine which teaches the man of the world how to live an evil life and at the same time gain for himself another life, and the monk how to render existence still more difficult than it naturally is

    47. When Nekhludoff knew Selenin as a student, he was a good son, a true friend, and for his years an educated man of the world, with much tact; elegant, handsome, and at the same time truthful and honest

    48. “He, a man of the world, whom any girl of the best families would think it happiness to marry, offered himself as a husband to this woman, and she could not even wait, but began intriguing with the medical assistant,” thought he, with a look of hatred

    49. "I, a man of the world, whom any girl of the upper class would be only too happy to marry, offered to become the husband of that woman, and she could not wait, but made love to the assistant surgeon," he thought, looking at her with hatred

    50. One often wonders why an artist or a woman of the world, neither of whom, it would seem, ordinarily take much interest in sociological or military questions—why should they condemn strikes among workmen, or advocate war with such partizan zeal?

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