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    Utiliser "measuring stick" dans une phrase

    measuring stick exemples de phrases

    measuring stick

    1. their biases which they use as measuring sticks

    2. measuring stick of all movement of energy and matter in this universe, to

    3. debt, to our advantage - as a measuring stick that balances several other variables -

    4. have a measuring stick with which to judge, so that we will be righteous in

    5. Measure moisture each day with a measuring stick

    6. But we will always be guided by the measuring sticks, not what I have drawn here in the sand

    7. When the measuring sticks for the highest places on the face were all brought out to the cliff and checked and put in place, Bright Hands told us everything looked fine

    8. By using a measuring stick

    9. A measuring stick is an abstraction

    10. His measuring stick was an iron pole more than twice the height of a man, and he was hammering pointed stakes into the rocky ground to mark where the foundations must be dug

    11. Depending on which average is used as a measuring stick, the bear market lasted between 31 and 33 months

    12. Thus I decided to use this six-week time interval as a measuring stick to gauge the strength of the rally from the April lows

    13. If one’s measuring stick is accurate to the nearest millimeter, then the probability that an individual selected at random will be exactly 2 m tall is really the probability that his or her height will lie between 1

    14. They were carrying spades and measuring sticks

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