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    Utiliser "misunderstand" dans une phrase

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    1. Lady Emily blushed big time, “no, no, you misunderstand sir

    2. Outsiders often misunderstand North Korea, admittedly one of the most difficult and isolated societies to interpret

    3. But, do not misunderstand: I will not hesitate, because the subject I wish to discuss with you means more to me than her friendship

    4. In his book, Path to Bliss, His Holiness the Dalai Lama mentions that some people totally misunderstand the concept of karma

    5. Elena: You misunderstand me

    6. The doctor continued, “Please don’t misunderstand me

    7. “Gabriel, do you think Rachel might misunderstand if she sees us together?”

    8. Don’t misunderstand me, Alison

    9. resisted any direct appeal to the Bible because laymen could misunderstand it and fall into heresy

    10. ‘No Athene, you misunderstand, it is not that which I hold in contempt

    11. Choosing to misunderstand, Trask said, "I've already told you, she's not for you

    12. I am not afraid of work don’t misunderstand me, I will do my best with

    13. „He blushed, looked over my shoulder to his approaching wife and whispered, „Jackie might misunderstand if she sees me being kissed by a naked man

    14. A few adults misunderstand this innocent behaviour and terrify the kids by responding sexually, too often with very bad consequences

    15. And with our torn hearts, we choose to misunderstand

    16. to use it, should misunderstand another person and think evil of him, his

    17. What is the real difference between their religion and ours? Why is it we are at such diversity of belief when we all profess to serve the same God?" And when Thomas had finished, Jesus said: "While I would not ignore Peter's question, knowing full well how easy it would be to misunderstand my reasons for avoiding an open clash with the rulers of the Jews at just this time, still it will prove more helpful to all of you if I choose rather to answer Thomas's question

    18. 7 When Jesus heard this, he was thoughtful for some time and then said: "You ever err since you always try to attach the new teaching to the old; you are determined to misunderstand all my teaching; you insist on interpreting the gospel in accordance with your established beliefs

    19. don't misunderstand me, I'm pleased to see you but why are you here?"

    20. But don't misunderstand it

    21. "Again! You misunderstand me

    22. This is where you miss opportunities, misunderstand people and situations

    23. It will lead you to misunderstand things, because that term generalizes about copyrights, patents, and

    24. It will lead you to misunderstand things, because that term generalizes about

    25. Don’t misunderstand me

    26. misunderstand other peoples’ intentions

    27. “You do not misunderstand me

    28. Don’t misunderstand me, any spy worth his salt will avoid getting into a confrontation situation in the first place, but the poor old bastard just cannot see it coming

    29. If you are trading options do not misunderstand the word “Limited

    30. Analysts often misunderstand operating momentum, confusing it with “operating

    31. Spencer, please don’t misunderstand me

    32. ‘’I know that what you saw is very unsettling, but please do not misunderstand what happened here

    33. misunderstand the grave hour we are in and the seriousness of the timetable

    34. Never for a moment misunderstand that Younis Khan was being very generous either to me or to the society

    35. If anybody heard what you said just now, they would misunderstand and judge her negatively

    36. The readers should not misunderstand your

    37. “You misunderstand me,” he said

    38. “You misunderstand me,” he carried on, “I meant what kind of boys have you had around where you live that they are so different in looks from I?”

    39. I thought of you frequently,” he told Lea and then turned to Stratos and said, “Please, don"t misunderstand

    40. You will completely misunderstand what they wrote

    41. But please don"t misunderstand

    42. Revival movements—and I love this movement, and I love this convention, and all these conventions—but they must beware, because it is not the Biblically illiterate, it is not the halfhearted or the spiritually lazy who struggle in this area; it is often the highly motivated that will do everything correctly and Biblically who often confine God to their understanding, and who often miss God when He reveals His arm! Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying: we need discernment more than ever in this day and age, but understand this—legalism is equally as dangerous as any false doctrine

    43. Now it is a doctrinal statement, don’t misunderstand me

    44. is it never spoken of in clear words that the common person could not misunderstand? If

    45. Now don’t misunderstand me

    46. This time there was no way Tyrese could misunderstand

    47. Was she being for real? How could she misunderstand his question? He surely didn't mean to make her upset but he needed to know if there would be any repercussions if he were to continue on succumbing to his desire for her

    48. If there were a place as terrible as Hell, why is it never spoken of in clear words that the common person could not misunderstand? If Hell were real, it would be strange if a doctrine as important as Hell would have been would have to depend on an interpretation of a parable or symbolical language

    49. Then you ought not believe it, for Paul was right, and he understood his subject, however much we may misunderstand him

    50. So much do the Unitarians misunderstand Christianity

    1. and with a will that stands firm in misunderstanding,

    2. Curiosity prompted by a misunderstanding

    3. It’s a lot less serious than it seemed at first – a real catalogue of misunderstanding, if you ask me

    4. The officers would have told him to let her keep her misunderstanding and get out of there

    5. Those who are in the place of intense warfare can become offended, or the people who gain the victory and are criticized for it can be offended, both of them because of misunderstanding

    6. They were content in their hearts in the knowledge that it had all been one big misunderstanding

    7. It was a misunderstanding between us and besides, I could never stay cross with you

    8. If we hypothetically imagine a German working for an Israeli company making a presentation in English to a Japanese audience in Korea, we can see that there are even more possibilities for cultural misunderstanding

    9. He'd call on Rosemary, pass an hour, have a coffee and try to sort out the disastrous misunderstanding from last night

    10. Perhaps when they had this misunderstanding sorted out they could spend the day together

    11. To try and fully explain exactly how God worked and what He did, will always result in failure, errors or misunderstanding on our side

    12. submissal, “this is all just a huge misunderstanding

    13. The most corrupt and ineffective Cabinet Secretary of the Obama Administration, with the possible exception of Attorney General Eric Holder, who really doesn"t understand the laws he has been instructed to enforce, which misunderstanding has much to do, perhaps, with his race getting into the way of his law enforcement responsibilities

    14. “There was one incident involving Rufus,” he remarked very quietly, “though I’m sure it was a misunderstanding

    15. He will convince you that you are innocent and the whole story only a small misunderstanding which he can sorted out over a period of five years and using all the money you can lay your hands on! But sure to pay the large deposit because he might lose the case and if you are in jail you might not be able to pay him

    16. The lads feel very bad about the f misunderstanding and forgiveness is what is f needed here

    17. I think the misunderstanding started because of a lack of appreciation about the difference between a "hollow point" and a "shape charge" that will go through most armour

    18. A mistake is properly understood as some misunderstanding or misconception or miscalculation; that is to say, an error in

    19. Things just happen and it is all one big misunderstanding

    20. A shared understanding, or perhaps misunderstanding

    21. Then, using his nimble ability to twist things to his purpose claimed to misinterpret when she shouted that he should let go the woman he was raping like some drooling, low-life redneck! So, she thought, last night was no misunderstanding; he released them intentionally because he thought that, with them free, I’d close up operations and help him chase his non-existent pot of gold

    22. That is based on a misunderstanding

    23. A part of me thought that this was just too bad to be true, and I just had to believe that it was a very big practical joke, or some kind of huge, honest misunderstanding

    24. There are centuries of persecution, hurt and misunderstanding to be dealt with

    25. Was Akhenaten’s mistake that he rekindled only an ancient misunderstanding in worshiping a created thing, the sun, instead of its biblically declared creator?

    26. It was a complete misunderstanding on

    27. But the mistake, I feel, has come in the misunderstanding that all necessary knowledge has come in one concise package

    28. She was able to explain things, in French, in the friendly but firm manner required so there would be no unfortunate misunderstanding

    29. A strange thing happened, a misunderstanding - a most unusual occurrence in our congenial group

    30. After hot cross buns at the table overlooking the sea, I told him about the morning’s events, starting with the bird song, through the misunderstanding during rehearsal, then my friend’s kind words

    31. This misunderstanding has been a major cause for much of a woman’s

    32. Moreover, such misunderstanding of cause and effect should not be used to rationalize one's own smugness, laziness, or apathy

    33. thirst, tiredness, heat, cold, misunderstanding, and many other things during His life-

    34. The misunderstanding and

    35. It’s all been a complete misunderstanding!”

    36. M: The person is merely the result of a misunderstanding

    37. M: It is all due to your complete misunderstanding of reality

    38. To rectify this misunderstanding of one’s reality, the only way is

    39. said it was a "misunderstanding of a conversation I had with him


    41. them in advance in order to avoid any potential misunderstanding

    42. misunderstanding that was brought about by physical conditions, The whole incident in no way reflects negligence or dereliction on the part of the accused

    43. Let us remember, furthermore, that Colonel Geist claimed that a misunderstanding was not probable

    44. “There’s a great deal of overlap between the two sets of oaths, but with two sets of minds as differently constructed as ours, it is best if there is no room left for misunderstanding

    45. A little while later Tesar asked, “Would you please give me your version of what happened between Candace and 8?” After hearing about her misunderstanding of Mother’s words, he said, “Eight always has an ace up his sleeve

    46. Miscalculation and misunderstanding of true free enterprise is reflected in that erroneous assumption

    47. Misunderstanding and miscalculation of true free enterprise are reflected in that erroneous assumption

    48. Dory went at her with a will, refusing to consider Charly's contention the story was all a big mistake, a misunderstanding, the rumors certainly false

    49. She insisted that there had to have been some misunderstanding

    50. “I think you’re misunderstanding me, I’m not accusing you anything

    1. “It is not “me” who constantly misunderstands everything

    2. But he misunderstands their purpose

    3. “No, it’s you who misunderstands,” Shria said

    4. It forgets us and misunderstands us, judges us and reminds us we are of no value to it

    5. This is how he misunderstands his weakness as his special quality

    6. If it’s because you think the market misunderstands a company’s future, know so—and know what you consider to be the real story

    7. Whereupon it is taken for granted that he is a sectarian, and therefore misunderstands Christianity; in other words, that he differs from the priests paid by the State

    1. history, when faced with something new or misunderstood, the hopes of creation and

    2. Clones, Synthetics, Artificial People, Androids; all of these terms were used and rejected, and, as ever in human history, when faced with something new or misunderstood, the hopes of creation and discovery soon drifted into the shorthand slang of exploitation

    3. Sorry, I misunderstood

    4. The next few moments were a horrible mixture of déjà vu and misunderstood questions, all of which left Miss Jones in a state of confused and bemused uncertainty

    5. misunderstood questions, all of which left Miss Jones in a state of

    6. Tom realised that he had misunderstood the purpose of the

    7. Maybe I’d misunderstood and his reunion back in Iowa was more than a weekend

    8. Anything he tried to ask even indirectly related to laws and the political system was totally misunderstood

    9. Apostles are the most misunderstood gift in the body, but we need apostles to bring the true vision for the Church that God has in mind

    10. misunderstood because they have vision that is not yet know to

    11. The man misunderstood and behaved as if

    12. Think: Misunderstood context of the word, “mole

    13. Or your actions are being misunderstood and misconstrued

    14. (Thomas Jefferson has been radically misunderstood

    15. “You misunderstood me Sir these are character witnesses I’m afraid they were no where near Corporal Lamb or what happened

    16. Thomas Jefferson has been radically misunderstood over the years, especially by American liberals

    17. Perhaps he misunderstood the word? But he had full confidence in his vocabulary

    18. With her comprehension level and how poorly Leon speaks, she undoubtedly misunderstood then came up with her own highly dramatic interpretation

    19. “When I told you that Herminia must have misunderstood what Leon said, I was misleading you

    20. A nice young fellow, he was perhaps a little overconfident and misunderstood his standing with her

    21. Maybe, at the time, I just misunderstood

    22. “I think you’ve misunderstood my intentions

    23. The whole process had taken less than it would take a man to draw his sword in a misunderstood attempt at would probably have been futile defense

    24. The conventional thinkers and mainstream researchers of his time often misunderstood and occasionally mis-represented his work during his lifetime

    25. He misunderstood it somewhat by thinking that it was because they had now spoken for more than an hour

    26. Now she had misunderstood him again and even in the same moment, that she flung it in his head! It was a compliment

    27. An invitation for more! No, he was not the one who misunderstood everything

    28. I think you have misunderstood what he said

    29. He really was very sad and he too thought Enilia had misunderstood him

    30. The two humans misunderstood her and thought that they had made her angry

    31. Meredith misunderstood his cheerfulness and thought him insensible

    32. In fact, karma is one of the most misunderstood Buddhist teachings

    33. flashing of the headlight has been totally misunderstood

    34. Ares: Rest assured you just misunderstood because you did not hear all the conversation

    35. this country, but our country — is, more often than not, misunderstood

    36. I felt my resolve soften against my sibling, could it be that he was simply misunderstood? As I saw his face harden, it dawned on me that pigs would fly first

    37. ” He said and my head whipped towards him, realizing I misunderstood

    38. In the pursuit of utopia, Nazism married socialism with eugenic science—yes, science, or at least science as they understood (or misunderstood) it back in their time

    39. I’m sorry you misunderstood, Jesse

    40. and misunderstood, he quickly continued

    41. Valerie tried to assure Laura that Rupert was not a man to be afraid of, that he was grossly misunderstood

    42. Examine the testimony more closely, and you will note that both Airman Carmell and Colonel Geist agree on the possibility that the order could have been misunderstood

    43. misunderstood person, that the relationships I had with Jonny and

    44. was weird and difficult to approach and misunderstood and that

    45. Or have I misunderstood your words? In fact… “

    46. “No,” she said clearly so he could ever afterwards never say he had misunderstood her

    47. Many migraineurs feel very alone in their still misunderstood suffering, but they are not alone

    48. "No, Pasker, you've misunderstood

    49. Justice, or Justness, is an attribute of God that I believe has often been greatly misunderstood

    50. This passage, often misunderstood, is the source of much confusion and anxiety in the minds of some believers who let themselves be troubled over fears they have committed this sin and would not be forgiven and therefore excluded from eternity

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    Synonymes pour "misunderstand"

    be amiss misapprehend misconceive misconstrue misinterpret misunderstand confound mix up err confuse