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    Utiliser "mushroomed" dans une phrase

    mushroomed exemples de phrases


    1. This was one of many small commercial colleges that mushroomed in the mid-seventies

    2. employees to work out of the office have mushroomed

    3. 1991, the number mushroomed to 538, costing $6 billion

    4. For the last six years, a majority of special rules have limited amendment opportunities, and the problem continues to grow: the percentage of restrictive rules mushroomed from 15 percent in the 95th Congress (1977-1978)

    5. This western culture and mushroomed growth of Chandigarh has thrown us in these tiny cramped apartments where even we do not know who lives adjacent to us

    6. inquisitional executions mushroomed in the second millennium

    7. school attendance expanded, and enrollment in secondary education skyrocketed; and the gap between rich and poor has mushroomed, common courtesy is in the tank, debt and trade deficits have exploded, and the American economy is teetering on the brink of catastrophe

    8. It wasn’t until men started selective breeding programs that the number of different “breeds” mushroomed

    9. In the case study the benefits to the organisation mushroomed out into areas of customer service levels; out amongst its competitors not understanding the changes and the atmosphere of the internal environment

    10. beloved mother mushroomed into his awareness and he could palpable feel her presence

    11. mushroomed ever outward and upward through the tree house roof and extending out into

    12. The bullet had struck Thirsk in the bony part of the left shoulder, mushroomed, and partially disintegrated

    13. The number of experts in this field has mushroomed, as has the number of companies involved

    14. The red light mushroomed out behind the trees

    15. The short stove-pipes of the cook stoves puffed grey smoke into the air, still, straight columns that went up fifty feet before they mushroomed at the top and spread out evenly

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