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    Utiliser "non-essential" dans une phrase

    non-essential exemples de phrases


    1. We can re-arrange our lives, leaving out the non-essential activities

    2. over non-essential uses, but there was a limit to the amount of work

    3. And then he went to the visual relay, though now it was flickering as another non-essential system going off-line

    4. Faced with the prospect of paying (marginally) higher taxes, taxpayers may (otherwise) decide to manage their finances accordingly by (either) spending less or postponing spending on all non-essential items

    5. Basically, there are three main types of processes that can be running on your system – a) essential and non-essential system processes; b) processes run by applications installed on your computer; c) viruses and malware

    6. Ideally, you’d like to have as little of the non-essential processes as possible because having too many running processes reduces your PCs speed

    7. Make use of a stopwatch when you make non-essential telephone calls or when you are interrupted by a call

    8. He was prepared to forget human non-essentials to accept divine requirements and become more active in community affairs

    9. He stripped off all his non-essential gear, the smoke grenades, the water canteens after taking a long drink, his harness

    10. non-essentials, and continue to be used on the

    11. There wasn"t much money to spare for non-essentials

    12. Paul is teaching in the Scriptures we can have liberty in non-Essentials

    13. Christians are to live in harmony in the Essentials of the beliefs of Christ’s Doctrine, even if they have different opinions of belief in non-essentials of Doctrine

    14. Essential maintenance only takes place in their slotted two week annual shut down and any non-essential maintenance, well, never

    15. Non-essential foreign travel should be avoided during this period

    16. Cut back on non-essential fats, excess carbohydrates, sugars, salts and alcohol (and consume them in moderation)

    17. being non-essential; not used for the military, household

    18. General Dows and her KATF were given to you to support the 8th Army in the air, not on the ground! Now, General Dows herself sent me this afternoon a request to thin out on the ground her non-essential administrative and logistical equipment and spare parts in prevision of a possible evacuation from Korea

    19. He walked away, at last quite leisurely, from an uncommenting wife to a lady whose affection for him was invariably already so great that there was nothing left for it to do but to decline; and when it had declined, assisted and encouraged in various ways by him, the chief cooling factor being his expressed impatience to get to his painting again undisturbed by non-essentials--each lady found it cooling to be called a non-essential--he avoided the part that is sometimes a little difficult, the part in which recriminations are apt to gather like clouds about a sunset, the part that lies round ends, by skilful treatment, by a gradual surrounding of her who was now not so much a lover as a patient with an atmosphere of affection for her home

    20. What is non-essential to life is valued above what is essential for life

    21. The most non-essential is valued the most, while the most essential is valued the least

    22. But it is this selection of the significant and suppression of the non-essential that often gives to a few lines drawn quickly, and having a somewhat remote relation to the complex appearance of the real object, more vitality and truth than are to be found in a highly-wrought and painstaking drawing, during the process of which the essential and vital things have been lost sight of in the labour of the work; and the non-essential, which is usually more obvious, is allowed to creep in and obscure the original impression

    23. The softer edges of the principal features in these compositions lend a largeness and mystery to these parts, and to restore the balance, sharpnesses are introduced in non-essential accessories

    24. In the figure with the white tunic from Velazquez's "Surrender of Breda," here reproduced, note the wonderful variety on the edges of the white masses of the coat and the horse's nose, and also that the sharpest accents are reserved for such non-essentials as the bows on the tunic and the loose hair on the horse's forehead

    25. Not only because the boy was plainly so much more focused, but also because Balder’s brain had instantly eliminated all non-essential elements in order to concentrate on the traffic light’s key message: go or stop

    26. Inside and outside the tiny house must conform to one law—elimination of non-essentials; and the person who has a clear idea of his individual needs and has also the strength of will to limit his needs to his circumstances, will find in his tiny house a satisfaction more than compensating for any sacrifices he may have made

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