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    Utiliser "notched" dans une phrase

    notched exemples de phrases


    1. As was my habit, for luck and from routine, I bit off the smallest bit of the fletching of one of the flights, notched the arrow, drew back on the bow and aimed exactly at the spot he'd indicated

    2. It seemed to be stone, sometimes fairly smooth, some places notched

    3. He'd just notched up another point against his wayward colleague

    4. The light of those swords and arrows would have made them stand out to other assassins hiding in towers with arrows notched to bowstrings or the ability to wield the Power

    5. Bru whipped open the side door of the van, slung the quiver on his shoulder, and notched up an arrow

    6. Climbing back up, he notched his left foot, propelled himself up another foot and a half

    7. On an instinctive impulse, he reached over his shoulder and pulled out an arrow, and notched it to the string in cautious silence

    8. I learned of the northern continent, a myth I had notched up as folk tales and the ravings of mad men

    9. notched on the string ready to fly

    10. They had cut, shaved and notched all the timbers so they

    11. The next round had not yet been notched in the launching bows when Yigal sprang upright and

    12. jagged ridges that notched the skyline

    13. Thirty archers on the raised hillside behind silently notched arrows into bowstrings

    14. No armour was visible and, although they both carried bows, no arrows had been notched

    15. He had notched his second from last arrow when some movement caught his eye below

    16. Before I could regain my balance, Zoe and Bianca had arrows notched, aimed at my chest

    17. Darrell - On your website you mention your book "The Hanging Shed" has notched up some 50,000 sales, at £1 a time, in the Kindle eBooks charts, where it has consistently been in the top five

    18. The cross beam notched into the top of the pole and ropes are tied around his waist and neck

    19. Conan's breeks hung in blood-stained tatters; his girdle and sheath were gone, his sword, driven upright into the deck beside him, was notched and crusted with red

    20. On legs wide-braced, hands gripping notched and dripping swords, blood trickling down their arms, they stared at one another across the mangled corpses of friends and foes

    21. In the midst of the mêlée the slaves in the pen broke down the walls and came surging up on the decks, and with fifty blacks freed of their benches Conan abandoned his iron-hewing and bounded up on the bridge to add his notched ax to the bludgeons of his partisans

    22. Glaring at Vaughn wasn’t accomplishing much as I straightened my shoulders and notched my chin high, stalling for time

    23. castrated, have their tales sliced off, ears notched, and teeth

    24. She cut the engine and let the car roll, slowly notched up the handbrake, took out her

    25. Many of the animals killed for a plate have already been branded, de-horned, castrated, de-beaked, de-combed, ear notched, tail docked, and otherwise painfully injured on the farm

    26. She’s dressed in a disheveled periwinkle day dress, with a notched collar and front-closing, princess seam bodice that pinches at her waist above a gathered skirt that looks it was slept in

    27. He had notched an arrow and let it fly

    28. As he did, several other young men and women, dressed similarly as he, stood up from the surrounding rocks, all armed with bows and arrows that were notched and ready to fire at a moment's notice

    29. “Laeron!” he called out as his hands slipped off the notched scale that had held him

    30. If the rambling structure was artless, the woodcraft was solid, notched with admirable precision and each joint miraculously fitted

    31. His silence notched the worry up to panic

    32. laid it aside as he notched the bare portion with a deep groove

    33. Jaron took a third arrow and notched it

    34. Jaron notched an arrow and spun, releasing the arrow in one movement

    35. I picked up a bow by my side and notched an arrow only to let it fly seconds later

    36. I left my sword sheathed and instead pulled the composite bow from my back and notched an arrow into it

    37. I stumbled to Relentless and pulled my bow off the saddle and notched an arrow and brought it up so Raya was clearly in sight

    38. notched an arrow, and lined the sites up to the enemy’s silhouette

    39. notched his next arrow, Donovan prayed that Garock would come

    40. positioned his Elven bow, notched an arrow and waited

    41. The notched key fitted at once and unlocked it

    42. There indeed lay Thorin Oakenshield, wounded with many wounds, and his rent armour and notched axe were cast upon the floor

    43. As Strider raised it they saw that near the end its edge was notched and the point was broken off

    44. Frodo shuddered, remembering the cruel knife with notched blade that

    45. The blade was notched

    46. shaft was shot; their swords were notched, and their shields were riven

    47. 'Alas! My axe is notched: the

    48. A notched and broken sword lay by him, as if he had hewn at the rock in his last despair

    49. She ended her career with more tournament victories than any other player, having notched up 112 wins since April 2000

    50. The men’s team won a record 34 times (1959–2012), while the women have notched up 15 wins (1980–2008)

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    Synonymes pour "notched"

    erose jagged jaggy notched toothed saw-toothed serrate serrated