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    Utiliser "objects" dans une phrase

    objects exemples de phrases


    1. There are no foreign objects in this body

    2. Do not remove foreign objects from the ear without a doctor’s assistance

    3. Sharp objects, fireworks etc

    4. “What do those do?” Johnny asked, indicating the objects she was holding

    5. The four square objects sailed through the air in all directions

    6. " Objects upon which to concentrate are of four kinds:

    7. External objects, such as images of the deity, pictures or forms in nature

    8. He dealt in hooks and ropes and wheels, getting bulky objects from here to there

    9. This Yama is not only concerned about the non-stealing of material objects but also the stealing of other's ideas and other forms of possession

    10. Please find out the subjects and objects in the following sentences:

    11. He strolls about, examining the room, which is full of art objects that suggest a quiet sophistication

    12. As a technician, of course Bahkmar knew that the view rendering busses that supplied all souls eye-stream input was dependent on all objects in the field of view

    13. I started to sniff at the objects around me

    14. "What if he objects," Herndon asked

    15. Treasure: In general, it is a very good omen; if you dream of a chest full of coins, jewels, ancient objects and that sort of thing, it means that you have a strong will and a good potential, which could be used to help yourself and others around you

    16. in the objects all around us

    17. making strange objects from the spare bits of metal in the

    18. letting the hidden objects of the garden,

    19. Looking round I realise that I might have taken a wrong turning because I'm surrounded by small groups of impoverished and suspicious stragglers who guardedly, seem to be offering each other objects for sale

    20. Nuplayy couldn't tell how much energy without knowing the mass of the objects and the last few weeks he had been writing about how to determine their mass by observing Narrulla

    21. Undoubtedly they were as sure as he was about what those objects really were

    22. "The signals coming from the objects impacting our home worlds would be the worst in that case

    23. 'As I say, some time ago Pantelis got wind of what was going on and over a period of time he collected his evidence: names, numbers, times, photographs, dates, recordings; a comprehensive list of villains, including prominent public figures, involved one way or another in the smuggling and acquisition of priceless cultural objects

    24. "You see what I'm getting at," Elmore said, "If you had one from a halo object, we could tell if the halo objects have this same effect you've been studying

    25. These objects are still a hundred years from the Sol system

    26. I think we need to study some other halo objects also to get a better baseline

    27. Non-impacting halo objects had the same levels of activity as standard population objects

    28. Define a one-to-many dependency between objects where a state change in one object results in all its

    29. Now he brought up a vector field over all the nearby objects large enough to possibly harbor condensates

    30. It could be enough to indicate that it is in control of these objects

    31. He knew these were all dark objects, snowflakes that the screen visualized as bright as stars, while they might be as black as lamp soot

    32. "Because we think it started with the war," Ava said, “but what if these bodies started targeting our installations as soon as they went in? The paths of all the impactors are consistent with halo objects, they could have started on their way before we even left

    33. that it is the objects themselves that radiate these

    34. She looked too old to be carrying all the jewelry she had on her, objects of astounding craftsmanship

    35. There is as much energy in the air between objects

    36. as there is in the objects themselves

    37. Security is an internal thing and is never reliant on external objects or

    38. He called on everyone to give him their military assessment of the situation at Sol, it was all bleak, almost all known simulated humans above Earth’s atmosphere were hit, more objects were on the way

    39. The young men had come across all sorts of unexpected objects in

    40. She set the objects in front of

    41. continued to poke, prod and fiddle with various objects on

    42. Desa turned from putting the fallen objects back on the shelves and looked at her

    43. wanted her ass, her legs wrapped around her head, her nipples bit, objects

    44. There was a great deal of speculation in his article on how the objects came to be trapped in that gravitational null

    45. It soared across the universe, sometimes meeting objects of unknown sound, sometimes playing with them, sometimes fighting with them and sometimes merging with them

    46. He created many objects that figure prominently in various myths

    47. On the walls beautiful posters were hung, some were of Wescarp, one could have been from Dos as far as he knew, and several were beautiful astronomical objects, Cynd in particular

    48. being accustomed to consider a greater variety of objects, is generally much superior to that of

    49. Clothing and lodging, household furniture, and what is called equipage, are the principal objects of the greater part of those wants and fancies

    50. Such objects they are willing to purchase at a higher price than things much more beautiful and useful, but more common

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