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    Utiliser "one-year" dans une phrase

    one-year exemples de phrases


    1. he was about one-year old

    2. He was in a position to make that happen, but it would take more time in lieu of the one-year setback caused by the Shenandoah

    3. That’s a lot of money but, we felt that was unacceptable because that was only a one-year contract with no bonus money

    4. What have they done? What injustice have they perpetrated against the Germans? What injustice can a one-year-old baby do? Does all this hatred stem from the fact that they were born as Jews? Is that their fault? Will I ever get to see my family again? Was such a cruel and unjust death also awaiting them?

    5. These citizens-in-service were paid for their one-year term

    6. Sarah and her husband had transferred to the Alligator Ordu, but she wrote often, and her first child had been a boy and was a healthy one-year-old

    7. to abandon that course because the one-year time limit for action had

    8. Thus, half of one year into my four-year gig, I found myself forced to do the work of two lawyers for the next three and one-half years, after which I was de facto fired! Kominers, who wrote my “fitness report,” totally ignored the facts that a) I was properly classified a GS-13/14 having replaced a -14 and b) per my evaluation, I had performed the requisite one-year time in grade at above average levels for each category of my evaluation

    9. Thank goodness that when the well failed (TV antenna never worked) in July 1986, the property manager bought my argument that I had been “constructively evicted” and let me out of my one-year lease three months early

    10. His twenty-one-year old media company, one of the largest privately owned conglomerates in the nation, was known as a “quiet organization

    11. why, when he was twenty-one-years-old, he was amazed how

    12. He had served forty-two consecutive one-year terms in the Assembly, and that gave him a considerable measure of confidence

    13. “I thought that they were just over halfway through their one-year journey

    14. asked them for a piece of advice that he could pass on to his soon-to-be one-year-old son, something for him to treasure as he grew up

    15. These cold halls never seemed brighter in the entire one-year plus that you’ve been here


    17. one-year-old soldier; he had made

    18. I sold the one-year service for $997 and

    19. I had a one-year subscription and the credit card was closed and shouldn’t have been reopened

    20. would allow student visitations, and applications, for one-year periods of study in selected

    21. Firstly, the PS2's high anticipation and one-year head start gained it player and developer attention before the GCN's release

    22. “What?” Pranjit jolted and said, “What? W-Why? Are you crazy? Are you fool? Don’t talk bunk! Do you know, one-year loss means how much? It cost a lot, yaar

    23. He sees the article in the newspaper with headlines that read: JUDGE PUTS DIANETTES ON ONE-YEAR PROBATION AND RELEASES THEM INTO THE CUSTODY OF DIANE D'S FAMILY! “What!” the second male deejay shouts

    24. They look at and read the newspaper articles with headlines that reads: JUDGE PUTS DIANETTES ON ONE-YEAR PROBATION AND RELEASES THEM INTO THE CUSTODY OF DIANE D'S FAMILY! JUDGE ORDERS DIANETTES INTO COUNSELING FOR THE BITING AND THE FIGHTING! Madilyn Lewis then shouts, “Those Dianettes attacked me and my husband, and after that, they chased those two Latin female singers right outside the back of the police station then attacked them and that's all they're gonna get is counseling and a one-year probation?!”

    25. Hussein's 71 male companions, including the one-year-old baby boy

    26. companies in recent years, started out by setting up one-year

    27. Henry was going to surprise her with it close to their one-year

    28. The forty-one-year-old Ladwa had met Modi through the Gujarati NRI network in the 1990s, and despite the age difference, had struck an instant rapport

    29. You were only a one-year-old then

    30. The countries willing to offer asylum were few and far between, but just as his options seemed to be running out, Vladimir Putin offered a temporary one-year asylum in Russia

    31. If science still cannot explain the original source of the electromagnetic field, what can be said about it? Its current level can be compared to the stage of development of a one-year-old child who crawls in the space limited by his parents so as not to injure himself and learns the world through toys that are given to him

    32. one-years young, lost their lives a few months before this ghastly

    33. To this end we need a one-year vocational diploma similar to the International Diploma of the University of Cambridge

    34. We were both selected for a one-year in house government program called Americorps

    35. “This says it’s a one-year contract?” Cecily, who’d been reading over his shoulder, paused to hear what Melvin had to say

    36. Officer Green explained that he couldn’t find any records beyond Oswald’s one-year stint on the force

    37. not stuck with a one-year membership

    38. Buy short-term savings bonds, which have 6-month to one-year

    39. She was forty-one-years-old

    40. She had been married to a socialite, and when he divorced her for his twenty-one-year-old secretary, Dorothy Hollister was forced to go to work

    41. Can a one-year old baby live without its parents? No

    42. Because every poppy that grows there for a short year and dies: represents one-year short year of life of a soldier in the killing fields of Holland and Flanders where they fought and died

    43. I was no longer in pain, but here I was, a fifty-one-year-old chump with a sick heart and a drug dealer intent on killing me

    44. and the one-year-old in the other, “I hope so

    45. There was a one-year waiting list to buy a little hybrid car

    46. a one-year-old because of his stubborn decision to his take his wife and her newborn to live

    47. The one-year wife is recovering and happy having a week ago borne

    48. You know, Renata’s nanny? But Harper was all, “A twenty-one-year-old nanny doesn’t count!” And then, of course, these days, we all like to pretend Juliette never existed

    49. His daughter, forty-one-year-old Patti Davis, is now fully exposed for the entire country to see

    50. He stayed on as a paid consultant to the new secretary of transportation, William Coleman, for 60 days and then went on a one-year speaking tour

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