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    Utiliser "ordinariness" dans une phrase

    ordinariness exemples de phrases


    1. the horns of abuse and the unadulterated ordinariness

    2. He looked like such an ordinary man, but it was a striking, deliberate ordinariness

    3. It was funny that she considered my homosexuality to be perfectly acceptable, but my good manners and ordinariness offensive

    4. physical focus of meanings attributed to women, the ordinariness of violations of

    5. It is in the very ordinariness of mundane life that the extraordinary reveals itself

    6. “And what are you?” the inquiry naturally slipped from Urit, extracted by the ordinariness of the introduction

    7. And perhaps a little more of the conventionality and ordinariness you appear to think is waste of time might improve your general prospects

    8. Once that sense of wonder is gone, people return to a sense of normality, ordinariness, dullness, boredom, non-interest

    9. Bored with its own ordinariness and suffering a permanent inferiority complex, the idea of enlightenment holds a seductive charm, since it promises to transform its banal existence into a fairy tale of bliss and ecstasy

    10. A life that choked her by its ordinariness

    11. Teresa seemed the epitome of ordinariness and there was not the slightest sign of the lesbian

    12. Is the sea in England like this?’ and I thought of the channel in the winter, battering against the rocks and cliffs off the Cornwall coast, my village a coast ghost town, the drowning crowds strolling along the front with their ninety nines and fish and chips, the air all cold and wet and the chips greasy and hot and how my stomach turned at the ordinariness of it all, that I craved it, and wanted it but just couldn’t face it

    13. I have lots of memories of an ordinary boyfriend and an ordinary bed, where the sheets weren’t that crisp and there were no staring eyes in the ceiling and there wasn’t that muffled, draped silence, there was music and ordinariness and natural light and he thought I was pretty, you bastard, he thought I was pretty, and I was pretty, and how dare you, how dare you, how dare you?

    14. It wasn’t beautiful people like Celeste who were drawing Jane’s eyes, but ordinary people and the beautiful ordinariness of their bodies

    15. Her face had latterly changed with changing states of mind, continually fluctuating between beauty and ordinariness, according as the thoughts were gay or grave

    16. and with that, such ordinariness! What a low-bred, irritable vanity! What an abject craving to faire du bruit autour de son nom, without noticing that son nom

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    Synonymes pour "ordinariness"

    mundaneness mundanity ordinariness